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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. absolutely this is me right now on live I run this weapon daily, and havent felt the need to lease an NFAS once. The only upside the NFAS has is a 0.02 faster ttk, otherwise is has less range, and larger spread, in some cases much larger spread. you can also fire at any point during the reload with the DOW. If you cant see why that would be worth a 0.02 trade off, then I cant help you.
  2. relax fam, I was trying to defuse the situation I fixed it btw you use what works for you
  3. NFAS IR3 has 17m range, DOW without IR3 has 20m range... Im not sure what you mean. Also, no one said you cant prefer the NFAS, if you like a gun better, use it.
  4. I think they were referring to the original, longer TTKs.
  5. ^this The game needs players yes, but that's not all the game needs.
  6. We should start a forum section for bugs. That kind of thing would be really helpful. /s
  7. NFAS is 0.58 ttk, the DOW is 0.60 DOW allows you to control your rate of fire. NFAS has a damage dropoff of 10m, the DOW 20m. NFAS has a spread of 150cm at 10m, the DOW 125cm at 10m. The DOW also has the ability to shrink its spread size down to 81cm at 10m at the cost of RoF. (Unless you just use it on your third shot which will give you the reduced spread for your killshot, without adding to your ttk) As I said... the NFAS is easier, but the DOW is better.
  8. I dunno, the teenager they got to write the original lore is probably all grown up and a much better writer by now. ...wouldn't feel the same.
  9. I didn't say it was easier than the NFAS, I olny said it was better.
  10. It's also pretty much useless out side of it's effective range. I'm not sure what you guys think a laser is like, but the accuracy on the ATAC is meh. First shot marksman mode is like 16cm @10m vs say 8cm @ 10m for the ntec, or like 5cm @10m for the original laser, the cr762.
  11. Might as well close the thread, more than 3/4 of voters want the system removed or changed. The people still arguing aren't going to change their minds.
  12. Very exciting to see stuff like this. Really shows LO is here for the long term. Not really my style, but my style is shit so that's probably good!
  13. Overdamage. If you land all 8 bullets from 4 bursts, you are doing 1190 damage at 35m. Damage then ramps down from there giving you a small bit of leeway.
  14. LO is aware Im sure. I think they are just having to sort of triage all the problems the game has in order to prioritize what needs doing first. ... just a guess tho
  15. Don't forget that the showstopper also has a tighter spread than the JG.
  16. If you would like, I'd be happy to meet you in game in order to demonstrate the limits of both weapons.
  17. Max damage for the PMG ends at 35m. At 40m even with a stationary target you need to rely on RNG to be able to get a single kill with s full mag. So while you can get some kills at the range you gave, it's not consistent, and it's not going to be min stk.
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