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Everything posted by TheMessiah

  1. (i didnt read saw title) My suggestion: If player stays more than 2 min. further than 100m objective radius - gets penalty.After the 3rd min. - 2nd penalty and dat player gets 0 exp and 0 money after mission finish
  2. Makes no sense.Theres reason for servers in NA and EU.Even if they merge still game will run out of people soon(dont mention the lag)cause theres nothin happenin in this game.Citadel is 600 players now,jericho around 100-150 nekrova - same.Merging 1+0+0..no sense..game needs new content not waiting for some imaginery engine 4ever.I told them to make some 50vs50 mode(fighting for capture points around the map or whatever)and replacing open conflict with it.Doesnt matter call it "Riot" or whatever ur nuts want.Still gonna be somethin to do.LO may read all on forums but they do whatever they want.Also this matchmaking-1 of the the things that kills this game most.Can be done some tweaks to current but no.Im tired of this sht dont care
  3. 1st is not here the place for this topic and 2nd u cant make the game noob friendly only with daily reward when u have in mind that they will be forced to play in bronze dist. where bronzes,silvers and golds play all in 1
  4. this changes are fine but still is too little food for my hunger..
  5. No.This is the only good aim which looks modern.This over da shoulder aim is stupid and looks super dated.Theres no other game(new)with this aim anymore.Even in game like Infestation the new z they make aim like in pubg.Instead of thinking how we can improve and modernize this game - some people keep having this reverse thinking.No suprise 4 me we go in circles 4ever p.s. sry i hate making dislikes but u have 1
  6. TheMessiah


    1.Make event(free G1C,JT etc)bring players back 2.District select,advanced,"show recommended only" tab - checked and hide it 3.Hide threat(both dist. and player) 4.Done ... 5.They gonna do it?No...
  7. I log for couple of missions today and game was so unplayable.Now everybody usin ocas and idk if they hack or what but cant get kills at all.Fkn close this game already jeez
  8. i play dirty bomb since CB but game is about to die (no news updates like from a month)
  9. LO patch precision: https://imgur.com/t/conor_mcgregor/YHUjYst
  10. lol im reading all this topics today and looks like apb have bright future indeed..
  11. dont want to be tedious but i told em esyanticheat was better choice
  12. At least till we wait 4 this "legendary" upgrades they can give us somethin to play like making matchmaking like i suggest in 1st page and make some free 4 all 50 vs 50 mode in waterf/finan where enf and crims fight for lets say 3 capture items which spawn in center of map and they have to move it to theyr capture points on both sides of the map(3 capture points of each side)Is dat hard to make such easy changes so people can actually play and have fun and stop waiting 4ever for nothing..?
  13. Thats true but matchmaking is still 1 of the biggest problems.What i suggest on 1st page is best solution right now for current system.Simple to do.That in combo with some event and give JT/G1C can bring a lot of players back even without new content/engine upgrade p.s. its interesting how everybody start to discuss threat/matchmaking so much now when the last server with /pop is about to die gg too late
  14. "What about just removing District Threats, but keeping player Threat?" thats not gonna work because all 4 threats gonna be in same districts and can happen often greens/bronzes vs golds when similar threat not available
  15. Matchmaking is 1 of the reasons /pop is low.Also people are tired of waiting for somethin new and start leavin fast(LO told us nothin in next 3 months)In rest of servers is impossible to do missions even in citadel yesterday i think brake record for lowest pop.Best solution 4 matchmaking right now can be: keep threat but hide it and "show recommended only" tab - checked and also hidden.Enf and crims will have only theyr ranks visible(blue and red)and thats it.Simple
  16. i want the option to toggle not only hold nades..just sayn
  17. https://massivelyop.com/2018/09/17/fallen-earth-is-planning-on-a-fresh-start-server-for-the-future/ I know this is not the right forum but its interesting p.s. sry yea u can move it to off topic or delete it
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