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Everything posted by ch4ncer

  1. This thread is about as original as a domestic deep fryer.
  2. Ha. You're funny. You should be a funny man on a stage, cracking funny jokes, making people laugh.
  3. I kinda hoped people would complain and whine less.
  4. please stop being presumptuous like that....
  5. You're not entitled to sh*t, it doesn't work like this. God, the amount of whining in this community...
  6. Critical levels of no-life have been reached. Abort.
  7. 1st. Quit your drama-stirring bullcrаp, you're not being a part of a solution, rather, you're just interpreted as a whiny little bitсh, just like 90% of this commmunity. 2nd. Nobody gives a fuсk about your steam charts. Not everyone here plays APB through steam.
  8. Im pretty sure it's a specially enabled person.
  9. Someone got beat up real hard when they were confronted with facts and called out for stuff that happaned to them in the past, then tries to play it off as if they upset someone, lmayoo :')
  10. Nothing would happen, ever :') and you know it, so nothing to be worrying about.
  11. Meh... you have an 8-bit mind in a 64-bit world. No, we are human, human minds cannot be measured in bits. And even if that was the case, bits will always grow just like numbers do, so that " 64-bit world " you speak of will hold water and remain tangible for a very short period of time. :'] oops
  12. Nice. Now do a shallow, trivial judgement of me as a person, based solely on my forum avatar. Not gonna give you the pleasure :']
  13. God forbid people express what they like on the internet :V I got no issue with that, it's a personal opinion and preference , it can help me asses the type of person Im speaking/ chatting with and if wether I'd want to have anything to do with them.
  14. As you've mentioned it yourself, the shotguns have already been taken care of, the cheater unbanning was done in attempt to give people second chance without LO necessarily being aware of the masses' nature, the rest I interpret as LO's first attempts in approaching a totally different type of game, where they arent aware of too many things. Patience is key, if 95% of this community were traders they'd literally die of starvation, lol.
  15. It says people are expecting the world and its not going to fuсking happen. Atleast not at once.
  16. I dont drink milk but I smoke alot of cookies.
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