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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Is the surprise that being able to aim at and track a target equals landing shots?
  2. CookiePuss


    Lol wtf? Is this some form of trolling I'm too old to understand?
  3. You have grenades, use them. If you are pushing a tough spot and die with grenades not thrown, you dun goofed. Outside of that, positioning and coordinated teammates as well as the proper loadouts help. I just cannot stress grenades enough though. Use them, always use them. Just dumped a mag and are already behind cover? Start cooking that nade. Think your opp is in the next room or around that corner? Pre-nade it before you push. Always Use Your Nades
  4. I mean, the middle of your screen is the middle of your screen. It's the same spot in almost any game. So most of us should have thousands upon thousands of hours focusing on that same spot. Not to say a lot of players don't use overlays, because they certainly do, but I disagree on the "whoever says contrary is either lying ng or just naive".
  5. That's anything competitive, though learning the hard way on a level playing field is one thing, learning the hard way while being more poorly equipped in weapons, vehicles, and mods is another.
  6. Unfortunately I don't play Fortnite, but I wasn't aware you leveled up and were rewarded with combat advantages.
  7. Yeah, that a completely different kind of game. Give APB a single player campaign complete with DLC, and watch pop increase. All we have is PvP, where T's with nothing but a no slot STAR and an FBW go up against fully kitted out ARMAS whoring r255's with literally every gun, car, and mod in the game. You are right though, that probably has zero impact on the current state of the game.
  8. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but don't all these games have PvE?
  9. That sucks, homie. We'll be here when you get it sorted. Don't you worry.
  10. Must be why APB is so popular. Who wouldn't want opp with more and better weapons, vehicles, and mods. Its not like people want winning to be based on skill anyways.
  11. You want to know if we've tested every video card? Didnt this card come out in 2013?
  12. Fr0g is a 45 AP up to 10m and then an fbw up to like 23m. Great guns, though the Kokoe is the best one. (3ps3)
  13. Ain't nobody wanna PvP in a game where your opp has better guns, and cars, and mods than you. Doubly so if you can buy those things for real $. Ignore this and game will continue to march towards oblivion.
  14. Try the advanced launcher, it just has sliders for different things. Character quality being one of them.
  15. Where have I seen something like that before...
  16. Make CA3 the default regen, delete the mod. Bam, EZ.
  17. Imma be honest here and say I have no idea.
  18. Perhaps you do not understand that correlation does not necessarily mean causation. Honestly maybe just sleep on it. Stop responding for now.
  19. Ive written about it at length, but its my opinion that the "failure" of APB is directly related to its decision to be both a PvP shooter AND an RPG. This wouldn't be so bad if the RPG elements did not give combat related benefit, but because they do, very rarely are you getting "fair" matches.... matches where everyone involved has access to the same things.
  20. The more you post, the more I honestly worry about your mental state. Delusions of grandeur are a very big red flag when it comes to behavioral health. You might benefit from consulting a professional. This is not a troll post, I am just being honest.
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