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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. People already do that, both for upvotes and downvotes. Back on the League forums (before they migrated to Reddit design) I had 30 accounts I would cycle through to fuck with people's posts for lulz. Downvotes could literally auto-lock threads back then, was hilarious.
  2. The COBR-A knows exactly what it wants to be. It's an automatic Carbine that sacrifices just a bit of TTK for exceptionally higher accuracy (which also gives it substantially more range). The gun is a beast if you take the time to learn how to use it.
  3. Did you even bother to read the thread before coming in trying to be sassy (and failing miserably)?
  4. You should probably calm down, then come back and re-read what I posted. You very clearly misread the first time around.
  5. I will never understand why people want to buff the STAR, it's one of the most satisfying guns in the game to use. No shitty gimmicks, just pure and simple gunplay like every gun in APB used to be before Gamersfirst/Reloaded started shitting the game up with their garbage design "vision". I'd rather see all the stronger weapons brought in line to the STAR, which would also serve to slow the TTK just a tad. You know, how the game is supposed to be.
  6. You apparently have a fundamental misunderstanding of what the COBR-A is, how it works, and what it's intended to do.
  7. You do realize that OBIR's baseline stats give it incredibly strong hipfire capability, right? There's a reason that veteran OBIR mains don't even bother with Hunting Sight on it in most cases.
  8. They should really change this, as it's completely foreign to a player who has played any other shooter (except maybe Counterstrike, which has an even more asinine design). Doesn't cause problems most of the time, but when it does it's painfully noticeable.
  9. Mirroring this sentiment. One of the biggest issues with the design of ARMAS (since the beginning, by the way) is the ridiculously tiny images used as previews. I could understand if those were thumbnails, that when clicked would bring up proper 1280x720 or larger originals. However, those tiny previews for runt of the litter ants are the originals... like just why even bother having images at all. There goes any interest I had in purchasing this bundle.
  10. Considering smoke grenades wouldn't work in this game due to certain mechanics, that's never going to happen.
  11. Unopposed missions do have the ability to affect threat level, but not in the traditional gain/lose sense that opposed missions have. They trigger an update because a mission you were in ended, which can cause the system to shift your level in exceptionally rare cases. This is usually something you see in the early life of a dethreater, because the extreme changes in a dethreater's threat level causes the system to break down and it doesn't know how to respond until things even out later. It can also happen as a result of intentional threat scaling changes, which have happened several times over the game's lifespan.
  12. Mirroring what others have said, if you like the design then this is an exceptionally great deal. That being said, I do have one small gripe with it. The lack of shoes means it isn't a full set.
  13. As someone who has extensive experience with the Frenzy, that's going to be a solid nope from me. I'd love to see Frenzy in a competitive state, but making it massively overtuned is not the way to do it. All it needs to be competitive is an effective range increase to 60m. It wouldn't outgun marksmen or sniper rifles, but it'd have its own niche instead of just being "FAR, but worse" like it is now.
  14. It doesn't even stop the car in the first place. Literally just disables acceleration, which is the least important part of a vehicle's function in any situation that you'd theoretically want to use this grenade in.
  15. Hunting Sight 3 on the Fang would outright kill the gun. Literally all you need to do is reduce it to Improved Rifling 1, that's it. The entire community has been telling you this since you originally purchased the game over a year ago, how the fuck is this even a discussion?
  16. Same excuses used over a year ago. Let's not forget "it'll be ready by end of year 2018" either, which is being stated again in 2019 as well. It's hilarious that there's still people who believe it'll ever happen.
  17. Said it many times before, just convert them into yellow activated mods and rebalance accordingly.
  18. In addition to the previous MattScott post linked in this thread, he's also gone on record multiple times that deleting/replacing the sounds folder is acceptable. This exception was made due to the very issue that iMiss brought up, and like the advanced launcher is only intended as a temporary thing while they work on implementing an ingame toggle for themes.
  19. This. They need to revert that ridiculous recoil change that was made to it. Unique does not always equate to being good or fun.
  20. Solamente hit the nail on the head, big animation upgrades like in the OP won't happen until after the engine upgrade. They've already done a few minor tweaks though. One of the big ones I noticed was that they fixed the standing idle pose for the basic ATAC. The crouching idle is still incorrect, but if memory serves the idle doesn't even exist at all so would need to be created anyways.
  21. Don't just stand in front of a door like a derp? Also, the damage is being reduced by 30% (or 60%, depending on the angle the bullet takes through the door).
  22. The threat system works (mostly) fine. The issue is that Little Orbit is refusing to moderate their game. From square one when Little Orbit took over, MattScott outright stated that they wouldn't be taking action against dethreating until after all the various "fixes" they have planned are implemented (engine upgrade, new hidden threat system, district phasing, etc).
  23. Almost assuredly. Would be interesting to see it tested in the test districts though, even if nothing ultimately comes of it.
  24. CAP40 is almost perfectly balanced as is. Over the years I've used both extensively, and I've always found the CAP40 to be significantly more consistent in its performance. It's why I'll always prefer it to the OCA, and will always wish it had the third mod slot.
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