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Everything posted by Lixil

  1. Just a reminder to everyone that our Q&A with @MattScott starts in 30 minutes. (10 AM PT) The stream will be on Little Orbits mixer: https://mixer.com/LittleOrbit See you all there!
  2. Hello everyone! We have changed the 7-day restriction so that you guys can test it. Currently, the restriction is only 30 minutes after you create the character.
  3. Maybe make subforum on social, we already have too many pinned topics as it is here :x
  4. I can make a subforum for patch discussions if you guys want.
  5. Lixil

    [PC] Patch 1.19.6

    Hello everyone! We are having a patch on Thursday 9/6/2018. The maintenance will start a bit earlier then usual, 7AM UTC for the PC. We will be having extended downtime for Jericho and Han, which will last for 6 hours. Citadel will have normal downtime and will be down for 4 hours. This patch will include the following fixes: • Fixed an issue with sniper rifles that caused them to do less damage at max range than intended. • Updated the Prototype A and B District select images to better communicate they are special Districts. PS4 and XBOX will be having regular maintanance schedule on Wednesday 9/5/2018.
  6. I'll see what I can do. Regarding the topic our team is trying to see what we can do regarding the Amazon issue.
  7. Lixil

    Zombies request

    Offtopic shouldn't be counting posts. Need to test this today if it is ;o And you wanted attention!
  8. Lixil

    Zombies request

    @NotZombieBiscuit found you c.c But it'll have to go to offtopic. c;
  9. I'm going to be checking this thread today and see which questions we can reply to.
  10. Is this still an issue?
  11. Lixil


    May I ask if this issue was fixed?
  12. When was the last time you checked your clan name?
  13. I will try and see if I can reproduce this today. Is it in every mission?
  14. Do you have multiple HDDs? If so try installing game on different one.
  15. Our support team is over flodded with the tickets. They are replying to the tickets as fast as they can. I can understand it takes a lot of time and I am grateful to everyone that is patient. IF it's something that requires immediate assistance you can reach out to me to give support a nudge. This topic has been already made several times. I will not be merging them, however, I will be locking the thread.
  16. We have said that the report is disabled temporarily, our team is deciding what is the best way to have that feature as. As soon as we have more details to share about this we will be inform you all about it as well.
  17. Lixil

    Thank you mod

    Moving to the offtopic.
  18. I will note this down as a bug and also moving it to the bug forums.
  19. It has been fixed. The changes we are doing are just minor stuff we are trying to prevent the spam.
  20. Checking the settings, possible i just need to reset them. (We are doing bunch of changes due to the spammers)
  21. Thanks guys for the suggestions! They helped a lot! Gonna see what we can implement to the forums.
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