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Sgt Drayke

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Everything posted by Sgt Drayke

  1. yeh exactly that, unfortunately with freedoms come twats. who like many things think they can take free speech and acts further then just being free. they hold the power to do what they will.. APB is built on this "freedom" to create, play, do and progress" obviously rules are there.. the only way you can combat this issue is by using the report tool, thats been stated by LO and G1 over the years, if its that bad and one player specifically then just keep reporting them .. Otherwise like everything else in life that's despicable and wrong we turn a blind eye to add them to that list.
  2. and welcome to apb.. unfortunately nothing has changed over the 10+ years. I get how you feel, and admittedly iv reported a few in my time. it is amazing how much flies under the radar but its also Stupidly difficult to police the game considering the game has always tried to allow "open creative freedoms" and well 80% of the servers are full of trolls. along time ago a bunch of the "old guard" did ask for an "age verification" as most of the trolling was under age kids. ( just painted a target on my back ) but given that most of the big money is from those exact kids spending mum & dads gold cards .. the argument then becomes void . don't forget the game was released as 18+ .. and no one knows how to incorrectly fill an age request box 08 01 1842 ,, (sarcasm) .... ... what can you do about it ? Yup be that guy.. ring that "report button all day long" though this would be creating a lot of work for LO .. but its there for this very reason. So ... hover you mouse/aim over the image you feel is "offensive" make note of the name. or if you can view the profile of its creator to copy the name. go into you game menu (F10/11 depending on your preferences) down to report, slap that profile name in, and then give the subject of the report and brief why.. example being, "custom graffiti racist/offensive" . the more reports LO get the more likely they are to view all "custom graffiti" that player has in there profile index.. Apologies for the Gifs. day off and had to much coffee... Use the report feature bud. its the only way LO can actually gage how bad something is or who the perps are .
  3. good to hear. a lot of the time its dependant on three things, 1) the "type" / manufacture of card you have. And if your running it OC (be it manually or manufacture oc) 2) what mode you have Nvc/Experience set to ie max/app/balanced 3) how far your pushing the game Ie high spec resolution / FPS / high - ultra graphics. etc. it really is unique to the build,.. what may be stock game for you is not for someone else. Happy gaming
  4. hey all, So iv been able to do some more tweaking, previously i was pushing "window mode" at a reduced resolution from native as the "only best" option, it still is the better option for performance, however further testing & monitoring loads, you can make the game go "full screen window mode" , and for the sake of proof, in 4k, iv made a quick video (at around 2am so i do dribble on a bit ) showing the game running maxed out at 4k 60fps+ with full vysnc support. trick really is to take advantage of the Nvc, because the game is operating in a window there is no point in having vsync or smooth frame on as it will be void, allow Nvc to take control of this, additionally this will reduce the games "memory usage" reducing the risk of the horrid error message. There really isnt any point in my view running the game at 4k, 2k is visually the same and less then half the requirement on resources. but due to the games resolution options with "full screen window mode" you dont get the option for a resolution slider. There is no point requesting this option at this stage with the update coming, the new engine should have the feature allowing you to adjust res within any displayable state., also for those running 120 / 144 fps monitors this should work, adjust your fps limit to 10+ your native fps. so i use 60 = 70 , 120 = 130 . 144 = 154 . really anything above 70 is an argument of personal belief. Description from Video on YouTube "Video showing my latest stable config running APB Reloaded full screen 4k with RTX Graphics cards, Focusing on the 3k Series. Using Nvc to create a custom Profile. All game footage is 4k 3840x2160 at 60fps. Audio is through an AE-5 Plus 5.1 surround sound downmixed to stereo for this video on YouTube. Occasional stutter is the capture software struggling and "lag spikes" causing small fps drops."
  5. this has been around for awhile, and unfortunately has effected a lot of people including my self, so my understanding to this is.. (iv tried to word it so it doesn't read like dribble) in game "Item" management system is a complex "one tile" system. so in reference to making tweaks to gun stats its the same for trail times, availability, level usability etc, "one tile" being every individual item / version of an item has a "tile" card or "info card" think like football player cards , were the game can reference to the "stats" of each item. these "tiles" also hold prem, trial, contact etc. you need to keep in mind this games system is 10+ years old. were coding was not as flexible as it is now. so example being Stac10 you may of received as achievement back in 2016 as a perm status, if the item is not in your actually account inventory then it is still in the realms of "game/server side Inventory" thus, if dev's changed that achievement reward to 60 day trial in say 2018, then your gun in the email will be updated to what reflects the games "tile info or Gun Info Card" for that achievement. I once had close to 600+ emails of just guns. over the 10+ years iv played since alpha/beta . iv lost probably 200 of them, and most of them have been changed from perm to trial. Just one of those things bud.
  6. @Amayii this is resolved can move it. been in convo with @NEVKE via discord. NVc Profile fixed his issues , on rtx3070 game now running max graphics @ 1440FS with fps 100+ , "lag" drops are few between but that's currently normal for all.
  7. When its you and your co killer.. against 3.. no wait make that 4..
  8. sounds like a firewall / AV issue. check through the security apps your running to make sure they arnt blocking any file or process BE is running. You will need BE eventually otherwise youl run the risk of Flag/Ban. launcher probably did -reinstall it in the background if youv deleted files., If you still have issues occur then the other option is to fully un-install BE from your system. best option for this is to enter "safe Mode" > "Add/remove programs" > BattleEye. Additionaly whilst there locate your game installation path . delete two folders 1) YourPath#\APB Reloaded\Binaries\BattlEye 2) YourPath#\APB Reloaded\TPI\BattleEye Reboot Load APB Reloaded Launcher > Verify/repair game - should redownload battleye and promt to install . This may Trade lock your acc for a few days. NOTE any AV Firewall may ask for your approval to allow this application or Parts of, to access firewall or System access, ALso The game will run and you get the same error then this would imply 3 things 1) System is still blocking BE , (multiple reasons youd need to go through step by step to problem solve) 2) other applications installed using alot of bandwidth or VPNS? (easy to test) 3) Router could be in question (nat) (youl need acces to your routers config,) Another thing to keep in mind is if your trying to play using "mobile Roaming Internet" be it 4g 5g connections, these are unstable and use multiple antennas, your Ip will change every time you are dropped/reconnected
  9. game wont get support, to old, if you want to know more about "why" go watch "LTT" video about it, easier then me trying to explain it. That said, most of what FidelityFx Sr can be done in NVc-Profiles if your using Nvidia. (sorry AMD users) even if your running a 5+ old system and want optimisation or even if your running current gen and want the best setup. But there is a limit of how far you can push the game due to its age, 4k and 8k is a great badge to have but its visually no different from 1440 (2K) there is a way to combat the FPS drops (which are due to various reasons) but again it takes some tweaking. recently helped someone on here with a current gen system with RTX3070 struggling to get 20fps at 1080 low graphics go to 144fps at 1440res fullscreen max graphics by simply taking the time to tweak settings and understand there system.
  10. This was such a close call, just goes to show anything really can happen..
  11. New Viewer to the channel ? THEN SUBSCRIBE !
  12. Sgt Drayke

    Regular disconnecting

    Alright good stuff. wont ask why you have all the tech i cant talk much with my setup , you must have an equally good reason. So Connection Switching could be an issue in regards to external ip, which is why 4g 5g connections are so horrible for gaming, when a connection is switched lost/reconnected to a different provider or antenna then in nearly all cases the external ip is different and unfortunate the unwritten rule is to not notify sender/receivers it would just create to much traffic. thus all previous packets are being sent by server to an ip that no longer exists, So your last question about APB and packet loss, there is a monitoring tool ingame, it can be "finiky" to say other wise if your up for the challenge then microsoft provide a free network monitoring tool to check your packet/data network activity. then problem being is if your not having connection issues in any other game or application and it points to apb only, but because this is not a global large scale issue even in EU, (although there are some service providers people are having issues with) this would all point to = "The game installation environment" ie - Hardware build, OS version and Software installed of which the game in installed into . this then becomes an issue only you can hunt down. My personal option if this is the case would be to view your router logs around the time you get disconnects, see if the router is blocking anything? also cross refrence with your security software AV/AM/Firewall Defender . it might come down to 1 game file thats been flagged by antivirus say for trying to access a dll in memory and this one file is dropping the game . I did regularly have 20+ files flagged by Comodo at one point by hips. for irregular memory access. Event Viewer will also show faulting files if its catching your game crash out. may also show events in network log. May also be worth loading "event Viewer" and checking some of the advanced filters, especially hardware. just incase your having any issues with power stability / rj45 port drivers or drop out. sounds odd but in recent years its become more common to question power consumption and stability , when system is at load you could be topping your psu or power from wall (or if on an extension cord) static on cables, be it power cords effecting RJ45 cable if its not shielded. or even heat, but all these are rare and reaching for causes. hope this helps shed some light on a very difficult "search and destroy" mission
  13. Sgt Drayke

    Regular disconnecting

    hi @xxdinnerxx So disconnects are a tough one to solve. and not always your systems or games fault. First What type of connection are you using ? 1) Phone line (known in uk as ADSL) 2) Copper Coax (known in uk as DSL) 3) Fibre (dont be fooled most fibre is only to your street junction box then coax to the door, more expensive will be fibre to house) 4) Satellite 5) 4G or 5G (cellular network - roaming for best connection) so the best is 2 & 3, mid is 1 and can be 4, Worst is 5. Location in the world also plays a big part, some people in the north of england will have worse connection then say london, although london will be weaker due to traffic its more stable. same applies for small towns compared to big cities. Secondly - Router and internal network,. so if youv been supplied a router from your isp then the question is how is it setup, most are set for avg users and not gaming, so you would need access to log into it and set the router up, now getting performance from a router would mean opening it up and reducing the safeguards a little, not always best. plus if youv got family to worry about then dont do it . Also Your connection to and from the router, if your using RJ45 cable direct connection then this is obviously best, if your using wireless, then there are even more things to worry about, building materials, electrical items like speakers tvs fridges ovens microwaves etc can all reduce the performance of wireless (wifi) also if you have 1 or more rooms which are heavily used by humans, someone simply walking around can interfere with the signal strength. One way to test is can you hard wire to your router to test if not already? or even for a quick test move your system to the router ? if in another room? in terms of your rig at a glance it looks solid for apb. (i havnt researched each spec of your system) you can get network monitoring tools from microsoft or other providers, this can help you understand your data packets and connections to Router and external Ips.
  14. HAHA this week has been a struggle.. Episode 81 did go out on YT on time, thanks to all who have already checked it and enjoyed it., just didnt set the Posts to the right day! LOL and im late posting in here again.
  15. Hi @Bva So straight out the gate Il Reference this topic point : Nvidia GTX/RTX known issue Iv posted fixes/solutions for this error (similar) based on RTX Cards , but not everyones issue is the same, This error can also be linked to actual gpu loss were the gpu is either dropped for its safetly by os, or the driver is restarted by os. both cases would raise events and warnings within the os. If you are not running an NVidia RTX or GTX Card please try the following self fault finding/fixes of section One Section One - self diagnostic / Fixes have you checked/tried the following ? check for and update Graphics Drivers? Update OS ? Checked updates for DX-Packages Checked your AV/AM/ Security applications including OS Defender for any limited/restricted access of the games files? Even after updates , via launcher options verified game files? Section Two - If youv tried Section One and still having issues please state the following, PC Spec (manufacture name model or if custom list all PC parts) ? OS version build ? AV/AM security Software ? GPU Driver Version ? Also include monitor manufacture and model ?
  16. Haha episode 80 ... Dam this series has just been epic..
  17. Sgt Drayke

    Input issues

    so im only trying to help you bud unlike one of the other brilliant comments you have. so lets start from scratch to clarify your issue. 1) What OS are you running on? 2) Does your computer meet minimum requirements, 3) What Antivirus / Firewall applications are you running. 4) Do you run any 3rd party applications that can take control of your mouse and keyboard ie Screen Share / remote viewer / automated actions As your issue is "HID" (Mouse specific) What Mouse hardware are you using? Manufacture name and model number ?
  18. Sgt Drayke

    Input issues

    so the bigger question to this is.. Does your mouse curser on the desktop move equal to your mouse movement. even at speed? does it have this effect in other games ? ? if it happens on the os desktop or in other games then i would question either ports, or os drivers / HID . Another thing to question is does this only happen if you have a controller or Joystick plugged in via usb? does this happen if you have the mouse connected directly through the motherboard USB not front panel usb.? does your mouse have additional buttons that you might tap. ie "movement reduction" for sniping . like the corsair buttons have. also software, so have you installed the mouse software packages, and checked features? have you completely uninstalled old mouse drivers/applications and tried uninstalling HID devices from your os and then rebooted reinstalled the mouse. also some AV like Comodo will actually limit applications use of HID devices encase of virtual replication. so something to think about
  19. Sorry all, late posting this one here. super busy. This is Fridays episode. Enjoy
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