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Everything posted by WhiskeyTangoFoxX

  1. Only thing even remotely close to p2w is the ursus and even that is only marginally better if at all than the ntec. Most armas guns are not viable at worst or slightly inferior to f2p guns. Cheaters have been far less of a problem lately, I personally can't say I've encountered any myself personally, may be luck, may be just the fact I don't touch FC. Bugs are gonna get squashed after the UE3.5 update, and despite that, they've already gotten rid of quite a few bad ones (seeing names through fire hydrants, Yukon fire rate to name two big ones). Matt also addressed MM, that's still a ways of unfortunately though.
  2. Crims should be happy that they won't be randomly matched with someone who is essentially playing a different game from you. LTL is completely useless and extremely counter teamplay unless you are in a premade group of at least 3 people.
  3. Yeah I do get that, I'm lucky at least that if I play during prime time I actually can play WF reliably, same can't be said for Jericho it seems
  4. I'd welcome being able to level contacts outside of their own district, hell, I'd even take a bit of a standing penalty if I have to. Right now I'm stuck soldiering through WF for 13 more levels of Orlenz before I can get back to a fun district
  5. I sincerely hope that the removal of the trial system is either temporary or an error, otherwise I can't see myself spending any G1C on weapons in this game again. And no, I am also not willing to get a shorter lease for money to try the weapon, nor do I play enough FC, or care to want to, to use the JT ones as a trial.
  6. You unlock the ntec with one slot open very quickly, that lets you put IR3 or HS3 on it, which you can buy on the in game market for a small price hike (been a while, was like 75k for level 3 mods?) After that you're set. Also, both the STAR and the PMG are very good guns only slightly off-meta. Even an unmodded ntec will take you a long way. The primary disadvantage is not gear, but simply sheer skill. APB's skill ceiling is incredibly high and some players will keep pushing it higher. new players can't compete with that
  7. Looking at APB's ranking system in any of the ways you mentioned is really not correct. If anything at all, the endgame starts at 195 where you can start using some useless and some good mods. Rank is largely meaningless in practice, it's not factored into matchmaking and if anything at all it's an indicator of mission play time. You can be high rank and terrible at the game as well as low rank and really good (especially if you take second characters into account.) Usually though high ranks are good at the game, but I've seen my share of bad ones too. The whole skill indication gets thrown out the window again though if you account for people playing in Fight Club, which does not progress you, but does help improve skill. Also, 500 hours is ridiculously little for max rank, I don't think it's possible at all, but again, after 195 rank is essentially meaningless, you can use all the good stuff after that.
  8. There's no way to be certain when they can and can't use their powers, I was just dispelling the notion that they have no powers
  9. As far as I am aware GMs do have some powers, I know I have seen them kick people, and I know I have seen people complain in various places that they got muted by GMs.
  10. much better! (also heads up of the misspelling of "Complete")
  11. I would personally go with a non-bold or at least a less bold font for the text. Having it with the same weight as the title feels strange to me.
  12. The new draft is a lot better, good work. I think a different font is in order for the news and stuff, but other than that I think it's looking pretty good now
  13. Gonna be blunt, but it looks pretty bad. If you've only designed it for 2 hours you really shouldn't post it yet. The status texts are hard to read, download bar is hard to read, you have a whole bunch of dead space, the Han sever doesn't exist anymore, you lost the news panel, the 3 buttons in the middle seem randomly placed. Personally I think the launcher is pretty much fine as it is, if anything I'd make it larger with a readable patchnote window and keep everything else mostly the same.
  14. Jenz will be deciding poses and the likes. People can ask to be grouped though. Jenz will be organising that via discord when the time comes
  15. The last major rip session has already passed. Jenz will soon post details on how to get an individual rip done.
  16. Not all ARMAS weapons are reskins, there are a few unique weapons such as the ATAC, FAR and NSSW. The ARMAS pages usually have it in the description if a gun is a reskin. Things like "functionally identical to the NTEC-5" etc.
  17. Either you are doing something wrong, or there is an issue with your system. It works fine for me, it works fine for everyone else I talked to about this.
  18. Please don't spread misinformation. It still works, I literally just ripped something 5 minutes ago. You HAVE to use NinjaRipper 1.7.1 and you HAVE to use D3D9, anything else will not work.
  19. Have a look at Jalapeno, we're chill and have a discord here!
  20. Major Update: NinjaRipper seems to work again with BattlEye enabled, you just have to make sure to be using the latest version (1.7.1 at the time of posting.) As of now I will say use at your own risk as I have not been able to do long term testing with it yet. However, I am able to access social as well as action districts, and have successfully ripped from both. I will be updating the tutorial shortly to reflect this new development. Edit: you have to use D3D9, Intruder does not work.
  21. I will have to disagree on the ugly, but yeah, the sound is awful. FFA is mostly just for bragging and absolutely not worth the price, since the OBIR is good, but not the be-all-end-all meta
  22. It's literally just an OBIR reskin with slightly less zoom, which is, depending on who you ask, a straight downgrade. Also I'm not too familiar with Jericho market prices, but on Citadel you gotta at least add another 4m before anyone wants to hear that offer.
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