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Everything posted by Luminesca

  1. Do we really need to unban the cheaters tho? Every cheater removed is a win in my book.
  2. First is absolutely mandatory for me, I can't play the game because my pinky goes numb. Second is useful, because the UE is scuffed.
  3. Are these leftist buzz words even effective? anti-Semitic biased intolerant prejudiced sectarian xenophobic partial illiberal narrow-minded opinionated small-minded I don't start my day with huffpost so I wouldn't know.
  4. Screenshot will prove what exactly? A good K/D ratio, yeah buddy that will surely get them banned.
  5. FF is rendered near obsolete. GM's going around actively saying don't use report, we encourage to use support. <rant>There's a huge difference just typing /report name or going to website, logging in, opening a ticket, uploading video, submit. And because the ban boadcasts are off, you don't even know if all that fucking work is even gonna get them banned. Stupid counterproductive system. <end_rant>
  6. So you got pooped on now you come to forums to complain. They are just probably collecting information to do a big ban wave. They should deal with the nolife hackers(that play every day) personally, but idk why they wont.
  7. If someone gets offended over words said on internet, maybe they should not be using said internet.
  8. Rather hope APB is not turned into safe space, since it doesn't fit the bill.
  9. The person who has it before, I guess. Or when a mission starts, and 2 people have HVR the person with higher sniper role keeps it.(logic behind it, higher sniper role, better performance with the gun?) Also include a bit in the tutorial, where you have to demonstrate that you have a brain, so you could get access to HVR type snipers. So no bronzes occupy the slot. Also to train roles, we have FC. Also have option to bounce designated sniper role around within a group, similar to group leader.
  10. They lose primary and have to go to kiosk/ammo box to choose different primary? Perhaps little inconvenient, but would also be one of the reasons not to main the gun, and switch to it when only necessary.
  11. HVR is fine, just limit one per team.
  12. Yes, get these aliens out of Citadel. They have no sense of teamwork, use scummy tactics and are otherwise pain to deal with.
  13. How about you just git gud? I have seen maybe 5 hackers last 2 weeks.
  14. noobs will always get stomped until they get better and start stomping themselves. It's a vicious cycle, and every game has it.
  15. Yeah but same thing happens in csgo for example. Smurfing in silvers.
  16. Instead of whining about golds, maybe appreciate the fact you get to play with good players and also improve yourself.
  17. It's not a like there won't be cheaters. Paid hack sites are million dollar business, BUT they won't be as updated as often and also public hacks will be very rare.
  18. Really nicely written, I'm a vet but learned few things aswell.
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