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Everything posted by vsb

  1. useless except maybe convincing more people to stick around for us own-everything players to play with
  2. but the pinky is not involved in WASD use?
  3. ok but what would this actually accomplish, moving around empty servers doesn't do anything lol
  4. probably the rampant doxxing on ffbans close second would be way back when people could snag your ip through vivox and half the sweaty closets would ddos people to avoid losing matches
  5. i guess ill be withholding my comments until thursday
  6. i feel like you dont understand the base concept of 'friendship'
  7. thats a big step, are you sure you can handle it?
  8. what was your point, that hardware macros exist? sure you're correct, but i fail to see how that means spct is "defending closets" lol
  9. spcm doesn't exist anymore, you feeling okay bro?
  10. wow that's actually pretty wild, seems like the "chaos" slider does most of the heavy lifting also does not seem to play well with headwear (hats, hoods, etc), accessories (cigarettes, earrings, etc), and heavy makeup/tattoos couple of successes
  11. you're advocating for a new south american server with even less pop than current na? why??
  12. launcher sitting open in the background because i can't actually bring myself to log in and play lmao
  13. accidentally went to breeder dot com and my soul may never be the same again
  14. mattscott has mentioned it across multiple Q&As, so i'm pretty sure they're aware of it
  15. it makes perfect sense and its already what's happening to a lot of stuff (e.g. mobile radar tower), everything on the current engine is likely being weighed on a scale - is it worth it to pull devs off the engine upgrade for this or not? i assume ghostshots are a time intensive problem, so it doesnt make sense to delay the engine upgrade looking for a fix when the engine upgrade is the fix
  16. you're asking orbit to fix something that's already been fixed in the future, essentially doing extra work that will all be wasted once they delete the current engine version of apb
  17. dont need to ban people if they can't even play the game lol
  18. sure automation is helpful, but the point was that removing bloom entirely can't be done by the player
  19. i'm fairly sure the insinuation here is intentional, so i guess my question is why would you want to be involved in a discussion of cheat programs without at least a passing knowledge of the subject being discussed? this isn't the same thing as removing bloom
  20. as long as you're having fun (and learning new stuff) its worth it imo if you mean from orbit's POV, then i think such a massive community collaboration has a lot of positive PR potential and new content on this scale has a ton of replayability my play time has dramatically decreased over the last few years, but i like to think i'd play more if there was a whole new action district to explore that said even a new map won't help much if it suffers from the same issues as the rest of the game, so its difficult to put a project like this in front of other potential population fixes i'd like to see the battle royale concept dropped entirely and orbit to focus on creating a more fleshed out version of the anarchy/chaos district ruleset - open world objectives, larger scale missions, free for all/team-based/faction-based, etc the broad strokes would be fight club but for mission gameplay, where its easy to just jump in and do some objectives or kill a bunch of people or hold/attack an area, but without waiting 20 minutes for a mission to start and without the "nothing matters" vibe that fc encourages its really cool to see community stuff like this, regardless of the game's current state, i really hope this project gets some positive results down the line
  21. both images taken from the video posted earlier (00:52 specifically), left side is when not firing and right side is after firing 3 bullets recoil is the movement of a player's camera, and thus the entire crosshair, to a different location as a result of firing a weapon spread is the radius or diameter of the crosshair at any given moment bloom is the radius or diameter of the crosshair increasing as a result of firing a weapon this is how i generally define these terms in apb, and its obvious that while the cheater in the video has no recoil they still have spread and bloom iirc true nospread "hacks" were briefly available in early 2012 by changing a value in the game files, something which g1 fixed within 2 weeks by forcing that value to be calculated server side i think you can still alter the value to get similar results, as in the video below, but because the server ignores the client side values the crosshair effects are not correctly representing what the server is forcing to happen - which is why he's not landing shots on the civilian despite his client showing he has "no spread" Merged. you can't "almost ignore" effective distance for the ntec, at 95m it's doing 30% of its maximum damage (185 * 0.3 = 55.5) so even landing every shot you're looking at 18 shots to kill (2.4s minimum) plus time allowed for bloom recovery, your ttk is easily pushing 3-4 seconds - that's four times longer than the ntec's min ttk within its effective range
  22. you can literally see in the video that he has bloom lmao this is why you arent in spct :^)
  23. "posted 8 hours ago" so does this mean that your point is wrong op?
  24. thread isnt really about what clothing should be added
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