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Everything posted by Aeronaut

  1. lucky. i wish i i had multiple buttcheeks.
  2. we really need to address your alcohol problems.
  3. if you owned a business, your number one concern would be the amount of money flowing in because without money, there is no company. if you kept track of customer purchases, you would want to encourage sales when you notice that there's less customers making purchases on average. how can you cause a surge of purchases at a relatively low cost? discounts/sales as a customer, if you saw that company X was announcing a discount soon on this date, what would be most likely happen? purchases would drop significantly until that date in which you'd see a huge spike of purchases. why take an unneccessary action like announcing a discount and minimizing your maximmum amount of purchases when you can announce it out of nowhere and make it seem like a surprise and special. if people are willing to wait seasons for the next summer sale on steam, then it's not unreasonable to assume that people are willing to wait a few weeks for an announced sale. tldr - please stop asking for sales.
  4. sorry i partied too hard. jk i spent my night playing monopoly fallout edition and getting fucked by the system. 6 hour game believe it or not.
  5. lemme do my best fortune runner impression
  6. lemme do my best cookypuss impression GG
  7. so if i lose the original device that had google authenticator, what are my options? contacting support? also, for some reason, i've revoked 2fa on my web browser, but on my phone, it still asks for a code?
  8. it's a stretch tbh. it'd sound more like "sith on my fath"
  9. what is that suppose to mean is this a threat do I need to call my lawyer
  10. and you tell her to "sit on your face"
  11. take the blowtorch neck thingy and jab it into your enemies orifices. no need to turn on the burny function otherwise you'll create smelly smells. wait, how violent can text be before it gets deleted from the forums?
  12. i much prefer more fps and better response versus having average graphics and lower fps. this is the only game where i don't do that. i don't want to play a game that looks like a ps2 game in 2018.
  13. 3 sounds fair. but im the type of person who'd rather just stick with one character rather than make a bunch of different ones...
  14. windows xp was my favorite. what made windows vista bad?
  15. Aeronaut


    dude I actually went golfing like a few days ago. i wish I knew how to swing a golf.
  16. Aeronaut


  17. if you're just interested in talking to the friends you made them you should add them on steam or discord. the best way to find out changes is to just play. but if you're afraid that it's going to interrupt school then you're making a mature decision unless you trust yourself enough to have that much self discipline. you can also go to reddit.com/r/apb and click on the [official] tag to see most of the noteworthy updates regarding the game.
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