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Everything posted by vsb

  1. vsb

    anyone here gay?

    im only internet gay, sorry
  2. wasn't there a password breach that had g1 requiring everyone to change their passwords? i seem to remember a whole lot of people complaining that they couldnt access the password reset email because they dont have access to their email address
  3. yes it runs from a separate launcher and you have to download a separate client in order to connect to the 2.1 beta tests edit: the servers are only open to all during specific times for the beta tests, they're really more stress tests than anything imo
  4. the build version of apb with the upgraded engine (unreal 3.5) is 2.1, or at least it was at some point, so people have started calling it 2.1 to signify they aren't talking about current apb there have been ~3 stress/beta tests for 2.1 at this point and there'll probably be at least 1-2 more in the future, they get announced here on the forums and in the news section of the gamersfirst website
  5. this forum thing is so much easier when other people write all the stuff i want to say
  6. the misery has been decent for ages, albeit with significant drawbacks recoil was not one of those drawbacks lol
  7. its obviously the misery, it had so little recoil to begin with that the 40% reduction actually causes it to aim at enemies for you when firing massively useful buff little orbit, please continue
  8. half the people i know want the ntec nerfs reverted, should we balance based on that? seen plenty of people top frag scout without "maining pistol", as if a weapon having good synergy with your secondary is a sign of poor balance anyway people jumping off the easy meta bandwagon after the scout was balanced doesnt really prove anything - people did the same thing with the troublemaker, and even the heavy hvr after its initial nerf scout didnt need a buff at all imo, a sniper designed around being aggressively versatile and landing precise shots should have drawbacks for not doing so and while the effect is fairly small (only an extra second to land the second shot vs ca3) its part of a worrying trend of orbit mucking about with weapons that are just fine
  9. it was fantastically balanced, the only people who considered the scout garbage because of ca3 are people who cant aim the scout has been less popular because there wasnt any real reason to use it over the unnerfed heavy hvr, but its always been one of the most versatile guns in apb
  10. apbdb gets its stats directly from the devs afaik, dont see anything wrong with the coroner stats either
  11. seems fine imo percs didnt really need a change other than stamina damage, could have saved everyone some trouble if you had just done these changes in the first place as many suggested better, still not entirely sure there's ever going to be good balance among the 3 long range secondaries but at least there's an attempt i guess i'd have preferred just nuking the recoil curve system on the tommy gun (and others) altogether, hopefully this is a temp change until those systems can be looked at way too much unnecessary tweaking, just knock the oca back to before the last buff, but keep the standardized ranges and the accuracy differences between normal/sd/whisper again with the unnecessary tweaks, just revert the scout back to its 550 damage stats where it was fantastically balanced might as well go all the way - lower damage to 750 and remove the garbage accuracy-based-damage mechanic perhaps in combo with a ttk reduction or a range increase the jump modifier and recoil (on the misery, lmao) changes would be nice, but on their own it just feels like the gun has been abandoned halfway through testing i very much enjoy this gun despite its flaws and its pretty disappointing to see basically nothing done with it so far finally some changes i can get behind, altho it makes it even more frustrating that the misery can't get a range buff but its fine here
  12. what exactly is the problem with being an rng cannon in cqc anyway? thats an appropriate risk for trying to force the hvr out of its niche imo
  13. to me it seems like g1 came up with the odin series, realized that they fit basically nowhere in the current weapon balance, and slapped some wacky mods on each gun to pretend they have a niche that or they were intended to be joker box weapons that g1 decided to just throw out into the "regular" weapon pool, either way is bad as far as im concerned i actually dont have an issue with the swarm mechanic since its so incredibly minor, but things like the aces series placeholder mods, hvr accuracy:damage, dmr reverse ramp, bolt timers on guns with no bolt, and probably something im forgetting atm are all balance attempts that i feel are counterintuitive to how apb's weapon design should be exponential or curved bloom/recoil isn't something i'd count as a gimmick, altho im generally not a fan of that either tbh
  14. not a fan of random unique mechanics on guns especially now that everything is technically f2p, apb gunplay is best when everything is as simple as possible my opinion (legendary weapons excluded, although i think those deserve another pass as well) is that if you have to slap some silly gimmick on a gun as a balance attempt then it wasnt very well balanced to begin with, and you're better off starting over
  15. its never going to be impossible unless LO straight up delete high burst damage weapons or introduce more goofy unique mechanics like the scout doing no/reduced damage under 50m i dont think being able to push a weapon beyond its intended niche is a bad thing, for gameplay or balance, as long as the further a weapon is pushed the higher the risk becomes - i think the 550 damage scout was a fantastic example of a gun that could do a whole lot in the right hands, but with proportional risks (bolt timer, rof, ca3 regen counter) that heavily punished mistakes
  16. we can get rid of red crosshairs as soon as we get hitboxes that conform to the character model better
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