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Everything posted by Aeronaut

  1. the first time i experienced it was about last night. can't remember the time.
  2. game suggestions = something you'd like to see added to game like a mode or clothing. bug issues = something that exists that should be altered to be fixed. this looks like a bug. pretty sure it wasn't intended for players to not be able to see through these objective circles.
  3. not really a bug, but more of a quality of life improvement. the circle is way too high, and the opacity is too high on it as well. could be fixed by either keeping the same opacity fade thingy, and just lowering the height, or lowering the opacity to like 15% and halfing the height.
  4. good luck. don't be discourage when you don't receive responses back from applications. that's part of the process unfortunately. that's why it's so important to apply to as many places as you can and then you can sort through the ones that have expressed interest. im not from canada but iirc, living in the big cities might be difficult because of lack of space or high rent costs. be prepared to commute if you're able to find a job there.
  5. i just got peppersprayed
  6. i don't like scary sounding stuff I don't even watch scary movies. I was forced to watch The Nun.
  7. Aeronaut


    where am i wait is it necessary to sign your posts when your profile name is already displayed?
  8. i go old school and pour drain cleaner into my eyes. stings but it raises my other senses.
  9. i accidented. changed it. yeah, like i stated, i was debating on announcing the relaunch because lack of content but once it has more meat, it should be better. but i don't want to always give out excuses that it's "not done yet". so i guess announcing it early is good because valuable feedback is valuable.
  10. Aeronaut


    i dont orientate with e-peens no thank you
  11. Aeronaut


    i'll take any donations
  12. Aeronaut

    what if pt2

    what if i never talked
  13. Aeronaut


    this is like colby but advanced yet regressed within the same paradigm this i do enjoy much.
  14. Aeronaut

    what if pt2

    what if we really did team watch and /report 'username'? would this game become more successful?
  15. Aeronaut

    what if

    hello social anxiety
  16. Aeronaut

    what if

    what if neume never mixed up waterfront and financial? how successful would apb be?
  17. this rumor happened i think a year ago. and the year after that. and the year after that.
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