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Everything posted by Darkzero3802

  1. Ive never had an FPS drop over time personally. Its always been steady for me but was never the highest due to said lack of optimization. Both win 7 and 10. I just bring up steam and launch the game through the APB launcher.
  2. I would be three but ive barely been playing so I dont exactly count anymore. Not the best player in the world but I can say that ive always been legit.
  3. APB runs like crap on anything cause the game isnt optimized. Its also on highly outdated software that hasnt been updated for newer stuff and the servers they use are low end that really cant handle the game. You will never get APB to run well so long as they dont fix these issues on their end. Ppl have resported to using other programs to make APB run decently but personally I just run APB as itself.
  4. Wish they fixed the premium timer.... oh right. Its been broken since the pandemic giveouts and they never fixed the time for me. If anyone remembers I had rotator cuff surgery back in 2019. Did halloween via controller and one hand. Need it again as ive been in pain since.
  5. So something was added to the game and it had a ton of bugs. What a shocker.
  6. I would think APB could still be played on win 7 as the game hasnt had any true changes in a decade and still runs Unreal 3.0. Biggest issue is if win 7 will allow it as its no longer supported by Microsoft.
  7. Ive been busy dealing with irl stuff. Like buying my own house and requiring surgery again (2nd still pending) But hey. Whats severe pain daily. Only thing ive seen thats changed around here is that you cant buy premium time anymore.
  8. You should have been working on matchmaking when you first bought the game. Not wait till 2023 to even look at it. It was a major flaw that everyone has been yelling about since the beginning. Add on the dethreating problem and it only gets worse. You also need to squash the dethreating problem in the community along with matchmaking if you want any chance at fair games. A revamp to the threat system would also be beficial to this cause.
  9. If LO had fixed the major QOL flaws back when they first bought the game instead of being blinded by the upgrade that never could maby the game might be decent now. But instead they waited till mid 2023 to actually start working on those and only after they realised too late that the engine upgrade wasnt possible.
  10. LO doesnt own the IP. They sold it to some chinese company years ago
  11. I am not here. I am a ghost. Have a nice day
  12. Servers have been trash for the better part of a decade and have only gotten worse with time. Why should they suddenly fix them now?
  13. At least there working on stuff. Not every patch will have fixes, even tho that would be nice. It takes time.
  14. Finally. After 9+ years APB is seeing progress. Hopefully this will continue on and hopefully some events that havent been rotated in a number of years are rotated in. Like the orig Anarchy event hasnt been run in well over 5 yrs and it has steam achievements to it. Which is another question. Will LO be working to fix the achievements so they show correctly in steam and add more to steam so players have more to work towards? Afew examples Threat achievements. Getting silver and gold gets you achievements on steam. Weapon role achievements, Weapon role leveling for the vets is a big thing and having them on steam would be a bigger reward for sticking to a weapon class for awhile. As It currently sits you dont get anything as a reward untill you max out a role, in which you get the chrome skin. Every 5 lvls and max (16) would be something to fill the gap.
  15. So whatever happened to premium time? During the pandemic LO gave it out and my timer has counted down the entire time. That bug where the time still counted down was never fixed was it? Cause as of now im missing about 2rs worth of prem time.
  16. Part of playing games is playing with friends. Ppl wont play as much if they cant play with friends
  17. Im pretty sure it was during LO. When did Tiggs ever do work like that?
  18. You cant balance weapons based on non existent hitreg and bots that make weapon stats unrealistic. You guys did a rebalance based off of weapon use and KDR at one point in time and with the constant closets and blatents out there all you did was ruin the weapons. These KDR stats arent accurate or genuine so long as bots are the majority. You also cant get accurate weapon stats when hitreg dont work. It has been proven countless times it doesnt work and this if it did work properly weapon stats would be much different. TLDR: You cant even begin to discuss weapon balancing untill core game flaws are fixed
  19. @MattScott Glad your finally starting to listen to the community but its abit too little too late. All of these problems that we have voted on and have said countless times in this forum over the last 5 yrs could have been adressed long ago, like on day 1. Unless you guys can pull a rabbit out of your hat to resurrect the game most have moved on already. Its only those few of us dedicated who even pop up on the forums and log into the game. But even we get tired of the same bs thats been going on since 2014. Were going on 9 yrs since the last major content update and APB is stale. Very stale.
  20. It all sounds good @MattScott however weve been burned so many times over the last decade that its too little too late. This needed to be done years ago and now there just isnt a pop left. You guys need to do something here and now to live to get players back. Most of the weapon rebalances have been negatives and frown upon by the community. Most of these need to be undone and a proper rebalance needs to be done only when hitreg is fixed and stats of the weapons arent based heavily upon bots and cheats. Fix the threats and matchmaking here and now as well to ensure ppl have fun playing. Most legit players left when you removed the threat segregation. It needs to be reimplemented.
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