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About Mitne

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    King of Poland

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  1. This tool is useful for checking if servers are accessible: https://will.io/apb/ And so far it seems they are.
  2. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.
  3. And then event gonna last like week or two. Screw everyone who are late by let's say... two days. Then they wonder why this game has pop of 300.
  4. Well I can tell you at least I was one false positive and the way I got banned I'm doubtful of many bans which happened thanks to it. (FFBans.org)
  5. I was bullied for year and half for being banned by FF while playing legit. Worst of it... by people who were actively cheating (and many of them found themselves on FF sooner or later). Last thing we need in already toxic community of less than 500 people is dramas. If that's what drag you into APB... I don't think in the end that's game even for you.
  6. Tbh. taking machine learned on such small pop (350 players overall at all times?) and many of said players are extremely dubious (y'know what I mean) - I wouldn't be suprised AI could as well take bad examples and use them as good ones. I know AI is easily misguided personally by usage of different AI systems for various tasks. It focus on thing or two and then lose track of others.
  7. This and absolutely this. Problem is also with objectives, there would need to be a lot of them widespread. Why? Because problem is with mission roles ranking which is slow even in standard MM already. That aside, this allows to spread defending forces thin, allowing for better tactical approach to them.
  8. Now that you mention it. Yeah. Streets are deserted and some are opposite, like traffic jam happened and that's not because of player cars most of time. Not only that, it seems like less cars spawn. Walking on street NPC are about normal still tho. When I was doing 15 levels for Lynette I constantly was having problem with getting any car from the street during matches. Back then I could even choose, now I drive whatever is there, just to secure car.
  9. Check your inventory. They stolen it. You never will use it.
  10. Ugh... sounds like it fails on anti-cheat installation. Try to disable firewall on your router or whatever device you use to connect.
  11. Basically every second match I had was against at least one cheater in enemy team. And game teamed me up with cheaters on my side as well. I'm not blind, I wasn't blind in 2020, 2019, 2018 and so on. Cheating problem is still here, was here and now it's better than never. Sadly it's not just APB problem, it's problem of all multiplayer games where PvP stands. Just entitled generation rose up where they need to win, no matter how. Ruthless upbringing brings ruthless generation - APB lore is perfect example of that. Problem with series like Battlefield vs APB is basically that Battlefield has enough of normal player population to cover cheaters and throw them on sidelines while APB cheaters are such big percentage of population that pretty much every game is affected by them. That obviously got negative effect on current and future population. Hell, even I was thinking of coming back to APB but taking combination of bad matchmaking, lack of any LO oversight and cheating problem... I just dropped it. Too bad it wasn't like that when there was OBT, would at least be game dead on arrival and we wouldn't had this problem. Yet again, as said hundred of times by me - this is both fault of LO (lack of enforcement, lack of oversight and overall "sitting back" attitude) and "loving this game" playerbase which "loves this game so much" that they have to stomp everyone playing it to ground, forgetting that anyone else also plays and nothing will replace them in the end. Enjoy your spoils, they are useless outside APB which inevitably will shut down. And you will have your uh... "gameplays" videos and such which gonna be questioned (rightfully so) for rest of time. And no, you can't legitmaize snapping from player to player while fighting them. Now they also throw some big unknown brazilian, digging in kernel anti-cheat to that and I slowly myself consider of not only uninstalling but deleting my GamersFirst account entirely. All of them. And just leaving. Contrary to what LO believes - I do have games to play, a lot of them. And you guys simply not competitve in any aspect by now. Even customization.
  12. LO in few weeks: "All NA players get moved to Brazil server. Enjoy lags."
  13. I gave my points to escalation before. In current form it's need serious rework. The problem is that it doesn't address problems properly. Escalation are also voluntarly which basically kills their intended intially purpose.
  14. You got link to exact file. So I wanna see what that file is. Checksum included.
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