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Everything posted by iPlumbum

  1. @SilverCrow is the best man to speak to when it comes to macros and exploiting the weapons, he had some interesting videos back in the day that explained this. At least i think it was Silvercrow o.o
  2. You're doing it wrong then. Semi Auto's will shred you instantly when it's done correctly.
  3. Bypassing the fire rate cap is not altering the game mechanics?
  4. Work Smarter Aimbot instead of learning ??? Profit
  5. I see what you're doing with that post count. I am calling the Police!
  6. I believe macro shooting and the likes are already bannable in the ToS. Its just not enforced as much as it should be.
  7. This. Usually as I sit in Social waiting for a spot, i normally find a GM in there doing a giveaway, obviously I have to let my team know whos in the district to let everyone know so they dont miss out!
  8. Similar to Dirty Bombs matchmaking. Make the MMR/Ranks hidden during the mission, and only after the missions has ended it reveals player rankings. Cuts out the bullshoot mid match and people getting angry and griefing etc
  9. Nice Watching that makes me wish the guns and vehicles would get a sound overhaul. Some of current things sound too artificial.
  10. If you cant counter an Orge, I think its you who is infact silver.
  11. Wind up timer to shoot Short firing range What more do you want to be nerfed?
  12. Banned nearly 20 times but hes legit now guys. OmegaLUL Regardless if hes cheating now or not. You can easily hide cheats whilst streaming, it isnt hard. Any beginner and run around with esp and silent aim without it showing on stream. Personally it doesn't matter if hes legit now, he did cheat, which only added to the problem. I dont see why people are so easy to forgive and forget when it was you that these people were cheating against. They had to cheat to get a name for themselves, they deserve to be reminded by that fact.
  13. Is it insulting if its true? I always wondered that. If the GM wanted to be playful, next time he can go tickle his own ballsack instead of fucking about with peoples missions.
  14. I have been giving information to avoid getting caught for murder, this is very valuable.
  15. This is valuable information, thank you for providing this.
  16. I too am happy that you are happy.
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