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Kitty Yekaterina

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  1. When are we getting new clothing!? Thats most important question. New content! In a sign of a good will, can you check the unchecked box near the body swimsuit which was made by g1 and is still inside the code, the case which is identical to car mirage. Car mirage was promised for xmas event and was delivered. Swimsuit was promised for "maybe" easter event but was not delivered. Can you guys just check that box next to it so that you maybe invite some old players back? Or is it too much to ask too? P.S. I am aware just 1 clothing piece wont invite everybody back, but since majority of ppl lost any hope for anything new, you could maybe at least give us this, since its already in the code? Should be an easy task for that 1 programmer that works for ur Lil orbit. At this point nobody cares for engine upgrade anymore. Sorry I dont mean to sound harsh, but it is what it is.
  2. Could we get update on this pls from any gm? Since gm ritual who started all this quit lil orbit. Can we get update from new gm on hers/his place? Is this still a thing? Does anyone work on new clothes section? Can we at least get that swimsuit which was programmed since start of the game but never unlocked from g1 and which exists in files like new car mirage so that u bring some old players back perhaps?
  3. So basically not a single new thing? No unique backpack, no unique clothes, not a single new item. Just refurbish of all old stuff. Such buffed cisco is still gonna be crap compared to vegas 4x4 which can ram it into building and blow it up, while driver of vegas survives the impact. That one year we got unique clothing fishnets for xmas...the good years when it was actually worth it to enter apb. Instead of buffing weapons which are useless and always were useless and will be useless now after this buff, you should nerf .45 pistol which is destroying your game in front of your very eyes. Put at least 1 more bullet to kill or change ttk.
  4. how about u guys just add bottom of the fishnet t shirt u rewarded us for halloween event? It always seemed like its missing a bottom part that connects with ur in game one, like high roller bundle high waist pants just fishnet version, under which we can wear underwear pants thongs etc. How is this idea? Or like for example either full body ones:
  5. wut! wut!!? whats so funny? -.- it is washing money it is! pffft
  6. Are you serious? Person you are implying, aside being toxic waste personality since forever, was multiple exposed and banned by FF. He is no better than rest of "controversial" people from the list of same keen. I sincerely hope you are rooting for yourself from your alt. Dont know a single person who respect or even like the guy you suggested. Huge no tnx. Bye.
  7. There are more of them "legit" ones on the list from good ol' times nowadays "respected" veterans to newcomers. Should i say, controversial ones *cough*
  8. Game is in bad state as it is, newcomers are literally applauded if they stay more than a 24 hours. Game has always been unfriendly to real new players. You get 0 $ which is 0 motivation to even try getting into customization of your outfits along with 0 decals for symbol creation. Best advice is do the tutorial. You will get nice free things (only free things you get in the game). It includes permanent weapon of your choice which is nice thing for start. Second best advice is, in the district list, uncheck the box next to recommended districts and use entire districts list instead. Then join bronze / green servers which will still be hard but not as hard as silver districts. Do not for your own good join silver districts. Because if you play there, you wont even last 24hours before you uninstall. Create crime and cop character. Use crime for ram raid at empty servers (crashing into shops, taking items to your contact, and washing money at wash money loundry location on the map). With in game money you can buy yourself nice clothes, songs, themes, symbols, etc, shorty you can buy a motivation to give APB a chance. Good luck
  9. Well thats a diplomatic word to describe them. If you only knew their beginnings in the community.... Alas lets see the beta upgrade
  10. With engine upgrade, new contacts and new levels. Hopefully this year as planned by LO.
  11. If you purchase new car from marketplace or armas, and you got no car slots, it will just stay in mail box forever. My suggestion is, either sell some of cars you got, since all of them cant be non tradable preset cars from contacts, or simply put car you dont need or dont use often at marketplace and then cancel it. It will be sent to your mailbox without expire date, so that is your locker enlargement improvisation right there. Its what veterans use since forever.
  12. If only game rating would literally work and somehow would prevent kids from joining to adult game this game community would be literally angelic. Since you cant prevent that, any further philosophy is exactly as it sounds like. Useless philosophy not reality. All of us meet personalities in APB acting as 5 year olds or worse. RTW, G1, LO, regardless any new company taking over, can write APB is rating +1 for all we care, its still fact kids play this game, because their parents couldn't care less of actually raising their own child. They buy their peace from work, with new pc gift to their child, and they let internet shape and raise that kid. Internet is full of lonely bitter clueless bullies who are in fact simply non educated, no mannered non guided children without any principles or protocols to follow. So in conclusion rating of game is irrelevant. You cant stop kids from joining games with rating +18 or +21.
  13. But Easter event was trash (no offense LO ). Aside of useless titles as rewards and annoying utterly useless opgl event which served just to convince people to leave dynamic event district sooner than intended, there was literally nothing worthy in this year's event. I was shocked to see that you couldnt even get bunny ears or bunny mask like ALL literally ALL years before 2020, including 2019 under LO management, meaning people had one huge ZERO motivation for the event. Only useful thing, was 1500 joker tickets, and new joker store permanent weapons given out by LO...thats it. Literally. So its not because of event 1000000000%. Only thing left is corona and #stayhome thingy. People got bored so badly that they thought to themselves..omg apb i forgot about that game, lets reinstall and see whats new and if engine upgrade finally came. They ll stay 1 week, see everything is the same like all years before it (aside few new clothing items and 1 new legendary) and they ll leave the game.
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