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Everything posted by vsb

  1. yeah but they also made lamps out of people i dont think imitating them is a great idea also ive never heard of anyone sending birds to steal 10 pound weapons lol
  2. doesnt really matter to me, even pre alpha footage it was pretty obvious the only thing the game shared with apb was that there were guns i mean cmon, a superpower that lets you send a crow to steal your opponents guns? what the fuck where they thinking
  3. like almost everything else g1 attempted this was just another in a long line of bad quality knockoffs of whatever flavor of the month gaming fad caught their attention
  4. this isnt how its supposed to go
  5. but we joke about you all the time
  6. i think its time for another daily update
  7. market price went back up because everyone wanted one to sell it for 10m dollars not 2m
  8. the problem with this is it doesnt account for anything really for example (i assume green means easy) i find any objective at the edge of a map to be far harder because the spawn system has less to work with yet you have most of gresty as easy despite it having arguably the best camping spot in the district also doesnt seem to take into account the highway, which wildly affects the difficulties of the areas it passes through
  9. he also enjoys watching gore videos and train wreck footage
  10. but if its not precise then you'll have people artificially gaining threat for completing easy objectives that just happen to be very close to hard ones
  11. i think op has the record for most disliked post lmao
  12. from my laymans pov, assigning every objective location and mission area a specific threat modifier is basically impossible not only would someone (likely an 8 person team) have to go through every single objective and mission area manually, but missions are so fluid that 2 objectives right next to each other could very well have different threats
  13. ugly model and its too small also sounds like rain on a tin roof
  14. im still confused are you saying threat should take mission area and objective location into account? because that can get subjective af, not to mention it would 100% have to be done manually
  15. might as well get myself a new title ALL SYSTEMS RED hopefully colored txt is allowed, if not then id like murderbot
  16. 8 / 10 that track is sample heaven
  17. how about we just revert the hvr nerf that was accidentally applied to the anubis and never removed, and then delete the shit tier curve mechanic recoil voila gun fixed
  18. fairfight and battleye are fundamentally different in how they detect cheating tho
  19. crying that the ogre is a bad gun? it does make me pretty sad that the game isnt perfectly balanced tbh
  20. start winning "Least Valuable Teammate" awards maybe
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