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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I also request you stop talking about things with which you have no experience. Please.
  2. Bruh stop speaking for people other than yourself. This event could launch in March and players are still going to play it. Stop acting like a spoiled child, you can do better.
  3. It's a pretty big mess still. I really hope its not for much longer.
  4. Ntec is easy and OPGL takes a ton of skill? I respectfully disagree.
  5. agreed I am part of the minority opinion that so long as APB tries to be comp shooter AND rpg that awards combat benefits through ranking up, (lets not even get into bypassing this process with real $) APB will never feel, or be seen as "fair".
  6. I think APB players fall into two camps, those that want fights to be determined more by skill, and those that don't. Id rather more skill was involved and for me explosive weapons are the opposite of skill based weapons.
  7. Unfortunately, APB has nowhere near the population required for something like this.
  8. Nearly 2020 and people are still using the term "campers" in APB.
  9. Unless having even more explosive weapons show up more regularly has a detrimental effect on gameplay and player enjoyment overall.
  10. It wouldn't be custom's fault. It'd likely be a fault with whomever LO bought the stuff from. 5 most common reasons stuff gets stuck in customs: -Missing Commercial Documents. -Broker or Notify Party Missing. -Incomplete Commercial Invoice. -Missing Country of Origin. -Missing HTS Classification. Its fun to blame the govt agency, but its likely the people shipping or receiving the items that fucked up.
  11. Maybe both, but for sure the rights to APB were bought by a player.
  12. Switching from Chrome to another browser such as Firefox does seem to prevent this from happening. (I had the same issue)
  13. Reminder that refusal to play missions is a form of griefing and can get you in trouble.
  14. Yeah, I had a feeling that might be the case.
  15. I think the issue with the guns you've mentioned (carbine, Oscar, cr762, and Obir) is that for all of them adding IR is pretty much a straight upgrade, giving them the respective ranges of 42m, 42m, 62m, 62m without any real drawbacks. On top of that both the the cr762 and Obir are still quite useful well beyond their given ranges due to overdamage... Even before you add IR3. As far as comparing the range of rifles to SMGs, you have to take into account how accurate or inaccurate the weapons are. The range on the whisper is mitigated by it's relatively poor accuracy, when compared to rifles. Take the two long range rifles, both of which are accurate enough to consistently land shots at whatever distance you set their range cap to. The whisper begins to rely on RNG at just 19m.
  16. What I wouldn't give for a forum subsection with the title: aPb pRoTeCtS cHeAtErS No offense Aqua, but I've been in district when your complaints are aired in /d, and I'm never able to find anyone cheating. It's possible you might not have the ability to spot cheaters.
  17. Time stamp for the part of the video that is relevant. That's my bad , I wasn't clear.
  18. GMs do not give information independently. All announcements come from Matt /Lixil /Selali and are made through official channels. Could you tell me what GM you spoke to, and why you think they would tell you something not known to others?
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