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Everything posted by BartMcRoy

  1. BartMcRoy


    The hell is this?
  2. They could be using STAR's honestly and it would still annoy you. More the reason they use ARMAS guns so you cry P2W and incite more of that rage they like to see on district chat. They have a science, when it comes to being garbage human beings.
  3. It's not comparable due to the difference that each serves a purpose away from the other, but arresting criminals is not easy, and so is getting money from ram-raiding and being a criminal. At least with ram-raiding, it doesn't require you to be on a mission, and be against players. And half the time, no one is looking for people looting. People want to kill each other. If using LTL weapons was easy, wouldn't you think every enforcer would just sport LTL instead of lethal weapons? I mean you guys can see what weapons everybody has when you open the scoreboard, so you need to make a plan on how to deal with LTL should they be main-ing a primary. Of course, the secondary is not visible, but even then, once it happens once, you need to change up the game plan. Heck there are stun combinations with some guns that you guys aren't even aware of. The DMR sniper rifle with a nano secondary can stun people. DMR with percs. These are things available to criminals that no one does either because they don't care, or they don't bother. If you REALLY want to execute an enforcer all cool style and shit, why not just find weapon combinations that do just that? You'll soon find you'll get shot for just elongating someones death, just like how some enforcers when arresting will get shot during the arrest of the criminal. I could go on, but at this point, I don't think anything will make criminals happy. Kinda goes without saying, they want everything (don't mean to insult, but isn't it true?)
  4. Not gonna lie, the only reason I still thought of APB ever since I first got to try closed beta, was because this game is where I met most of my friends when I started out playing video games. It was the common ground for most of us. I've seen a few friends recently that I haven't seen for what feels like 3 years. Eventually, we all kinda went our separate ways, what with life, and with different genres of games. But this is the one most of us really invested our time with, our life with. I mean I know it sounds weird, investing your life into a video game, but I mean with the amount of hours some of us were putting into the game, it definitely felt like that. Felt like a big chatroom in which your creative side had the most freedom to represent what you wanted to be, from a regular looking human being, to some freakish Frankenstein creation. I mean the game was also for trolls, because I doubt any other game could let you look as ridiculous as APB would allow. People just love doing that sometimes. It's whatever to me, just do you. A lot of us held on to the hope that the cheater/hacker aspect would get shot out of the game, as well as all the people who make the game worse than what it could be. I guess that's why some of us are coming back, to see if it can really happen. I've never seen a game with more hope on the players side of it than any other game. The article is definitely biased, and to me, it comes from a hopeless standpoint, begging on controversy to make it popular, like most articles of today. To me, it's nothing new, and it should be nothing new to us as the player-base, that we have people dissing a game that was way ahead of it's time and place. I'm waiting for the next article to say something about Little Orbit, and the revival of APB. That is my hope, that is my dream. Little Orbit, do us proud.
  5. In all honesty, enforcers having non-lethal weapons is just part of the gig. Just like criminals can ram-raid storefronts and mug civilians. If anything, you just need to learn not to go against a LTL user by yourself in the event you don't want to get cuffed. Better to stop the crying now, and just understand that this is the game we are all playing.
  6. Seems useful, to be able to spectate players as a GM. I'd compare it to the Over-watch program that CS:GO has. And each "GM" decides on whether or not the person is cheating. Something like that. A unanimous decision or a majority decision. I'm not sure which ones more effective.
  7. this actually was used against me in a game as well. Holding a mobile shield in front of the objective blocks enough hvr shots to allow you to finish.
  8. BartMcRoy


    I was a hardcore LTL player before I maxed the role out to be honest. I originally joined enforcers because I really liked the idea behind it, later realizing I'm pretty much just a criminal with a badge, and that arresting solo sucks. LTL is a huge challenge. Mainly because it does nothing to vehicles, is tough without the whole team doing it, and requires a different play style. I get it though. I hate when I get arrested playing on my criminal, but I mean that's part of being a criminal. Some of them do get cuffed. And yeah, having to wait a lot longer spawn in sucks. I can only recommend that you play the game with your team by your side so when the LTL's show up, there's a better chance you'll all survive. Also what does kidnapping enforcers solve? Heck if there was a mechanic to grab a civilian by the neck and use em as a meat shield, that would be more interesting. How they would implement that, I do not know. And even then civilian NPC's killed by enforcers barely lower prestige. They'd have to make a special case for when you grab one. That could get hectic. I mean if we talk about balance, how about the fact that its harder for us to get cash because we have to depend on criminals stealing valuables and cars and having to deliver those goods to our contacts. I mean criminals can go in an empty server and just hoard items for money, and make a ton. Why can't enforcers do that? Yeah I know it's not combat, but it still sucks. It's hard for enforcers to make money.
  9. This made my day. ^ Hell yeah Snubnose for glory.
  10. In the middle of Social with Mattskoi screaming his name at the highest pitch possible.
  11. First time I ever logged in and saw no servers to join. This is interesting. Feels intentional.
  12. Mr. Scott, I look forward to your work in the coming months ahead. Can't wait to see what you'll do.
  13. In the end, it's all up to them how the fate of this game proceeds. Let's hope for the best in the coming selections.
  14. Honestly, just having more options for visuals is something I want as well. We all like to experience things differently, so definitely with Jota on this.
  15. I actually remember using your rigs previously. I must say the day that you, Bridgette, and Vegg got together to provide all those materials on the steam group was a great time indeed. I'll see about starting sometime today on a small project. Probably will have to look at that tutorial vid from back in the day.
  16. Previously, yes. Haven't so much as touched Blender since 2015.
  17. I'm not gonna say that your idea is bad, but I can't help but disagree with the idea. Thank you however for expressing it in a somewhat more deliberate way. While I myself am not a fan of quick-switching, or jump-sniping, and all the other memes associated with snipers in this game, I don't like to infringe on peoples right in this game to use whatever damn weapon they want to use. Every time I'm in a group of friends, I usually take the sniper role, because to me, being the sniper means helping protect my friends in the front, taking most of the damage. My friend Ange1ofD4rkness would have a field-day with promoting the use of snipers. At any moment, someone can just come up behind me and just put me down, because I'd be more focused on supporting my friends rather than worrying about my surroundings. At any moment the opposing team can just go after me together, and I wouldn't last a second (unless they were absolutely terrible or I got incredibly lucky - it happens). In the Q&A stream with Kempington and CEO Matt Scott, Matt said something that rang true in my ears. It went along the lines of: "No weapon in the game is OP, but there is a stigma. You can give the "best" weapon in the game to the worst player, and the "worst" weapon in the game to the best player, and in the end, the best player would dominate." It all comes down to how you learn to counter the players going against you.
  18. I'd like to believe I'm on the side of good, of camaraderie, of good times and good "gamesmanship." On the side of laughs, on the side of healthy competition in video games. I am for the positive progress of APB. I want it to shine.
  19. Game certainly feels darker in terms of atmospheric light. Reminds me of the option in The Division for realistic lighting. Makes night dope as hell. In a game however, where we are trying to kill each other in the name of some creed, I think we all want to be able to see our enemy. Even then, most people play on potato settings where light is apparently not an issue. I guess the issue is really for people with beefy computers. Still, I'm kind of hoping for some improvement upon the games shaders and graphics myself.
  20. And how would the game decide who keeps the HVR and who doesn't? Say I want to advance my sniper role, but every time I'm called as backup, they give precedence to someone already using it on the mission. I mean, granted I can just switch to a different sniper rifle, but what if I've invested mods and other things onto my HVR without a suitable backup?
  21. I feel like that would be hard to implement coding wise. I mean imagine you're calling for backup in a mission, and one of your backup members has an HVR. Problem is, so do you. So what then, the game just crashes?
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