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Everything posted by WhiskeyTangoFoxX

  1. Yeah it's UI scaling then. those UI elements do not go anywhere near that low with defaults
  2. Now that's an interesting low-res only issue. on 1080p that is not a problem at all, it's nice at the top.
  3. Calling fairfight an anti-cheat system is a bit of a stretch with the little it actually did. BattlEye has not been perfect but it sure as hell is better. I don't know about your own experience, but for me the servers actually never changed at all. Feel the same. Not perfect, but good enough to play seriously on. Aside from that, the showstopper is not as good as you think, not even close to the meta. Most other efforts by LO have been focused on quality of life stuff like the Trade system and of course the UE3.5 Engine Upgrade.
  4. Not sure what "it" is. Aside from that I'm currently going to be more busy with other projects.
  5. None of us have any experience with UE3. We are effectively useless as level designers. Most of us do not posses the skill sets for industry-level modeling. Most of us are not animators. There are a few individuals amongst us who do fill those criteria individually, but as a team we would not bring much to the table. That being said, we already have done works for LO in the past: These are only a couple of very prominent examples. There have been several other instances of us making things officially. Next time do your research before trying to judge people for what they do or don't do, alright?
  6. Team up to do what exactly? We all do our own art, we have our own styles. At times I have collaborated with others, but it is hard to coordinate and just isn't as smooth or nice an experience. The whole process is an experience that we all enjoy most or every aspect of.
  7. It's not a waste of time if I spent the time doing something I like doing. I like making renders of my characters. I like making scenes, placing assets, working out how to make the in game models look good in blender. I have fun doing it. That alone already makes it not a waste.
  8. The idea is that there is always an open RIOT district. It fills up with the players that die in the in-progress RIOTs. after a certain threshold is reached, the 2-minute countdown starts. after a second, higher threshold is reached, the count down is reduced. That was my understanding of the plan and it works on paper. Changes that could be made to make district hopping not be needed would be to dramatically speed the mode up. smaller area, more codes, faster self-activation of devices.
  9. I am aware of this, which is why I added the last sentence. It needs to be tested and then adjusted if needed. I personally can see it working. Not as smoothly and nicely as other games, but working nonetheless. Only one way to find out in the end though.
  10. Since I've seen it come up a lot I feel like it's worth mentioning that unlike other APB modes, it's not the intention to stay in the server after your team died. The general idea is that after you get eliminated, you leave the district for another RIOT district. Naturally it is hard to say how that will work out, but that was the intended method.
  11. That is only in reference to stuff in the RIOT shop, so far we have no idea what that may be. Could be titles, could be skins, could be cosmetics. It's also possible that if stuff gets rotated out of the RIOT store it goes on ARMAS instead etc. Matt is a smart man, they'll come up with something that works and has integrity.
  12. "Players who enter RIOT at any point in the future will start at the season one." Already been answered in the blog post. Doesn't matter when you start, you first unlock season one, then you can upgrade to s2 etc.
  13. Agreed on that. This is the very definition of a "too early to call" situation. It's hard to say how RIOT will impact the population and it's distribution.
  14. Apart from it being hide and seek, I think not. Your one was multi step, this one is just hide and seek with one GM acting as a map marker for searching
  15. Actually character customisation only has an impact for the first 2-3 minutes, and not on the server, only on clients. The server only needs to send a few kilobytes of information around, the client uses that info to generate the customised characters. A starter character has barely more data to transfer than one at the customisation limit, at least in the grand scheme of things. Basically, unless the devs say so, we don't need to worry about that.
  16. you have to use the latest version of NinjaRipper, older versions are not permitted by BE. Also make sure to run the D3D9 wrapper and not intruder, refer to my tutorial for details.
  17. I sincerely hope you are joking. playing stretched is at best a placebo that makes you feel like you have an easier time hitting and a straight up disadvantage at worst. Most people that play on stretched do so because they are used to lower res from ye olde days of the late 90s early 2000s, then there are a few special snowflakes who saw their favourite CSGO pro play stretched and therefore thought it had to be some sort of advantage.
  18. In case you are serious, try and tweak your mouse sensitivity, most people's aim is off because they are actually not using the right sensitivity values for them. Other than that, practice practice practice. In case you are not serious, git gud
  19. If I had to hazard a guess, it's because A : implementing a non-critical system such as this is not a priority for UE3.0; B : LO is planning to move away from separate districts for MM with phasing and C : A queue would most likely not fix anything for the reason Cooky mentioned. People giving up spamming into a district makes them move onto an empty one eventually (unless you're stubborn like me)
  20. It takes considerably less time to copy-paste a message that translates to "screw you, buy more joker boxes" than it does to actually investigate issues properly. That being said, I'm kinda amazed you let it sit that long without asking for a status update. Hope you get it resolved soon though.
  21. You seem to be having difficulty understanding this. This was NOT an official event. This was entirely run by community members.
  22. If you didn't participate with the community in a community driven event, you really don't have anyone but yourself to blame.
  23. If you really did report 30 people, I guarantee you that a good few of them were not cheating, especially because the only 100% obvious cheating you can tell without seeing the other's client is speeding.
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