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Everything posted by Alani

  1. not gonna lie. i havent seen many 'new' players. i only see old players using different character names the only reason why apb even has a playerbase still has to do with the fact of what apb is its a third person cops and robbers game with an extremely indepth (for its time lol) character customization. and this also includes the themes, clothing, art, blah blah blah. if apb was like any other game it would have been dead 5 years ago. but no. it keeps kicking because no one else has bothered to create a game like apb, so it has no real competition other than player fatigue and playing the same game over and over again. and the shit tier community
  2. i love this idea. have one premium for the game. and have another premium for a special mode within the game what could go wrong???? its not like a normal person would see two different types of premium and assume this game has premium tiers or anything.
  3. by the time they even work to get a 2 slot oscar they would know the game by then lmao
  4. thx now that will always be what i hear when firing carbine
  5. it helps if u describe what bug you are talking about. because im not going to spend 30 minutes watching some dude play a mission while trying to figure out what the fuck bug is happening to you
  6. like i posted. the nfas has no real counter in cqc lmao
  7. why use oscar? just use carbine. otherwise if the opp is good they will switch to carbine and just kill u every time xd
  8. there wasnt a sniper nerf. The only nerf to any sort was the HVR quickswitch issue, which only became a problem with everyone and their mother were using the HVR and quickswitching. idk if ur trolling or not tho
  9. the fact that the only real counter to a fucking nfas is either kill them at range or equip nfas is a problem. the other shotguns can atleast be countered by an oca if your timing is good enough. so yeah. nfas is a legitimate problem regarding balance in cqc its basically the opposite problem of the hvr whereas the hvr can kill you over 100m so long the reticle turns red and the enemy is out of sight
  10. ignoring the really dumb colored text... they have been preaching this isnt battle royale for the last month and a half they keep teasing this game mode the ceo even went around claiming it wasnt battle royale. suddenly its all about how its 'battle royale but different' 10/10 and introducing a 'premium' like thing to one specific game mode is a literal red flag. idk why people think its ok lmao
  11. the regulars wont dethreat the only people who dethreat are the ones who make excuses of 'i wanna play with my friends in bronze' or 'i wanna fight people of my own skill level because ima gold in the streets and a bronze in the sheets'
  12. and what about the people who dont have the time or bother to play a new game mode that doesnt interest them? i dont really care that the game acts like its not battle royale when it is battle royale now if it was a faction vs faction thing i would be interested, but this mode is just squad based bullshoot that every battle royale game offers. nothing new except using apb mechanics
  13. g1 said the engine upgrade would be available at a later date too.
  14. like for real. i know what happened to fortnite after the battle royale shit took off and i dont want that to happen with this game. and i wont be surprised if someone goes around saying "I HOPE U GET CUSTOMIZABLE SHIT FROM THIS GAME MODE" because locking customization items or weapons behind a season pass or through progression through a limited time event is a 'great idea' /s Seasonal clothing and shit is fine, but when you start locking regular shit behind a fucking paywall/special mode it just tells you to find a new game rather than attempt to waste your time trying to unlock shit. Us normal people who have to work all fucking day and are in charge of man children and then have to spend 18 hours a day fixing their shit because they can't handle a simple task of 'FOLLOW THE SOP' dont get the time to grind for these stupid events. i have no idea what is wrong with the stupid culture now of 'U HAVE TO SPEND YOUR ENTIRE 2 FREE DAYS DOING THIS EVENT TO UNLOCK XX.' im not a fucking kid who gets done with school at 1400 every day. I work for a living and when uncle fuck boy wants to send me to some desert nation where I get shit on for 6 months to 9 I don't have any sort of free time. Yeah, don't fucking cater to my needs, but for fucks sake at least don't pull a shitbag move and say 'YOU CAN UNLOCK X IF YOU DO THE EVENT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING TASKS' So many stupid games have these stupid season passes and I simply don't even bother with them because of this stupid time limit requirement bullshoot. TL;DR Before you start doing this stupid game/season/battle pass bullshoot come up with alternatives to unlocking shit because some of us poor fucks don't have the free time to unlock stupid shit or bother with weird game modes that bring my attention for 2 hours and I'm done with it forever.
  15. 0% scripting 70% attention span 30% skill that is how u make a theme ok? and no the only themes that risk being deleted are those cancer ear no things that are made to purposely bleed your ears or make you have migraines
  16. this is y u hav backups nerd lrn to config
  17. world of warships and world of tanks set premium time by login if ur logged out ur prem time stops going down until u log back in again havent played in almost a year and i still got 20 days of prem left
  18. i like how the forums censor certain words that are commonplace in apb as if this forum should be 'child proofed'
  19. making fix prices is a good idea might as wel put fix prices on all player made items too to make it fair you want this symbol i made and took 4 hours? 500k you want this graffiti i totally didnt pull from stock decals and upload as my own? 500k
  20. yeah riot and engine upgrade comes out q4 2014!!! it will save the game!
  21. I already have every item anyhow. Why bother participating when I use my clan for a title too? I wish they would come up with something unique instead of recycling tbh. And putting everything in its own district is a little bland. It's a lot easier to just put it in the main action districts so people can do missions inbetween and not have to switch entire districts. fuck man.
  22. considering i unlocked mvp no it possible
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