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Sgt Drayke

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Everything posted by Sgt Drayke

  1. So ... Is this happening attempting to install the game? Or with the game fully downloaded installed and up to date? Additionally have you updated your OS? and Drivers? Have you checked your Firewall or Security Applications are not restricting or blocking the launcher or game?
  2. Day 28 of 28 .... February Daily Episodes ! Against a Viewer.. Episode 31 of the Uncut series - Day 28/ 28 for the February daily Episodes. . Hit the Like , Share ❤ , Comment your thoughts -
  3. Hello Viewers.. Sorry I didn't post this episode link in here last night, a lot going on my end. it did go live last night, Go sub & get notifications on my channel for when I'm crap Episode 30 of the Uncut series - Day 27/ 28 for the February daily Episodes. . Hit the Like , Share ❤ , Comment your thoughts - Please help get the Channel to 1,500 Subscribers
  4. Huh.. ok . Add some info A) Time you was playing/experience the issues? B) Approximate Server player Count? (on the map screen how full was the server)? And What Server (financial 2/ 3/ /5 etc) C) Does this "lag Spike" become continuous over a set amount of seconds? or is it completely random? (example every 5 seconds for a second) D) Does it cause any serious issue to stability or is it just simply a stutter? (game crashes out, or becomes un-synced) Also some bits to keep in mind, 1) Have you over the past few months/weeks done any Driver updates? & OS updates ? (you should if you havent and/or if you have did the issue start around the same time?), 2) also cleaned/tidied your OS C drive? as OS gets old (yes it ages the longer you use it) they become slow and clogged up with update files and ghost processes and Physical disk take longer to do stuff. 3) in terms of W10 it is becoming more difficult with older hardware as more and more updates come down. 4) Background processes "spotify music, skype, chrome etc" and all the apps "gadget apps" that Use "overlays" can have issues. like Icue Evga MSI Discord etc. this is to do with continues use of bandwidth, and overlays that require screen updates. so many people play APB (example) with Origin Uplay Epic and so many open, they will all eat your bandwidth and try to overlay if enabled. In terms of APB the game has had some small improvements but also visually, so may find that it requires a little more than it would of a year ago or so. Added note: Recently jumped on and found the server latency to be higher then normal that can cause some small stutters, but this is down to more people coming back on the game,
  5. Episode 29 of the Uncut series - Day 26/ 28 for the February daily Episodes. . Hit the Like , Share ❤ , Comment your thoughts - Please help get the Channel to 1,500 Subscribers
  6. Last Man Standing... You've all been there.. in episode 28 Day 25 of 28... 28 days of daily APB Reloaded uncut one take episodes
  7. This was an interesting read. and well. Pff .. should I help.. Ok if this is a false negative what would a "possible test solution" be.? I agree with RatedX (great name? although is that pic meant to be Johnny Bravo? ) doing the second option. Revo may do this through your OS local account, or depending on version require you to reboot to admin or "safe mode" there is another step you need to take into consideration.. AutoIT = which for the record can be used to abuse mouse & key presses to trigger events etc.. as well as day to day IT uses (not saying you have) AutoIT once installed depending on version will integrated its self into your core os. so even if you close it in task manager it can still have a background process or even re-start its own process. Now although a AutoIt is freewawre if Razor has "used" this application and combined it into its own mouse app.. (possible) your options become a little more tricky.. To remove AutoIT , and or Razor Features [ You will have to identify any AutoIt parts of the razor software] you are best doing this in "Safe mode" - < this is more advanced and I cannot advise you do this with out knowledge so do so at your own risk. Now battleeye.. this has 3+ different ways it can monitor you. depending on what service is in place via the "game" servers. i wont get into detail for obvious reason. If you are able to play other games using battleeye with your current apb ban. then I would say - uninstall battle eye from your system through "safe mode" as well as going through your additional file locations to remove addition "ghost/stamp" files. again you will need to read up how / were to find these. If you are lucky.. and its just a "system side" ban/block then battleeye is just acknowledging your system flag ID & Game ID together , thus no BE files and non on server side then you might be free. But if your unlucky then the APB BE server side has you flagged based on a number of factors and your not going to be playing the game anytime soon. Now GamersFirst/LittleOrbit will not be in any rush to resolve your "ban" issue., if it is their Client level, if yours is global it will be BE issue, .. now LittleOrbit especially wont if you keep trying the game creating new flags. additionally when they see "macro, mouse, application etc" Why? because anything automatically done by BE is going to be pretty accurate, and is a "he said she said" argument, PLUS the argument of "but I don't use it, it was installed etc. " doesn't count BE will only detect something if it is used. per say. They cant strike someone just because you have an "application" on your system., Although pre scanning of processes is cared out and "autoIT" is freeware (more about that read on) it would have to be "activated" for it to be flagged. I have corsair mouse and keyboard, I use pre set macro keys but to carry out single use functions external to the game. , so BE doesn't care, but if it detects "other" instances then it will flag it, This can include the "Mouse wheel" abuse as well ... Trust me there is more people wanting content and engine update then there is wanting someone "un-banned" .. and with the current world its hard enough having people trying to do these updated remotely. Additionally its been know for some time that BE can detect "false negatives" on applications, normally you will be kicked from game but with "illegal event" or "corrupt data" . normally applications like EVGA, MSI, Discord etc can have this effect. Oh and note about other games allowing you to play is dependant on the "games" own BE server/update levels nothing to do with APB.. think of it like Pizza Hut & Dominos Hawaiian pizzas, they aren't the same , nor taste or spell the same. Iv been vague on bits on purpose. meh..
  8. EASY! .. Kinda Episode 27 Episode 27 of the Uncut series - Day 24/ 28 for the February daily Episodes. . Hit the Like , Share ❤ , Comment your thoughts - Please help get the Channel to 1,500 Subscribers
  9. Just One of Those Episode 26 of the Uncut Series.. Episode 26 of the Uncut series - Day 23/ 28 for the February daily Episodes. . Hit the Like , Share ❤ , Comment your thoughts - Please help get the Channel to 1,500 Subscribers
  10. Apologies for the late post,. this did launch last night. usual time 9PM Gmt. I was in bed Ahh FULL SEND - 25 UnCut Episode 25 of the Uncut series - Day 22/ 28 for the February daily Episodes. . Hit the Like , Share ❤ , Comment your thoughts - Please help get the Channel to 1,500 Subscribers
  11. Team SWEATY - 24 Lets Play APB Reloaded Uncut Series - Seriously couldn't name this one any better Episode 24 of the Uncut series - Day 21/ 28 for the February daily Episodes. . Hit the Like , Share ❤ , Comment your thoughts - Please help get the Channel to 1,500 Subscribers - current count at 1,272
  12. Tonight's Episode : Win to Lose ! Episode 23 of the Uncut series - Day 20/ 28 for the February daily Episodes. . Hit the Like , Share ❤ , Comment your thoughts - Please help get the Channel to 1,500 Subscribers - current count at 1,267
  13. Sgt Drayke


    Youl need to post screen shots using another service, for reasons i wont use that link. So clarify your sentence because its miss leading. " reinstalled the game and when i finished installing the launcher." You reinstalled the game.. Then installed the AdvL ? or "once you finished reinstalling the game the vanilla launcher showed the error message" Because installing the the game would imply you already have the Vanilla game launcher installed. For questions about the Advanced launcher you need to refer to their help service / forum threads. although AdvL is "supported" now, if there is issues when you use apply it then they are best to fix/solve any issues.
  14. Decided to go live. Random saturday sweat.. plus road to 1500 subs
  15. Sgt Drayke


    Hey MrLek, This is more than just "APB Crash".. also I'm not a user of advL but some direction for you. Can you break down your problem solving. Have you attempted doing a completely clean install of the game. - "program files > uninstall APBGame" + checking install directory is completely clear of files including "advanced launcher files" .. make sure the advL is completely removed. If the game then once reinstalled works "vanilla" then you've ruled out two theories. 1) "vanilla game" issue 2) hardware+OS issue. You've put that after a few repairs it does work normally. so from your post i would say there are a few possibilities. 1) corrupt files from advL - Remove it completely redownload latest version and try the process again 2) check your AV AMware and OS Security apps are not blocking or restricting advL .
  16. Back Ally War - Criminal episode takes you deep into the criminal world Episode 22 of the Uncut series - Day 19/ 28 for the February daily Episodes. . Hit the Like , Share ❤ , Comment your thoughts - Please help me get the Channel to 1,500 Subscribers
  17. Take What You Give ! "HELLO" .. Episode 21 of the Uncut series - Day 18/ 28 for the February daily Episodes. . Hit the Like , Share ❤ , Comment your thoughts - Please help me get the Channel to 1,500 Subscribers
  18. You need to provide some more info my friend . What With When Where Why . Is this something your experiencing trying to install the game? or do you have it installed already but this is on first launch? also what OS build do you use? as well as hardware configuration? and installation directory? Do you by any chance get more information provided with this error message, Windows will normally provide an info box with error code, or just a simple pop up.
  19. You need to provide some more info my friend . What With When Where Why . Is this something your experiencing trying to install the game? or do you have it installed already but this is on first launch? also what OS build do you use? as well as hardware configuration? and installation directory? Do you by any chance get more information provided with this error message, Windows will normally provide an info box with error code, or just a simple pop up.
  20. A different video for you .. An extra video .. This is a small Timelapse Behind the scenes video I randomly recorded.. not sure why. Made it a thing UnCut Ingame Poster in Designer There will still be an Un-Cut episode tonight 9PM GMT we are going strong on the Daily Month long madnes !
  21. This Uncut Episode is all about the CRIMINAL .. Mrs Drayke is showing the the WaterFront Underworld .. Enjoy., and Hit the like on the video Episode 20 of the Uncut series - Day 17/ 28 for the February daily Episodes. . Hit the Like , Share ❤ , Comment your thoughts -
  22. can we clarify you guys are running the game "vanilla" with no mods: Launcher / shaders / file edits etc. Other things to keep in mind when problem solving anticheats issues before you begin modifying regfiles & uninstalling etc.. for those that are new to this kind of issue. -> Windows 10 updates to Defender + UAC + encryption (if you use it on OS PRO) +firewall Exceptions = will/Can affect the game if you have it installed to the C:/ Directory. latest updates are not very game friendly especially to older games. this is due to newer ransom ware, MS has dictated security is priority over gaming which is fair. This can be a problem if the game is unable to update a file due to one of the OS applications is restricting access or even run state. -> Modern AV/ AMware = use "hips" / "Sandboxes" for any applications it deems "unsafe/un-stable/possible threat" so if this has begun after a game update worth checking your "security apps" for restrictions. [ if you are not familiar with this, reference your "security app help site" ] This is the same as above regarding Restricted access/run state. This is what i use - just for reference for those unsure what to look for. . -> Overlays & Hooking . . This is the most common issue - although the error your getting is "corrupt data" Any applications attempting to overlay ; Steam, origin, uplay, epic, battlenet, geforce ansel, any others .... they can be seen as a "false negative" to anti-cheats. and although the creators of anti-cheats add exceptions, sometimes updates can through these out.. steam does too but rare. Try running the game with all game clients closed except steam if you use it. This list of Overlays also Includes Hardware Monitoring = EVGA, MSI , RiverTuner etc including discord. also try running the game with out discord etc running, including background processes. I personally do not allow discord to hook to my game including overlay. Additionally if you are creators or just trying to record/capture. applications that "hook" to DX / OpenGL will also be detected. Hooking to DX/Opengl is one of the main ways cheats work for overlaying target boxes, auto aim etc. were the Dx processes are tapped for pre information being sent to your graphics card etc. why a lot of video capture still use it for the purest form of video capture. = false negative. APB for me when I use my apps will block the hook and close the game out right with anticheat screaming.. some times it will show an "illigal event" message or "currupt data" .. Deleting the BEservice_x64 is not a good idea. if you are running x64 OS, 32 bit applications require the 64 bit components to run stable. the BEService & BEservice_x64 are both performing required tasks to make sure the game runs in a stable environment. simply removing the x64 can/will make it unstable. from the day the game launched it was always best running on x64 planform although 32bit. if you are on x64 deleting the BEservice_x64 is not going to help as APB server side will stop attempting to receive BE packets and ultimately kick you (could result in a flag). and its advisable to allow this to run so you do not flag your system. however if you are on 32bit OS (x86) then you shouldn't even be seeing this BEService_x64 as it is a x64 process. Quote from BattleEye : "In order to serve its purpose of preventing and detecting the use of cheat software with the goal of ensuring a fair game environment, BattlEye may process the following information from you: - IP address - Game identifiers (e.g. in-game name, account ID, etc.) - Hardware device information and identifiers (e.g. serial numbers) - Information about the running operating system << Detecting a 64bit OS with only 32bit process will flag an error / illegal event - Information about game-related and operating-system-related files and memory - Information about running processes, drivers and other executable code - File names included in other information listed here, which might also contain your operating system user name" The best way to safely remove BE files is via safemode where it will be 100% de-active. Just keep in mind that doing so will/can effect other games you play that use this service as like punkbuster it becomes more widely used and integrated. Really all you should need to do is: Two Steps I would try if you wish to reinstall your BattleEye for APB. 1) rename The "battleEye" folder from APB Reloaded\Binaries to "Bk_BattleEye" & move the APB_BE.exe into this folder. for backup reasons. 2) APB Launcher / Options / verify game files. (the Launcher should automatically detect that BattleEye is missing and redownload. to my knowledge the BattleEye files are stored on APB Servers for your regions. so it will be the latest versions. The launcher will also verify all game files for integrity. ( I have done this 3 times to test ) Additional step, if you have the game installed to your C:/ Directory is to double check your "security applications" for False Negatives. If "Corrupt data" message is shown again then I would re-question your security applications , and run state. file access etc. if this error was happening world wide to everyone then we could say X file by game or BE is the issue. Unfortunately with so many variations of OS builds, Hardware and software environments , and that its not a widely effecting issue, with out more info regarding the "issue" problem solving from the ground up individually is your best option. Hope this helps you. Oh and x64 problem with RTX is a completely different thing and not to be confused with this.
  23. Hi @NEVKE sorry for the late "get back" .. finally made it down my list of things to check/test... I made a note about ssd. A long time ago when 120gb ssd's cost £150+ i remember running apb on ssd and it didn't like it. so I copied/mirrored the entire game from my secondary HDD (physical 4tb 3.5 Hard Disk sata III ) to my Secondary SSD ( 1tb 2.5 solid state Sata III ) . This would seem irrelevant right.. wrong. APB does fall into that category of older games. given that its core code is 11+ years old.. Conclusion for me ( I have only tested this on 1 of my ssd's and it wasn't an clean install of the game, just mirror) the game was unstable. Although my FPS was at 60, it was dropping sporadically to 35, 46, 55.. never really below 30. and i tried everything to solve this ingame. Not modifying the game files or system. bit of background info, all of my SSD's and HDDs are listed as AHCI for sataIII , (this is in the mobo) don't change this if you are unsure , if you do it can cause system os to become unstable. for the sake of testing i copied my attempted in game settings of stability - Nearest possible, back to my HDD version that is flawless, and it ran fine. not at best but fine.. After some research this is a known issue with older games and Apps. and falls into the category of . "some software applications become too out dated with lack of update support or simply core code that can not be updated to suit modern hardware" This actually surprised me and goes to show testament of how long this game has been running. 11+ years we are talking pre BF3, . at modern warfare 2 times haha. not to say this is your issue, But. if you want to try .. and youv got an old Sata III HDD be it 3.5 or even 2.5 (laptop) doesnt need to be big, can be 120gb that you can connect in, set it as secondary GPT. create a folder tree like : Steam/SteamApps/Common/ *APB Reloaded* and mirror/copy your game into this directory. then simply rename your original apb install location to "bk_ APB Reloaded" or similar. this will cause steam to not recognise your original install, then you can "un-install from steam " this will not delete your original install, you can then "install game" and select your new hdd directory, steam will automatically detect and setup. . to revert this you can simply uninstall the game in steam, revert original game location name back, and install - locate directory again. I have no idea why Applications or games can not work with ssds. its out of my depth. but i have had issues with other Dx9 & below titles, retro etc. why I still run a 4tb sataIII HDD . All the best. Edit added = Thinking more about it.. this is odd. as i know a few people running the game on ssds. just another random hurdle in the games life span.
  24. This Episode will be felt by many players, but also why not to give up. Great Episode. Enjoy Episode 19 of the Uncut series - Day 16/ 28 for the February daily Episodes. . Hit the Like , Share ❤ , Comment your thoughts -
  25. Episode 18 of the Uncut series - Day 15/ 28 for the February daily Episodes. . Hit the Like , Share ❤ , Comment your thoughts -
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