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Posts posted by Kiida

  1. The OSCAR will not reward bad players like, say, an ATAC or N-TEC will. You have to be good at aiming and timing your shots for it to be a good gun.

    Also I don't know where people keep getting this "they warp every time they shoot with OSCAR" thing from. I've never seen it happen, at least not since sprintshooting was nerfed. Are you sure it's not simply lag-related issues since many of these claims are from NA?

  2. 3 minutes ago, Excalibur! said:

    What happened with the claim that there was people banned for asking Lixil why she played with "cheaters"??? I didn't understand that part...

    Lixil had people banned only in her own stream due to the drama they were bringing up over said formerly-banned players. She simply doesn't like naming and shaming.
    • Like 1

  3. Just now, MattScott said:

    I made a quick edit. We still want to do streams with devs, Q&As, and special events. Just not against our players in game missions.

    This was not meant as a punitive post to the community for how things went. It was just a clarification on our policies.

    Thanks, Matt. Glad to see it's not completely off the board.

  4. Just now, Pintail said:
    Just no gameplay streaming. We can still hope for dev streams in the future (I think). Something similar to what Jagex does I hope.
    Exactly this. The Runescape dev teams build SO much hype for future updates through their dev streams. I tried suggesting this in-game during one of the FC events with the GMs recently. There's obviously not much to work on in terms of content right now but it's something I'd love to see after the engine upgrade has rolled out.

  5. No more streaming at all? Gotta say I'm pretty disappointed by that decision, but I can understand it due to today's drama.
    GM/dev streams are one of the things APB has always needed though, I hope you look into it again for the future.

    Edited after clarification

    • Like 4

  6. Just now, illgot said:
    On 6/29/2018 at 10:48 AM, Kiida said:

    LO will no doubt pay for proper DDoS protection and mitigation unlike G1. They knew what they were buying into.

    are we sure it is DDOS attacks, just seems to be a constant issue with Jericho, not sure if Citadel has this issue ALL the time.
    At this point I have no idea. NA has had these server issues on a near constant basis since 2013, through different server locations (Joker on east, then Jericho in central). It is something they're trying to figure out though.
    • Like 1

  7. 2 minutes ago, Keshi said:

    They should not bring new players if they can't fix the game. Lag is insane and it performs poor on our modern PC's
    So if they can fix that then they can bring modern players that will/might stay with the game

    Citadel doesn't really lag that much unless there's a DDoS attack. I've no idea why NA has consistently had it so bad since 2013.
    Engine upgrade will fix most performance issues though. Hopefully not too long now.
    • Like 1

  8. Just now, CookiePuss said:

    Unpopular opinion: Maybe there werent that many cheaters to begin with, and BE has just lessened our paranoia. 




    There was on Citadel :s
    A few familiar names around that I see are still cheating, somehow already have that BE bypass but LO are implementing anticheat features one by one I think? So not too concerned anymore.

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