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Everything posted by EMilika

  1. No need to know mongoloid language to play the game. ;)
  2. So the biggest cry babies are from jericho , who thinks theyre mayority. reroll to eu kids.
  3. You don't actually have to pay steam anything for trading cards. You are basically printing money out of thin air, all they ask is to have a percentage of your trading card profits. A quick google will give you the code needed to enable trading cards, as well, announcing updates on steam is free. I'm glad you see that taking advantage of steams devs tools would advance the marketting quite a bit. Because it is a free tool, all you need is time and effort i know. Equals money and time.but still in long run is a win. We know that real time "rendering aka time and money" = More news = More percentages of win = More people and income !
  4. The problem is they want to stick with their own distro platform (I think). Going against steam is like trying to swim up river. Also enabling trading cards takes about 5 minutes in photoshop and 2 lines of code. The steam achievements are more complicated, so it won't detract from work already being done. True, people like you are a rare type. i, myself with lower graph, Enjoy reading you , i wish other people could think above them self. aka my "trash weapon why nerft or similar trash posts,not to mention trolls" And i think,trully believe that if LittleOrbit should pay to steam that would announce theyre Update via "marketing" > see bellow Aka exiting and opening steam then you have > new window "showing new game or old games updates and or pressing in app FEATURED" ect would benefit more to this game.
  5. Actually that's brilliant, Steam card fetishists would come.
  6. True especially that there's quite small amount people online.
  7. Literally slow down the video x0.25 and see you missed almost all hits even if hit it was few pellets in his sides. Except one hit who did 90% and still not not full hit. on a person in a range of 8 or more metters.
  8. Remind me the people who jump shoots NFas ogre and miss all shots close range about 6 metres because of spread. And and i just pew pew them like neebs they are. And yet they don't get it he missed all the shots lmao.
  9. considering shotguns have been changed specifically so that missing pellets is less of an issue, i dont think thats what happened here You are literraly the one person! Who don't understand why he can't dive shoot in Battlefield games or sniper shoot via jump in CS:go type of a person.
  10. You see, you don't even understand that pallets can be spread randomly. and not just straight forward.
  11. make it playing 0,25 speed and watch again He didn't hit even once "full pallet lmao"
  12. Dude you are mooving and shooting a pistol shotgun. increased spread.
  13. wow this is perfect evidence send it to little orbit so these people can be banned right away Not gonna waste my time.
  14. I wish real aimbotters and cheatersbe banned,
  15. That! AND Reminds me so.. how much of fat pathetic biological stain you need to be, That you want to be "some one" in game with such a low pop
  16. First time i ever agree with you fatso.
  17. Does contraception need guidelines?
  18. noone plays without prime dude wtf are you even about. have you even been globul? GLOBUL!
  19. Fcking magnets how do they work.
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