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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. too bad we dont have a specific customizable skin for a gun like other features of apb That would be fun to make our own then as well
  2. ok thanks for clearing that up makes perfect sense to me keep up the good work cookie btw i fell asleep thinking about this..... its stupid but its bugging me if cookie eats a cookie is it cannibalism.... ........... told you it w stupid lol
  3. Never once said it was a cure all. I did say in a different thread how its a step in the right direction so they can start fixing things that cant be fixed otherwise. The real question would be why you keep trying to be a downer over good things happening.....
  4. no G1 was not generous. G1 made high prices on ARMAS to take as much money from players as possible. G1 made multiple guns of the exact same name and type of gun just so someone would have to buy the gun again to make it account bound. Because Little Orbit released the prizes in this manner many who did not have them before do have them now. Fine by me. do we have those hats and ear muffs in game already?
  5. Technically both since it has happened to me without voip on and voip can cause it to happen as well. Edit : remember I am only saying I know part of the reason by no means so I know everything about this
  6. After what we just went through I don't even want to consider gun balancing until after the engine upgrades are done. 1 so that the engine can fix many things we can not fix with the current engine and 2 that Little Orbit will get more experience on this matter so that we don't have a major struggle again like what recently occurred. I don't want to put pressure on them to rush this again. Also 2011 was not a good time for guns. many bugs were fixed between then and now. no thank you we don't need that again either. That other thread covered this.
  7. Ok now I have somewhat of an idea what is going on. Certain times the engine for APB does not always play the district sounds properly. Sometimes sounds are muffled and can not be heard properly from it happening. This is yet another reason the engine upgrade is needed so that bugs can be addressed properly. Other than that little crumb I do not know much about this.
  8. question : Epidemic almost over. What new district we get instead of it? Answer : It's a surprise Details : New content coming was mentioned by MattScott - may be irrelevant to this however
  9. I do not hear any problem with footsteps sounding. Are you using headphones?
  10. But technically fixing ARMAS is a sale and a great one at that.
  11. A new fight club map from financial or waterfront could be made with various features Thanks to the barrels for the Halloween event its possible to do a tower defense style between two teams. (might not be the correct terms used) A few games do a similar thing on their maps. smash the towers to make the core vulnerable then hit the core to win. Beacon would be nice as well I miss that. but there's also new possibilities thanks to the Halloween event from Little Orbit
  12. technically this is a Halloween event however they could bring it back around march-ish when there are no real holidays so that some can try again.
  13. Is this event going to be held again next year? If so the ones who could not complete this event from the first few days being problematic could try again next year at least as a consolation prize
  14. that is what he claims I said but I never typed that. I did say pc is behind consoles from the 3.5 update which he understood. I also stated how consoles can not be updated the same as pc which was mentioned in the Q&A which he clearly didn't read or he'd know and not be harassing me. The fact remains pc upgraded will give the proper means to fix consoles and is needed first which is why Little Orbit is doing it that way. Didn't little orbit say something about with the engine upgrade there wasn't time to do consoles coding and approval for the event as well with bug checking etc? I can not remember exactly what was said on that.
  15. against ToS private matter that can not be discussed in public GM's can not ban.... proper channels should be respected so this is a good thing. you look more and more like the person banned with multiple accounts rather than someone else who is just clueless stepping in to be toxic. either way you do not have a right to be causing a disturbance on private matters with other players (if they truly exist). no Hawaiian pizza then? what?????
  16. obey the terms of service then. Also there's ways to prove if they are in fact all playing or if its just multiple accounts. I need to add another thing that was not brought up. Intentionally trying to cause financial harm to Little Orbit over a ban is not ok either. I'd ban you for that alone if it were my call. I'm glad it's not I don't like the thought of power like that. yes lets all go to your personal UNSECURED website so you can hack us....... $%%^ NO
  17. actually yes it is. plus you clearly deceive people way too much for anyone's stomach. ^ this. One final thought. MattScott has been posting from the start on this and can not discuss in public anyone's personal and private matters. That is not hiding the truth but that is respecting peoples privacy. Learn some manners please.
  18. No we dont you can never truly leave its a drug twitchers are known for being aliens what one person does mistake or otherwise does not say that is how Little Orbit does things . people are human. too many false accusations by you (twisted words are in fact deception and false) so no thanks. If you don't want to play that is your call. Many of us do.
  19. APB does not have missions that can translate to 1v1 without being severely outmatched just by placement of objectives and the time it takes 1 on 1. I agree the ability to start 1 on 1 missions should be taken out. Either that or let both sides call in backup immediately so that it wont be 1v1 Little orbit is already fixing APB but there is a lot of spaghetti coding to go through. It will take time. Little Orbit did not design APB it is not their fault can you fix that wall of test please? it makes it hard to help you.
  20. en·ti·tle·ment the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment. oxford dictionaries From the start you threw attitude my way from my very first post on this thread. Do you realize you have not invalidated any comment I have made on my opinions against your opinions? You've been coming off as hostile from the start angry typing minion lol. I never once said console did not have a poor frame rate , but you sure did try to put words in my mouth claiming I said things that I did not. You never once said you wanted a status update however you did feel obligated to jump my direction right away and didn't like that you didn't faze me. Little Orbit is the first ones who said this first post of mine about what to fix first and why. If they knew of a way to do both at once I'm sure they'd try They just tried gun balancing just like that - their hearts are in the right place If you really want an update , you can have the gun balancing pc just went through....... sure you'd love that as much as we did.....sigh Little Orbit mentioned that thy are aware of the shelved optimizations as are those of us on the forums regularly. I do not recall any statement suggesting they were a good idea however. Nice way of trying to expand your argument though but that's not a good way to get me to agree with you. Brute force is a bad idea to try on me. It shows too much selfishness on your part especially when I quoted how Little Orbit said that after pc is fixed they can fix many of the problems on consoles properly. Kinda like laying a proper foundation for a house that did not get one the first time by whomever built it. Let me clear that one up since you did not understand. Pushing an update for consoles can not just be tossed out. It can not be changed so easily when something goes wrong. This was also stated a few times by MattScott and how pc needs to be done first since consoles need a solid update or they can not be approved. To go back to my first post on this thread That is the status update Little Orbit gave yet again just a few weeks ago. At no time does that say I was against him in any way. It does say what I had to spell out for you however.....sigh Feel free to disagree. everyone is their own person however putting words in my mouth and throwing attitude in the aisle because I don't agree with you wont benefit. I've been going by what statements Little Orbit has said and I will continue to do so especially since they do not keep us in the dark or flat out lie to us like G1 did in the past. Doesn't mean there wont be bumps in the road but once again their hearts are in the right place and when it comes to fixing APB as a whole. You cant just push an update out. its not how it works. That's why pc needs to be fixed first. but like I said I doubt you read anything on this at all *shrugs* I disagree. I like the thought of APB reaching out to broad horizons. Just as long as its done properly first.
  21. G1 would do another massive ban wave of everyone they missed before when people were upset at them for milking us rather than actually working on the engine upgrade. Anyways Little Orbit is doing better than we have had in years. Some people who were bitter from G1 have calmed down and realized Little Orbit is trying their best. not like anyone is perfect. All anyone can ask for.
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