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Everything posted by BartMcRoy

  1. I'd go with anything account bound. I'm more of a clothing duck so I buy the packs of clothing if account bound is available. Weapons are the same though. I think it best to have a variant of just about everything. It's good to have a long-range weapon, mid-range and close range. Pick whatever looks good to you and get to learning how to use them.
  2. I mean they can do whatever they want to it honestly. In the end people will still get butt-hurt. The only way to truly nerf the HVR is to make the player only be able to use it while sitting out of a car window with really wide cross-hairs so that it has no good accuracy. Heck I'd still use it if this were the case just to piss people off.
  3. The list of fixes will eventually be addressed and fixed by LO in good time. Remember that APB is not the only game you should be playing all day. Make sure to put other games in your day. It allows for a "healthier" gaming life mentally.
  4. I have to agree that BDO is definitely disappointing if you're not a die-hard MMORPGABC123 fan (I honestly don't know what it falls under but the amount of shit it doesn't explain properly makes my head spin). On the other hand buying G1C may not be a good purchase right now as well. I'm all for supporting this new team but don't use it up if you decide to purchase some. Store it and wait a bit. We still got a bunch of other issues aside from what BE is dealing with. The gameplay of APB is what needs attention now. So until the fps and lag problems are dealt with I wouldn't invest my G1C into anything. Just a suggestion though.
  5. Still too early to celebrate in my opinion. Gotta be a little restrained. One good thing is alright but it isn't a huge milestone yet. The problem with lag and fps still needs to be fixed. I'd wait until then.
  6. Better to wait before spending the money imo. I still haven't considered putting any until I'm diehard back in the game. When did you put money into the game? Immediately when Little Orbit acquired the game?
  7. Someone devoting all manner of resource to put down servers that allow people to play a game. I will never understand the intentions of some people. Truly something to study if ever the chance.
  8. I spat my drink. Also I kinda like the idea of guild/player housing. It would add more in terms of an RPG standpoint, but even then, that is more data for them to store. The system would probably have to be somewhat similar to GTA's version, with slight customization, a trophy system, but the base layout is the same. And sadly, while I typed this, I realize someones gonna make a brothel. Oh god why am I cursed with this mind.
  9. As a musician, I totally understand the pain of the limitation of the music editor in APB. I can't say that I know the limitations when it comes to the servers storing our creations, but I imagine that the limitations made by the music editor are for the purposes of being able to store all the information of every song created by every player.
  10. That is definitely something to consider, considering the only part of social to offer these kiosks is the bottom left portion. If allowed to other portions of the map, it can definitely allow for the spreading of the population and allow for a more utilized district.
  11. "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." - John Emerich Edward Dalberg
  12. I am all for the increased utilization of social district, but I may have to disagree with you on the shop system, mainly for clothes, for one reason. This game is a designer suite, meaning that it is very easy and simple to set up outfits in clothing kiosks because we have everything available to us to try and see what works. I really wouldn't like to have to leave the clothing kiosks, to go and buy certain clothing from somebody, only to put it on in the kiosk, and hate my purchase, and have to tediously go back and forth in the hopes I come up with the right combination. I'd rather all clothing be available so that my trial and error is more condensed and less of a chore. Other than that, I guess we can add a soccer ball in the middle of social that we all just spam kick and see what happens (I've been playing too much Destiny 2). We already have faction side clubs and stuff, but even then I don't like the idea of isolating myself from Criminals just because I'm an Enforcer. We're all here to show off our characters, talk, troll, etc. Isolation from the other faction doesn't seem like something I would do. I'm all for bench sitting and more emotes, and just more little things that make a game feel like it has more life, maybe even a working bar with a bartender. I'd laugh if it was Kempington's character model as the bartender. You have your heart in the right place. It's a good thing. I just wouldn't want to sacrifice what makes the game easy in terms of design for the purpose of utilization. Players themselves will just need to be more open to using locations in social for meetings, events, etc. In all honestly, if you want more utilization, you need to put more orange and purple kiosks all over the social map so people don't have to run back to the bottom left corner of social to change a layer of clothing, or to change the tilt of their nose.
  13. Could have been done better, as Similarities already pointed out. Better to have a constructive argument ready than this "shitpost." I mean half a face isn't much, you're still hiding something.
  14. APB is the "free-est" game when it comes to expressing yourself with a virtual physique. As well as artistically and musically. No game can touch it still.
  15. My culture is not your meme material. I actually found this funny, plz don't hurt me.
  16. *sigh The name could be anything in my opinion. But it is not the thing that is currently bothering me. They can change it whenever they want, but I want APB (you know the actual game) to be fixed first. If you worry only about the flair and the titles and all the other secondary things, what happens to the game? Some of you may think it's easy but for a business there's a lot more paperwork and time involved. Unless they can get a separate team to worry about it, that doesn't involve the devs and anyone else trying to fix APB, I could care less. I just want a good game, a well managed game. The names of companies and sub-companies don't matter as long as the game is good (something to be said about EA).
  17. While a name may have a demoralizing effect, people don't leave because of a name. People leave because of empty promises. People leave because they see no reason to continue. People leave because they see nothing being done to further the game. Everybody who knew this game jumped on when Gamersfirst acquired it. It wasn't until later we realized the company that bought it was milking whatever they could from it financially. Little Orbit is the new name, and it owns Gamersfirst. Little Orbit is the only name you need to concern yourself with now.
  18. I'm more worried about the game at this point and less about the name of the acquired company. Yeah, it has a disgusting reputation, but it's not the main thing to be worried about. We can get back players with a better game, not a better name.
  19. I can understand an AMD CPU for many reasons. Affordability is one. Gaming wise maybe not the best, but they do have better value. It's just part of the sacrifices you make when it comes to building a rig. Headsets to me are basically, do the headphones fit my big-patootie head? I got an Blue Igloo for a mic, so the onboard mic is really just useless. I'm just worried I'll need to upgrade my GPU to a 1060 at least for when Monster Hunter comes out.
  20. It is unimaginable difficult, trust me. I've been here since CBT. I've seen it all.
  21. Just make sure the things you buy with flair are reliable as well.
  22. It's honestly a romanticized notion I'm going for. I like to look for hope even in games like this where my mind is assured of negative outcomes. I just can't look onto the negative anymore. If I do, I'm just letting myself fall farther and farther down the hole of despair. Dramatic, yes, but I just hate being negative about the game anymore. I want to believe again. I'm scared, yes, but I'm holding on to my belief that this game will make it.
  23. It goes back to that old saying: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, CUT IT OUT ALREADY!" Even villains can end up being the good guys one day. Not to say they all will, but perhaps some. A bit of kindness can go a long way, for some.
  24. I feel like it's just because with Battle-Eye rolling in, and all these veterans coming back, cheaters are getting hard because they'll actually have more chances to be assholes one last time before they have to go back into their tiny holes or play legit and suck patootie. The last few days before they have to wait and pray for someone to even try and make a bypass cheat. Sometimes I just wish cheating in an online game would land in juvie/prison.
  25. BartMcRoy

    District Queue

    I like the idea of a queue, honestly. But you have to consider where the player wants or needs to play as well. There can exist a moment in time where a player will not have a contact in a certain district for missions. If you mean to keep all instances balanced, it may prevent said player from being able to join the correct location to continue progressing through contacts and leveling up. I'm all for some balance, mainly in the instance where there's a financial silver with 80 people and another with like 1. In that instance I would want a split of 20 from each side to go to the other instance so other players have a chance for pvp. Of course, this is all brainstorming right now, so let's just keep adding yeah?
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