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Everything posted by ZoriaDunne

  1. ZoriaDunne

    Satchel Buffs

    I've been wanting to do that for years.
  2. What's wrong with servers lately? Feels like APB is going to die.
  3. Battle Royale doesn't fit APB either and they added it
  4. Developers who didn't care one bit about the game. (Talking about G1)
  5. This bug has been around since the start of the game, Devs don't give a F about them, Police Trucks turn to one side on their own, some car spanws don't let you spawn a car in a free spot if there's a car on the other side, Bugs that has been since the very beginning and no one does a sh*t.
  6. ZoriaDunne

    Armas refund

    How did you get 30 pages of weapon trials? with joke boxes?
  7. Enforcers already have an exclusive weapon, Non-Lethal, let criminals have their money farming, also enforcers can steal all the money. Would be unfair for enforcers to also have a way to make money and have unique weapons.
  8. Wait until the server is Dead for real so LO merges it with Citadel.
  9. ZoriaDunne

    Armas refund

    Would be good if you get the G1 back so you can buy another Armas thing. As you say, 3 max refunds per account would be nice, I have too many weapons I just dont use.
  10. Some ppl shoot at your feet with Seiyo/Pioneer really accurate anyways.
  11. Vegas is way faster and only has 250 less HP than the 'Tanky' cars.
  12. You wouldn't say the same facing me with my Swarm - Killer Bee, Anti vehicle weapons are really useful, but not that common in the game meta.
  13. It's been like that since it opened.
  14. ZoriaDunne

    battle royale

    Well, we have RIOT, isn't it kinda the same? You start with no weapons and have to loot random ones. The area shrinks.
  15. I love Machine guns, Heavy and Light ones, but I'm tired of weapon reskins, is not that hard to make a new weapon, just take Alig, for example, and change the values a bit, and voilá, a new weapon.
  16. -"If he is good close, then you must fight him at a distance." -"If he is good at a distance, then you must be close." +"What if your opponent is good close and from a distance? -"Then you are up to your eyeballs in shit."
  17. We don't know yet, but if it's too easy, why even bother in starting with only a pistol and having random weapon pick ups around?
  18. The whole concept of not being able to use your own weapons kills the Armas idea, why buy weapons when you can't even use them in Riot Mode, (yes, you can buy your loadout, but that is if you get enough money and survive enough to do so.) So, players who have been playing for years, spending money on weapons see their money waster in RIOT, and newbies will just not buy anything because RIOT makes you pick up random weapons.
  19. I already played BR too much, they're not bad, they're fun and fast, just saying that there are many other games that made their own BR mode and failed, Having big titans out there. APB is too old to jump into BR and stand out.
  20. The whole RIOT game mode is disappointing. A pseudo battle royale, and they want to attract new players with it? There's a whole market of Battle Royales already, and better than APB, why would anyone leave those BR to come to this one.
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