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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. When you have been right more? yes it does. ok I misunderstood then.
  2. Title : Little Orbit please listen to PoundOfFlesh My first thought : who is that ?
  3. Pretty rude to flat out accuse someone of lying Especially given whom it is , is clearly not just anyone. Members 3452 9957 posts Joined Dec 2014
  4. They listened to you and BXNNXD (which both had good ideas) so yes they listen.
  5. I quoted you twice on this. You have been contradicting yourself a while now. re-read what I quoted from you.
  6. wouldn't that be a "to be continued" hopefully because i want racing too.
  7. so NO ONE asked for it just because YOU don't like it sure sure
  8. Wow people are still arguing.... That's why I suggested this : but I am still undecided. pros : You get to try guns out in a new game mode and guns you may buy later.. cons : you have to share your toys for that mode until it goes back to normal (it was my suggestion to revert back afterwards)
  9. Yes you did blame them. The two posts of yours is clearly saying its their fault. Do you expect everything from the past 10 years to magically be fixed in no time at all? And there are updates on what is going on every first of the month. Sometimes more than that. Plenty of lists were made over what work they have done for APB but to you its "nothing" The community wanted new content . Well what did you expect , collecting gum drops ? As mentioned by others , even G1 wanted a BR mode of their own for APB. You are complaining about population decreasing but also complaining over an attempt for new content , that in this case is popular enough in other games , that can lure in new players to APB. Make up your mind already.
  10. I agree with Kewlin. unless of course you want me to car bomb you into oblivion. Seriously bentobox ...... think first before you take my car especially as ops !!!
  11. There are enough threads mentioning population is low and that new players are needed. upgrading a game with no players without balancing new content can not help APB. Also blaming Little Orbit for how the game was designed by RTW and G1 really is not fair. It was said countless times that after the engine upgrade , Little Orbit is going to focus on matchmaking , threat , and phasing. People kept harassing wanting new content so Little Orbit gave new content. They listened to the community and now the community is making excuses to blame Little Orbit for what the community chose. A new color would do nothing to help APB and instead would only mess up matchmaking even further. people quit enough over seeing the color gold as if gold = a god player who can not be defeated. How much more would another color intimidate and get people to quit matches and APB entirely then. Also how would you work the current matchmaking for how many people to bring in as ops? You can not just jam 3 people per color or it will not be balanced. while two bronze vs one silver is usually balanced enough , two silver vs a gold is usually unbalanced towards the gold. And then since it is a new color you want you would need 3 people instead. well 3 vs one is highly unfair so then wouldn't they have the right to call backup? Oh wait that means whomever is available would join so look here comes some golds to that diamond while the other team has silvers. Just imagine how fast people would quit APB over that? It would play head games and anyone new would absolutely quit from it. Many threads on matchmaking and threat talk about this all in detail. And they were right. The best course of action would be Little Orbit working on matchmaking , threat , and phasing and not instead taking their time trying to make the current matchmaking and threat work which clearly doesn't or we wouldn't have dethreating problems. Theres a thread by MattScott going into detail on this.
  12. new chars made or bought from silvers and golds would break this. this particular line in your statement wont work because of it.
  13. The way I see it is even if RIOT is not big with those of us who have been here , it may or may not be for those yet to play APB but either way it adds on more content to APB at least. But what other things would you guys like to see for new APB modes to play ?
  14. If I remember correctly RIOT is still in beta testing which is what we are doing now. If the company listened to you we'd all be emos lol
  15. Ok thank you. I am not for it happening and I am not against it happening. If there is a special mode made to where its an event that happens , like how GTA 5 online rotates stuff in and out for people to chose to play or not , then I wouldn't mind.
  16. If it is a special event round for FC then I don't know why not so long as after it is over people get their normal guns back. A new mode to add onto the others already in FC would be fine by me. I mean how else would you add onto an already existing FC map. but that just my thinking and not even my opinion since I am undecided
  17. Theres bound to be bugs since they did say it is not quite the fist season yet. CookiePuss mentioned the details of what he knows on other threads I personally do not remember the details
  18. so the complaint is that others who don't have that gun , can then try that gun , that they are most likely unskilled with , but might get a better chance of killing you in a fair fight?
  19. Not doing that does not = caring less business practices suggest rushing out info can lead to problems in the long run. Define same mistakes. Because from what I have seen it is not appearing so.
  20. there's places out here that take the cans crushed or not that give you full price. So yes here it can be done.
  21. And that is the reason why I wish others had opportunities like available here.
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