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Everything posted by ch4ncer

  1. stay the F away from us
  2. I see you take a huge pride in that any other signifficant life achievements ?
  3. stupid thread lol. a bunch of credit card warriors fighting over who sucks the least, although deep down they know they all suck. lmao. this is so 2014
  4. amen to that. mr robot really got me hooked.
  5. Mr Robot is the only series worth watching.
  6. Don't forget to validate nearby people's parking abilities, should you come across such.
  7. Did you manage to park thin air yet ? Whatever answer you provide, you won't get a lollipop.
  8. Do you feel validated yet. Whatever answer you provide will be pretty pathetic.
  9. ch4ncer

    Goodnight .

    my fingers are falling asleep
  10. No, there's no such thing as experienced scammer or sweet talking or anything, it boils down to the percentage of obliviousness the victim has, I've never been scammed on any game or any of my online ventures that I run, it's either your way or the high way, if they refuse to comply to hell with them, next. Besides all of that, refrain from participating in shady activities that you are unsure of. Risk management is key.
  11. No, I was actually genuinely interested how dumb some people are in here.
  12. Yes this is a very american thread indeed. I mean I could tell by the wholesome content. On a side note though, on a scale from one to oblivious how braindead are you ?
  13. All I see is one huge reaching, I'm not going to disclose (( especially in a place like this )) what I work, but you couldn't be further from the truth in regards to the situation with the markets, investing in gold is a no-no, it fluctuates, supply and demand are very biased by major players' supply and demand, dollar strength, and other indexes, if anything, in a case like this one should invest in land, they don't make it any more, and it will be a very precious asset in the future, whereas gold is still being dug, progressively at that, for cheap in Eastern European countries and then shipped out. 90% of the market moves are driven by algorithms from huge financial institutions , hedge fonds, banks and stock investors, only time when they're not algo-driven is when major players buy cupious amounts of an asset or currency unexpectedly in order to run liquidity grabs/ stops runs. You can bet that whales won't give a flying fuсk about the " little crysis "of some third world countrie when far more important tasks are to be met, like making multi-million orders or deals and cashing out the very same day.
  14. I hereby declare this thread 100% curse free ! Nothing bad or evil will happen to anyone who posts here and superstitious claims will have no effect !
  15. i'd close it and throw it in the fire.
  16. not my fault you're an open book.
  17. nah, Im pretty sure life alone is choking you pretty hard, no need to overdo stuff.
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