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Everything posted by Seadee

  1. Self-respecting isnt the same as being respectable, if you earnt Gold through hardwork, you are not going to throw it away for the sake of an easy game, the only people who "dethreat" are the ones who cant hack it at Gold, who get beaten constantly so never feel like they are any good, they stroke their epeen by fighting in bronze when they are silver in order to make themselves feel big. like i said before, if they are floating from silver to gold, they are at best a mid - high silver with no self-respect, i will iterate again, they are not Golds, they are Losers, it's insulting to players who obtained gold and keep it, as it is in some way also insulting to any player who puts effort into playing the game and wants to have fun. just to be clear, i loath the concept of Dethreating and i am glad that i wont ever have to fight those kinds of people, but i do feel sorry for those that do have to put up with them, i hope a solution is found.
  2. for a moment i thought you meant that being in the social district gave you a Standing and that you could level up the social contacts by just being in social, there would be no actual benefit from doing it, but you'd be able to see how long someone had spent in social by what Rank their social standing was at.
  3. you chose and paid for a subscription package, i don't see what you can do about that as far as "fraudulent charge" goes, but good luck, let us know more of your adventures in overatctionland.
  4. it's not golds that are dethreating, its silvers, who are on the cusp of being gold, but don't want to put the effort in to actually playing fair, no self respecting player who has attained actual gold would entertain the idea of dethreating to bronze, because fighting silvers is easy enough already... Really wish people would stop blaming Golds, just call them what they are "losers" both literally and figuratively.
  5. anyone stop to think that the OP is probably not telling the whole truth? usually with people getting banned they claim it was "this one thing i did that would be silly to ban for" but its actually the 100's of other little horrible things they did in game that got them banned, it just took time to accumulate past the ban level?
  6. unifying log in servers isn't the same as "put all the district severs in the same location" you'd completely change the architecture of how the "servers" are structured ... cloud based systems would allow you to spin up a district in the most viable location (dependant on infrastructure) you are also thinking of this based on the current way APB works and not how the new engine could work, which by all reports is far better than current for loading times etc. switching district, with phasing, wouldn't need to reload assets, so you'd only be reloading cars and living work i assume, so yeah that MIGHT be a tiny bit annoying, but the overall improvement far outweighs that minor annoyance and are you also telling me that you don't respawn a car at the start of a mission anyway? but like i said, it's just an assumption as i've no idea how they will implement it in APB. "this game has never been for soft people" is such a cop out excuse i dont even believe you believe it when you say it, pretty much everyone who plays this game is of a level of whine that only cheese would accompany them successfully, the people who maintain gold are perhaps the onnly ones who dont constant and aggressively fuzzy bunny about everything, all those "golds" in bronze districts and pretty much everyone else, those are the soft people who have issues with everything in this game. Silver makes up the most players, they complain about golds who have no one to play against Silvers who play in bronze win lots and rank up to gold, they complain about it being too hard in silver bronze who never rank up because of silvers in bronze who rank up to gold complain about "dethreaters" as if its actually a huge problem... sounds like a lot of soft people to me, would be a shame if someone did something to fix all the problems in the game... i'm not angry, i respect your opinion, i just think its wrong that's all.
  7. yeah, you wont have 9 different types of district filled at any given moment, most will be the high rank ones, since most players have played long enough, i wouldnt FORCE people to be locked into it, but people would not be able to join if their rank is too high perhaps? so a rank 1 could join the 150+ but a rank 150 couldnt join the 0-84... at the point the servers are merged, we'd be in 3.5 and the matchmaking would be different so there wont be any point in doing it Obviously having more players makes it easier to match make, but it was never perfect back when we did have a big enough population, still had rubbish matches because players threat to actual skill levels always got skewed by unbalanced missions and poor choices opposition in the district. Server wide (not just per district) match making and a unified population would definately give the diversity required to make it all work. as it stands, the low threat high ranks are still more dangerous than low threat low ranks, and it causes new players to drop the game (amongst other things) giving the possibility to separate it out by rank (thus use-able features) could tidy this up... on thinking about it perhaps the rank restriction isnt on the players themselves but on the mods they can use? thus you can join the low district, but you'd be restricted to low level mods to "even the playing field" ? edit : i apologise Martin i didnt see your post Yeah, pretty much what i was thinking originally, but if it was made so it was mod restricted servers, then sure the skillsets would be wildly different, on an experience level the high ranks would still be better, but they perhaps wouldnt be at such a perceived advantage . the real solution is like BlueB said, but with what we have right now, nothing will work out for anyone, since they can spin up certain districts, it makes sense that they could spin one up with certain restrictions on them.
  8. you are correct, that is why (if you read what i have written in the OP) i said, separate the districts by skill (threat) AND rank, so you end up with 9 different Districts
  9. Instead of just spinning up the districts based on threat, you could do them by rank as well. you'd end up with 9 potential types of district... most of it would probably be empty, but its not that much different than it is right now Three Threat colours, gold, silver and bronze, combined with 3 rank ranges, something like 0-84,85-149,150-255 (can be adjusted to what ever suits, but the idea was to have the spread of ranks so that they didnt have access to certain mods, which wouldnt seem "unfair" to lower ranked players) The main upshot of this is dethreaters get put in the high rank bronze section and not against new players... although it doesnt fix the issue of people rerolling. food for thought, feel free to discuss.
  10. i reckon with 3.5 out Soon:tm: we might see these sorts of things appearing in the not so distant future (in comparison to the past of this game)
  11. i think you are missing the point really, but i cant be bothered to have the conversation with you since your mind seems quite made up about how LO are dealing with issues that other people are causing...
  12. do you play every moment of every day? i cant count the amount of days premium i've lost by simply doing other things that day, they wont be reimbursing me for that, what have you "lost" for that premium time missed, did you just sit there starting at your desktop crying into a hot cup of coco wishing APB was playable? where have you been for the last 10 years? ... am i just being cynical? perhaps, it gets to all of us eventually.
  13. but it is, as they did it so that they can work on the game efficiently and effectively, add multi threading as well as implement solutions for matchmaking... does advanced launcher do that?
  14. Phasing will solve player pool issue removing the threat will make it harder for people to complain about imbalanced teams, but wont stop it. fixing the broken objective areas will fix the "winning when shouldn't based on skill" situations thus giving a more balanced outcome for matches and regulating the skill ranking. increasing weapon availability/balancing weapons will create even playing field, but will never fix lack of skill. a premade team will almost always be at an advantage compared to a similar skill level of randoms, better voip quality might help, but people are difficult, match making based on premade and skill rather than just skill would help. if they are "gold" in bronze, then what you are actually fighting is a Silver/gold edge player who cant handle the golds who hang around in silver for matches, they are a silver at heart.
  15. ^ this, 2010 this was a good idea, 2019? not so much, the world is full of kids who want everything ez mode and full of dance emotes, all we wanted in 2010 was the ability to Teabag someone after we killed them... dont get me wrong, still love the game and hope to crap that LO can do something with it once UE3.5 is out and hope that the IP is kept alive and used in an APB2 (UE4) but APB as it was has been Bob Dylan'd.
  16. i'd agree that keeping the G1 and possibly even the "Reloaded" were bad ideas, as everyone mistakenly associates G1 with the developer, despite the fact that it is a delivery platform, it's like being angry with steam when valve dont release HL3 ... unfortunately its unavoidable, i'd have renamed G1 to something else... maybe cleaning the name or changing it to identify that it's "under new management" could help refresh peoples views on it.
  17. 1) the population - so we can all enjoy matches as frequently as required 2) the enthusiasm for the game - so that everything feels new and wonderful 3) the NL9 - just for lolz to show people how OP it really was LO are clearly working on 1 and 2 so i'll hold out hope for #3 Realistically 1) Scoreboards, Clan and Player, this game is about epeen, always has, always will. 2) Rewards in the mail for being good at the game, even just rewards for playing would be great (used to be random items for getting high in the rankings, sometimes guns, sometimes cars, just do that and throw JMB's at us. 3) Language Districts, but combine them all so that you get NA and EU on the same district menu.
  18. edited my reply as you were writing your response, your idea makes more sense now that i have read it properly.
  19. but you wont get that, you will get a district with random people in that you definitely don't want to play against, exactly the same problem that has plagued the game from day 1. but having reread what you are saying. 1 single log on server, where we have access to all region districts rather than just EU or NA makes more sense, like the old EU servers where they were language based, but actually also be location based as well. that makes more sense.
  20. not really a good idea, as the current issue of not having proper match making will not be solved by throwing more people at it, the match making solution didnt work when there were thousands of players, it still wont work now, LO can update, then fix the match making system, and even with 300 people your experience would be much better. Edit Misread the post, idea makes sense, what i wrote is true, but the idea isnt what i wrote so its not applicable here.
  21. it can be one day, baby steps though, they've got some solid foundations in game logic, they just need to stick it together with some other systems and smooth it all out, i imagine its something for after engine upgrades though.
  22. whats to say they wouldn't pay G1C to play in that district too? what would be better would be to reintroduce the language districts like the game used to have, and just have RU and EN districts, it wont 100% work, but it would be more likely to solve that kind of "issue"
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