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Everything posted by vsb

  1. its been mentioned several times in the "unofficial" apb discord, orbit seems to think they would have difficulty maintaining and moderating an official discord server for what its worth i also think it would be best for everyone if there was an official little orbit/apb discord server
  2. imo fc is a terrible place to learn guns aside from the fact that 2/3 of the maps are heavily biased towards cqc, it’s almost completely different gameplay from mission districts for you (maybe) and i that’s not so bad since we know the game inside out, we can superimpose our fc experience over experience of how the mission districts work - a new player under rank 30 isn’t going to be able to do that, at best they’ll come away with pretty skewed views on what weapons excel and how, at worst the experience could cement some prejudices they may have after reading negative reviews of apb
  3. you can pretend to play innocent victim all you like, its decent entertainment at the very least
  4. and now pleading your case on the apb discord me thinks thou doth protest too much
  5. i think this is the nicest way ive ever heard someone say 'cheating shitheads' before
  6. looks like the cupid hunting event only lasts for one day, but the normal valentines event will last for the full 2 weeks the way i see it cupid hunting is just a small little bonus for whatever players like apb enough to log in on a thursday
  7. who exactly would this describe tbh - the point has been brought up that if the dog ear is actually so broken and op, then why is it so very rarely seen ingame? one would assume it would be as popular as past 'flavor of the month' unbalanced guns
  8. can confirm this is an issue for NA as well, attempting to enter any new name for a new character results in the "The character name you entered has been rejected as it contains inappropriate words" message any name that is already in use still pops the "already in use" message tho there's already a thread in the correct section
  9. 7.5 / 10 not a fan of the drop duet as far as im aware the whole COLORS thing is more about the live performance aspect than a music video substitute, i know of several COLORS features that already have music videos
  10. vsb


    ah thanks for the explanation i was assuming if you set the interval to like 1s you would have constant stutters but they would be reduced to like 3 or 4 frames oh well guess theres always the engine upgrade hope
  11. mods need their beauty rest fuck off bro
  12. a preset weapon by default is never as functional as its 3slot variant personally tagger loses almost all value when playing in any kind of coordinated group, so the preset love guns are just wasted slots to me
  13. only if they bring back scout jumpshooting as well
  14. it feels kind of weird to do holiday events after the holiday has passed, but perhaps that’s just me
  15. i believe the manufacturer was Whirlwind, because g1 suddenly decided to go off the lore rails with item names at the end
  16. both are exceptionally versatile the ntec just has accuracy ttk and range over the carbine's mobility i would not recommend trying to play them the same way
  17. apb does not "just need polishing" nor have i claimed that
  18. perhaps its rarely used because the same players that excel at carbine excel at ntec which is generally a better weapon choice altho that would mean if the carbine is balanced the ntec is op, which isnt something i agree with idk im stumped
  19. removing content is a horrible idea so suggestion threads shouldnt have any input from other players? it doesnt help anyone if i just hop into a thread and leave a "yes" or a "no" i'd argue that taking control away from the player, especially in such a critical moment (removing the player from cover) is a really bad mechanic for pvp - its frustrating and mitigates the skill factor imo if a game "just needs polishing" everything is already there and its all good, maybe this UI menu could use some streamlining or maybe that animation doesnt quite match up with gameplay - the only thing left are these small cosmetic "issues" thats not what that sentence means, "legit" is clearly describing the problems in the reviews, not the reviews themselves if you cant see the irony there i cant help you lol
  20. im not sure balance equates to meta
  21. it'd be a little on the nose if the staff used criminal characters wouldnt it?
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