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Everything posted by B0N3EZ

  1. B0N3EZ

    Account Moving

    Maybe newer players, as far as most people that have 2k+ hours on Pc that's unlikely.
  2. I have seen worse trust me... Meh i played against some high rank players that weren't even that good.
  3. This is what it takes. I think most are just scared to face skilled players. I have fought my share of skilled players and vets. Sometimes getting steamrolled is what a person needs to keep pushing but i guess most don't feel like taking it that far i guess.
  4. As of late yea, on release not a lot of people used them though.
  5. Probably from getting face rolled most of the time. XD Most of the time i rarely see anyone cheating, aside from a few i saw in the pas few weeks, it's a lot better then what it was. I'm pretty sure most of the opp you faced was probably just better then you're.
  6. B0N3EZ

    cant loaged

    Don't even bother, servers are most likely being DDosed again.
  7. Never really saw a problem with the the troublemaker...fighting wise, when it was first released i barley used it as i didn't like it that much.
  8. Can't really consider golds in bronze districts an actual gold threat. Well unless they are trolling for the fun of it.
  9. Meh i play on 1440p and i have no issues myself.
  10. Lower Magazine size fine. Lowering the damage on it would not be a smart option.
  11. Yes and make the spread as close to the csg as possible.
  12. You forgot to Tk on occasion to make the feels go away.
  13. Almost the same with the Ntec as well, but that has been used by a lot of people for years sadly. agreed, then again alot really hasn't been seriously enforced for long time, not say it's LO's fault but yea hopefully you catch my drift.
  14. Haven't used any of those settings since i started back in 2011...i don't see how they are "crucial"
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