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Everything posted by BartMcRoy

  1. There is a consequence for every action. To be honest, this is nothing right now. I know I'm not one to talk since I've only used the gifting function twice, but we can get through this. It's just a little pothole in the road to success (here's hoping and wishing).
  2. You have a really good point! It definitely could lead to that outcome. In response, I guess I would have to say that anonymity would require that the players not be named after being selected, and that the elected be very careful with grammar and sentence structure when they type in chat, to act as if it's all of them deciding what to say. It would also require that the non-selected never mince a word about not being selected, but I don't believe that will work effectively. Again, this is all speculation, but if done correctly, it can work out...I think.
  3. When it comes to getting better, time and experience is the best teacher. Sometimes the situation will call for a change. This can be either a change in weaponry, a change in approach, or even a change in play style. One lesson is learning to use the terrain to your advantage. Cover is key to avoiding bullets. Knowing your terrain is also key to flanking. Always go for the upper hand, never do the same thing twice in a row. Messing with mouse sensitivity can also help. Experiment so you can figure where you flick toward the enemy best, and which helps you maintain accuracy. Learn when to use marksman mode, and when not to, when it comes to long and close range. Another way to get better, is to play with friends, or group with people you like. You can learn a bit about everything by playing with them. I'll say again though, time and experience will teach you what you'll need to know.
  4. GTA V has the worst loading times when it comes to multiplayer. At least in this game the only inhibition is full servers. All we need is a queue system. Also, servers are just a matter of how many players we'll have in total. If Little Orbit deems fit, they'll upgrade the servers to better benefit all us players. And remember, there is no better customization of character better than APB. None.
  5. BartMcRoy


    APB: Revival of the Fittest
  6. I mean so have I. Granted, a gold for most of it. I just don't like people who don't have references when going into a job/volunteer gig. There has to be some level of trust between the people you're overseeing and yourself. There also has to be an understanding of who you are as a person. No one is truly going to know you or me because no one knows the people behind the monitors, behind the keystrokes. If there isn't some sort of multi-stage interview where they get down to the nitty-and-gritty, none of the applicants will be of assured quality. Heck I would even go for background checks, but I'd rather not bring a political argument right now.
  7. Will every clothing item in the Armas market have a seperate buy function for singular items? For example, my main character has every bit of the tactical outfit, but lacks the gloves, due to other packs, as well as previous gifts from events, giving everything but the gloves. It would be too much for me to buy the pack just to get one or two items out of it when I already own 80% of the pack. Been a problem for at least a year now for me.
  8. There's a reason for everything right now. Maybe they'll bring it back later, but for now let's let them focus on fixing the game first, yeah?
  9. For a position like this, regardless of name, would probably have better results through nominations from other players. I'm no expert on this kind of thing. The only I ever did volunteer-wise for APB was be a part of the first SPCT team. All we ever did was test patches before release. No monitoring or anything like that. Like I said though, I feel like being a known and respected player is better for this position than being someone who no one knows. Again, it's just my opinion.
  10. I'm gonna say it right now. You are going to have the hardest of jobs when it comes to managing a community. I have never been a part of one as "bad" as this one. Not to say that everyone is a bad egg, but it definitely feels like a huge shadow of toxicity follows this game. Know that I hope the best for you, as well as the rest of the team, into bringing APB back into the forefront, the game I've loved from the very moment I started playing, and also the game I constantly regret starting. It's a two-sided coin in which one side still burns me, and that I hope stops with you guys. Good luck Lixil. You will very much need it. Looking forward to the future.
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