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Everything posted by zyde

  1. You could've done a 1+1 and realized that somebody took that name from me. And for the record, I have never been banned in any game in my entire life besides APB for a false chargeback that I was not able to prove to the support. And now that false ban for a reason I do not know? Which is why I am waiting for a reply from the support. You can feel free to search me up in the old forums or ffbans or whatever. My nicknames were liav/Vailei/GoldRifle in the forums. And in apb I have a bunch of nicknames because of a bunch of characters. (GoldRifle, neighborhood, Vailei, Envail, Trevail, phrin) As I said Vail was a taken name for some reason both in forums and ingame.
  2. You're smart, just wait till you get falsely banned once, ape.
  3. Everything you mentioned here doesn't seem like a mouse macro, It's just simply a script named as "macro" but it's literally counted as cheats, I mean. Changing the weapons ttk? neglecting recoil? That's cheats my man. And I'm not talking about cheats such as "trigachi" or ragekings etc. Just private scripts made by rookie coders.
  4. That name I have on the forums is just my internet nickname spelled backwards. (Vail) I haven't been in bronze district for ages. Just a few months ago 1 time where I played with a close friend of mine and his girlfriend (she is a bronze and wasn't enjoying the game on the silver district) I don't even know how to reply to you. I mean, I can't prove that I'm not lying, but I can also say to you that I ain't lying... Just saying, that it's very easy to know whether a friend cheats or not. Especially when you play with them for years, you see their streams/recordings and you SEE that they simply just don't cheat. Everyone has their good days when their aim feels like an aimbot but it's just not it.. You just play insanely good for no reason, and the next day your aim could be potato.
  5. Thank you, I guess. It's just depressing that you KNOW you did nothing wrong and nobody believes you. Macros are dumb and useless, I don't think it should be bannable. My freaking fingers go the same speed as a macro. and if that macro makes your gun shoot faster, than that's a cheat program, not a macro.
  6. Yeah, this forum community is PACKED with silvers that know nothing about this game, their fat patootie sits here typing on the forums 24/7 trying to be relevant instead of actually playing the game. And then they be like "I was never false banned" Well you damn right you aren't. You barely even have kills smh
  7. Ok then, you're right about my friends. I couldn't be 100% sure never about them. But one thing, I NEVER will share my account with anybody and never did. And I was never worried until the false ban struck me. And basically what he said too.
  8. You really don't have to, I don't care about what people think. I know that myself and close friends of mine that I know for YEARS never even touched cheat programs. So you can keep laughing, untill the next false ban wave hits you too.
  9. I have to agree with you on anything you've said brother, this is pure madness that they just give the experienced players straight L's in the face and let us open a reroll ...... This has been the first time I've been falsely banned and I never believed it was true untill it happened. So all of you saying "no such thing" Just wait, it will happen some day.
  10. I really appreciate your hard work, I really do. But you really should be careful about those bans, I know a massive amount of friends of mine including myself that were falsely banned. I personally would rather have a game full of cheaters than getting banned on my account... I've never been so bored in my last week without the game and I feel like you should do something better than this crappy program of Battleye. I personally didn't cheat and never will, but I know how easy it is to bypass this anticheat and that people STILL run at the moment cheating BLATANTLY which means speed hacks and more. Kinda sad that dozens of legit players are banned while they aren't.
  11. It's a good idea overall, But I don't know if it's worth the trouble... Since this game is going downhill every day that passes.
  12. I would agree with the fact that there's way too many cheaters in here. But I disagree with your screenshot Evidence. I myself have numerous times to scores like this with my older PC aswell. (35~ fps)
  13. I'm going to quote myself: "Almost every weapon in the armas marketplace is a reskin of an already existing weapon that you can buy for 10 days lease. And those who aren't reskins are not even that good and can be countered by other free weapons." with that being said, your point is only half true.
  14. I guess that you didn't play this game enough to understand and realize, that this game is absolutely NOT pay to win. Almost every weapon in the armas marketplace is a reskin of an already existing weapon that you can buy for 10 days lease. And those who aren't reskins are not even that good and can be countered by other free weapons. The only "good" weapons that I can think of which are not reskins and are STILL easily countered are probably gonna be the: Euryale, OSCAR, CSG/TAS20. Can't think of anything else currently.
  15. Search bar for mail and armas please
  16. It isn't a bug, G1 did that on purpose back in the days so you couldn't use them outside the event timelines
  17. Instead of majuler, write propanity. Because he makes good stuff not only on that character
  18. Do we have an estimated time for the servers coming back up?
  19. That would be a big no from me I'm sure you never heard the good stuff yet Also, I don't think anybody mentioned LIF besides Kemp. He deserves a lot more love since he's one of the oldest and best theme makers alongside propanity and others
  20. +1 on that one. amazing gun design overall. terrible balance made on it. you're ideas seem quite reasonable and not too strong.
  21. FR0G is one of my favorite pistols, I don't know what are you guys about. It could easily be top meta. It's that pistol u use on close range. Not the pistol you use with your shotgun or smg for the longer range.
  22. Nothing is better than the beacon and my yearly 200+ blitzkrieg 4 medals
  23. Just let the game die already. Even Epic Games company wouldn't revive it at this point.
  24. That's Literally what i said in different words, They invest time for a website design instead of HELPING urgent cases.
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