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Everything posted by Alani

  1. spct only has X amount of people. it would make more sense to release an open test version with a district and just let the bug reports flow in. having a small amount of people fucking about will do nothing but increase the amount of time it takes to find the bugs.
  2. this thread is just bait for some stupid argument to happen especially with mentions of certain things no one has ever made fun or or whatever lmao
  3. tbh ye the fact they have 'GM's' that arent really GM's is funny af i would them either set up a GM program who have powers or just create the SPCM and stop calling them GM's.
  4. u mean the engine upgrade that has been in progress since May of last year, right? because LO told us G1 didnt do shit for 4 years, lmao
  5. can anyone explain what the fuck phasing is? like is this some sort of new mode or what. literally everyone talks about this magical phasing and I don't even know what it is
  6. That isn't open world. Open world includes a lot more than just messing around and/or waiting for the next mission to do.
  7. Okay. I don't understand. Do you mean loitering as in people just chilling in the forums, or people sitting in the action districts literally waiting for the game to get better in real time? If its the latter, then top fucking kek. And again, no. APB is not 'legitimately open world.' It's literally a glorified lobby. and no, I don't really feel like wasting my time watching random videos. I'm not really arguing for or against the OP's point. My original issue was with how people are arguing on the basis of fun or whatever and completely ignoring the major population issue. And instead of offering suggestions to fix it, they just want to argue with the OP instead of help fix it.
  8. They call it an action district for a reason. There is a social district, for a reason. You can't guarantee opposition because of the low population. The game is not truly open world. If it was, no one would be on this thread bitching at each other. The only 'open world' part about the game is you being in the action district 'lobby' waiting for a mission to start up. Sure, in the past we had drug mules and other events, but that is all gone now. Hell we used to have 50 v 50. But they decided to decrease it because the company was too fucking poor to afford better servers and decided decreasing the district sizes is better. Instead the game shit the floor and we are here complaining and arguing about people not playing missions in the action district and other people complaining and arguing about people who just want to have fun, drive around, and do whatever the fuck they want. Oh and let me add an edit. Attacking people =/= disagreeing with people pls stop
  9. personally i dont know. its probably something that will need a similar function to those who don't do anything in FC. If you don't do anything for about 10 minutes you are prompted you are about to be kicked for inactivity and then poof. You are kicked back to lobby. Well currently its function is shit and it literally logs you out for some reason. I'm just irritated that people are trying to make this issue seem like an non-issue when most people who play on jericho just don't play if the silver district is already full, rather than just being patient and trying something else like FC. Population is literal shit in NA because no one, me included, have no patience to wait, and the people chilling out in the action district doing nothing just take up space don't really care.
  10. if you dont see the point of what the op is bitching about, but then claim the op is lumping the people who are 'hanging out' to those who are griefing, you see the point but chose to ignore it. the 'this game was founded on X' thing doesnt really work when this game is a literal cops and robbers game and has specific areas for social interaction. the op is simply making a point and complaining about how people will simply sit around and bullshoot in the district, taking up space in jericho. the lowest populated server since han was shut down. this may not be an issue on citadel, but its a major issue in jericho, when players will see a full district and decide to not play rather than wait or hang out in another district waiting for population. no one is being 'unprofessional' or attacking people. if you feel attacked you need to contact the british police or some other feeling police force matchmaking is heavily affected by players who do not play the game btw. if you are waiting for a mission for more than X amount of time, the matchmaking gets broader, and broader to the point you are having missions with low tier players against high tier players. theyre not suggesting anything. theyre literally asking for peoples opinions lmfao and offering some ideas to the issue stated but sure. its an 'invalid' suggestion
  11. moderation hasnt changed at all from the last few years. its like the mods are just using different names at this point but thats to be expected at this point. the op makes a legitimate point and the people who afk in social or have to make the entire point of the thread revolve around streaming or whatever are just being stupid. no one has even thought about what the op is even talking about and instead have to make it out like a personal attack against them and their beliefs certain people can do whatever they want because fuck the playerbase. xd
  12. dont worry guys the uhh district phasing or whatever shit will fix all the problems just like how the riot game mode has apb bringing in thousands of new players and the engine upgrade that came out in 2014 is doing so well!!!
  13. this thread probably only relates to jericho considering we only have 1 silver district up at a time as compared to fucking europe
  14. this would be less of a problem if we didnt decrease district sizes.
  15. lol europeans buying lootboxes getting screwed because they cant trade the weapons. not sure why they would block you from trading if you bought them and redeemed them. not like you are gambling when it comes to buying and selling using FREE currency...
  16. ya i remember the last time a gm did fun things the nerd was bitching about how someone killed him when he was invisible and 'only wanted to talk' while kicking people who claimed they killed him.
  17. u being on the internet would just tell you if it wasnt on your end.
  18. only thing i hate about people and cars are the nerds who rush u jump out, and because the server is shit their character appears in a completely different location than what your client dicates so ur shooting at a ghost and then poof u dead because the dude was ACKTUAALLY 5 meters to the right of the ghost
  19. ok they look ok i guess but what about this 32bit style video?
  20. i wanna see! i like seeing the future. makes me cry when its shit
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