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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I wonder sometimes if i would be a good idea to have threat segregated forums.
  2. well heck, all guns are nicer with good fps and low latency
  3. at 100m it would take like 17seconds to get to the stunned player
  4. Both have their strengths and drawbacks. 45 has ttk and range advantage, but 5stk and a 7 round mag, and by 40m (max damage range) it gets a bit RNG-y FBW you get 15 fucking shots per mag, (only needing 6) and its plenty accurate for its intended range
  5. ngl, 20 people on top of a firetruck all shooting firework launchers on the 4th of July does sound pretty wild
  6. Simple yet effective solution. Consider me in favor of this option.
  7. While I don't know if any of that is possible, or if they even could add the taggers I mentioned, but I do kind of feel that if they've anything to sell they should sell it. ( and they may already be doing that) I also have never run a company of this nature, so that's a caveat on any suggestions I have.
  8. Could release all the custom taggers. Would rather have new stuff than keep 5 or 6 players happy... Not sure if more than 1 of then even play anymore and most players that still do never heard of the taggers or the story behind them.
  9. Faster rof and +1 stk with the same ttk make the gun viable outside of corners. Without that cover, the slower rof makes missing in the open a death sentence.
  10. Cars put themselves out in seconds, then poof from existence. Everything else is either completely indestructible, or magically replaces itself in seconds. You want any kind of realism AT ALL, you are playing the wrong game.
  11. Anyone who prefers to play a game where the game itself doesn't fuck them over with it's shit performance.
  12. Play daily, have for years. Nearly 6,000 hours. At least on Jericho I can't even remember the last Chester I saw. If someone says there are cheaters in bronze, I'm going to throw up.
  13. You don't gain threat when doing poorly. Threat is aggregated across several matches. When your icon changes color after doing bad, it's because you didn't do "bad enough" to prevent your averaged threat across all those matches to be raised. It kinda sounds like you don't really understand how APBs threat calculation even works.
  14. Oh Im Jericho through and through. Remember when we used to make fun of Han? Karma caught up to us.
  15. I don't have a comment, I'm just in awe of the statement.
  16. Like the box drops, but doesnt resupply? Or it doesnt even drop?
  17. Sorry I wasnt making fun or anything, I just like adding that phrase for the players who have the "Just (insert thing here as if its that easy)" attitude. "Just update the engine" "Just let players be shot inside cars" "Just add horses and a beach district"
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