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Everything posted by sweetLemonade

  1. Can you actually let us test these ourselves? Having community feedback on changes is important as well. You could implement Test Districts for general gameplay tests, like in the old days!
  2. Actually, now that you've mentioned the UI, one of the bigger projects for G1/RP back in the days was to port APB to Scaleform. Currently, the game runs on half Scaleform, half old UI (forgot the name of it), thus creating a mess when it comes to performance. Is your team gonna tackle that with the UE3.5 upgrade or earlier? If possible, I'd like to see a proper, modern UI similar to Panorama in CSGO, that's not based on 'bloatware' like Flash.
  3. would definitely love to see this option tweakable in-game to test, as most of the time disabling OneFrameThreadLag causes lower input lag in Unreal Engine games. (some games induce stutters, worse performance) wait, does this mean disabling onethreadframelag fixes the fps-dependant input? (the one mentioned in the post above)
  4. not only does it change priority and affinity, you can change your power plan and theres a thing called 'probalance' that lowers the usage of other programs in the background, while keeping all the power on focus on the game (especially if you buy the program, it's free and most of the features can be used free.) well, chilled in social for a while browsing the market, didn't encounter any issues thus far. oh, and messing around with cpu priority is unnecessary. you can put it at above normal (better than high iirc) if you really want to. windows asserts priorities properly on it's own, so no need to fiddle with it.
  5. It's a client sided anti-cheat, different compared to fairfight (checks for stats compared to checking your game) Implementing FairFight again with it would yield to better results most likely.
  6. using a similar, but better program called ProcessLasso. i'm very sure it won't cause any issues, as long as it doesn't inject itself into the game.
  7. so basically youre allowing any kind of apbcompat.ini edits, great to know.
  8. it's placebo, get over it, no scientific way of testing. what im curious about though is where you got this "technical standpoint" info from?
  9. Most definitely true! You can check out most of the weapon stats at 3rd party sites like APBDB and APBVault, but I'm not sure how up to date they are. Hopefully LO will make something similar and implement it in-game/ARMAS.
  10. yeah, this is why you attack QS by attacking HVR damage and the pull out time maybe. great song btw!
  11. Yes, you're right. I'm sorry for being impolite and a douche. My response was too harsh and I didn't read through your post properly. What caught my attention instantly was your proposed Cooling Jacket change which would most definitely break stuff more than it would fix it. The proposed ammo changes are fine but unnecessary honestly, the Improved Rifling change is, well, a buff but not sure how that would translate in practice. I'd like to add, balancing weapon mods is a extremely complex process. Especially with the wide variety of weapons and mods this game has. One can touch a certain mod and alter it slightly, making one gun or a set of guns completely broken or just stronger than anything else. There's a huge thread on weapon balancing, check out the opinions there. IMO, balancing weapons and then the mods would result in a better overall gun play. As I've mentioned numerious times in the huge thread, a test district is more than necessary for this.
  12. I do recall people being unsatisfied with how G1 didn't apply the proper patch in each districts, thus unable to properly test out higher TTK. But you get my point, I find the current ttk a gray zone for me. I neither dislike nor like it. Dirty Bomb is an example of a TTK (higher than APB) I prefer, it enforces more mouse aiming and tracking imo.
  13. The PMG is more powerful than the JG in most CQC scenario, except REALLY CQC and cornerpeeking (we're talking till 10m, even then, the JG just decides to be random and be a 3 shot.) There's a point up until certain guns should be buffed/nerfed, especially the wide variety of guns APB possesses. This is why test districts with feedback and data (kill % vs similar weapons in same range etc.) are splendid for weapon balancing.
  14. Meant high TTK as in RTW ttk or the old high ttk districts. I remember being fascinated and baffled by how nice they were. Yeaaaaaah, I kinda forgot mid-way about the 'focusing balance around what players say' part and how messy that can be.
  15. There isn't any other game that I could think of at that moment. Besides, it's the most popular FPS eSport, so yeah. Comparing APB to Quake/CPMA, PUBG, OW doesn't work out as well because they're completely different games. Fortnite COULD slightly compare to APB, but it's a completely different genre that doesn't focus on weapons that much.
  16. That would bring up the high TTK topic again, which is sadly a far away galaxy as many don't like this approach to the game. Honestly now, I haven't played APB that extensively in a year or so, forgot how quick the NTEC is. A slower recovery time could work out quite well, but as I've said, a test server that has weekly changes applied to it (community as a whole decides on changes by voting) would work wonders!
  17. yeah and this is why a majority of the community shouldn't be entitled to even talk about weapon balancing, and not even think about changing up weapon mods.
  18. That's the thing, if you start the nerf circle, there has to be a gun that becomes dominant over the other. A test district, as mentioned by the user you've quoted, would be fantastic to test out the issues people have with some guns. I find that the NTEC's current state is a nice balance point, from which on other guns are supposed to be buffed and/or nerfed. It's supposed to be the most versatile gun and most played gun, like the AK in CS (IMO) The Scout part, as I've made a post on it as well, I disagree on. A compromise would be to make it like in CS, but that would be essentially the same thing just a bit worse. The HVR, on the damage part you're 100% right, heck I'd even try out 720dmg, like in the old high ttk servers. You have a point on the noscoping part as well. You can noscope to extreme ranges, nerfing it by making the crosshair bigger (a.k.a decreasing crouching accuracy as mentioned), would be interesting to play test at least.
  19. As Matt mentioned, APB on UE4 is really far off. The current goal is to release a proper anticheat, then getting the game to UE3.5 so that they can release content. Then they'll start the huge process of writing APB to UE4.
  20. Okay, time to actually write down a post to post my opinion on how I'd balance the guns. First off, a overall improvement on the netcode and overall less RNG on all guns, that's what I'd like to see, then: Scout - bring jumpshooting back, i literally don't see a reason for it not being back, it made the gun fun to play and it was so easy to counter. And the animation delay that happens after you shoot a shot with it (though thats due to sprintshooting not being a thing anymore). OBIR has the same issue as well. Remove them for the guns to be more dynamic. HVR & variants - lowering damage to 720/725/750 (whatever works out best) COBR-A - reverting back the changes when to when it got 'ninja' buffed, that was the most fun COBR-A. Shotguns - actually make them less RNG, I swear the JG is unusable sometimes. Overall they're fine. Scoped NTEC & URSUS - Revert them back to their old state, before the huge 'ntec nerf' Tommy Gun - I remember it being better before they nerfed it, get it back to that state. STAR LCR - same story as with the tommy gun, unsure on this one. STAR & variants - IIRC, this gun never got any changes to it, I'd like to see it getting a bit of a accuracy buff OCA - Get it back to the state before it got buffed (the one that made it "op") so less people cry about it. (This one is a big ??? for me personally, as I don't find the OCA that broken) VAS C2 - now this is a tricky one, I'd like to see it be on par with the ATAC honestly, but without being the sniper it was back in the days. Now, I can't vouch for the new guns that got recently released cause I've barely tried them/have never tried them (Norsemen guns, S1 series etc.) oh, and I'd love to see a higher TTK (longer time to kill) and sprintshooting back (makes the game more dynamic and fun), but we'll probably never see this due to the developers not wanting to improve the netcode and animations.
  21. The only thing which affected input lag in APB are the OneThreadFrameLag and the mouse fix. What you experienced is probably less tearing, thus perceiving it as smoother. You could try FastSync or the AMD alternative of it in the drivers (cant remember the name of the amd equivalent), or just cap the game at a framerate you enjoy with rivatuner statistics (part of msi afterburner as mentioned in this thread already)
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