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Everything posted by Too_many_snowflakes

  1. Negotiating with terrorist is heresy, yes... But doing away with the reticle changing color would allow players to use many forms of concealment to their advantage. (Car tires, low walls, bushes, etc...)
  2. I would make sure to stress the importance of knowing the ins and outs of the map like the back of your hand. I've seen a lot of new guys getting mobbed and I've mobbed a lot of new guys simply because they were unaware of all the places I was hiding/using for cover. Having a keen sense of situational awareness gives you a huge edge in-game... ...and in life as well.
  3. The "Congrats you have duty this weekend!" pack. lol I've still never used the one I was issued. Why they even exist still, I suppose we will never know....
  4. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.... The original G1 was trash.
  5. You never have anything constructive to say. I check your post, and of course it's the same shit. I have you blocked for a reason. Yea.... Most of the post from him are pretty edgy/dumb. Every now and again though, he'll actually say something useful. I will say one thing... You're profile picture reeks of autism.
  6. The number of hackers has gone down significantly. That being said they are still improving the implementation of BE. Support just takes time. It also depends on what exactly your ticket is for. Both of your concerns have already been answered here on the forums. Use the search function for fuck's sake.
  7. Thank you SO MUCH for this LO!!!! Now I can get my character off of her fatass and back on the streets.
  8. Who is this "dogfish" and what happened with him?
  9. Who is "the"? The amount of cheaters has gone down tenfold since the BE update. They're still developing the game. Have patience....
  10. I'd rather roll with an bandoiler 3. Hmm... You might want to try rolling with an extended mag just to see how it can increase your surviveability in small firefights. It's a rare occasion in APB to have a battle so long that I run out of ammo even with the re-supply mod. I've found that bandoleer is really only useful when using rockets or grenade launchers. But hey, to each his own.
  11. I bought a bag of dicks off of Amazon once. They ended up on someone's desk at work.
  12. I think you've got the wrong game pal... Then again, the game was rigged from the start. ;)
  13. The COBRA series rifle was modeled after the real life SCAR weapon platform. The SCAR-H by default, was issued/sold with a 20 round mag. While the SCAR-L had a 30 round mag. Have you tried using the extended mag mod??
  14. Complaining on the forums won't make it move any faster. There have been multiple post about this, and it all really boils down to LO's workload. From what it sounds like, they're getting better at it. Patience.
  15. This is the reason why I scoff at people who complain about LO.
  16. Don't be mad just because I figured it out faster than you did. You're only an idiot as long as you keep telling yourself that...
  17. that makes you pretty new tbh Not really... No it doesn't. Anyone who's been playing for more than a year and is familiar with how mentally handicapped some of the community members can be isn't "new" per say.
  18. how do you know he's new He barely has any post made, and he comes onto the forums complaining about something that everyone obviously already knows is an issue. Oh, and he didn't give enough of a shit to capitalize or use punctuation....
  19. Who are you? A player that's been with APB since early 2013/2014.
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