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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. CookiePuss


    As in they cheat on stream? They cheat off stream but not on stream? They cheated at some point in the past and you just assume they still cheat? They cheated at some point in the past so once a cheater always a cheater? I don't play in bronze districts, so I'm not sure exactly what is meant.
  2. No crying, just more playing other games. It works, its just bugged. LO decided to remove it rather than fix it.
  3. Every time you bring up the True Ogre, you lose more credibility. Never mind, you have none left.
  4. Y'all bronze district players are wild, man. if it works it works.
  5. Sorry, the issue is that you think HVR perc CQC is an actual viable strategy like... ever.
  6. I had a feeling you didn't really know what you were talking about, and this confirmed that suspicion.
  7. This has happened before? Did you think it fixed itself?
  8. As I understand it, threat distribution in APB looks something like this. Everyone's voice is being heard. New players, old players, green players, gold players, and everyone in between. Just because your issue isn't being given the attention you think it deserves doesn't mean it wasn't heard. Just because you don't get the change you want, doesn't mean no one cares. Also, the only consistent thing about player opinions is inconsistency, and this is true regardless of threat. To pretend all (insert color here) feel the same way about anything is to be dishonest. Honestly, that's the first time I've heard those words used together. Meta is what its always been... f2p guns.
  9. The CSG has tighter spread and more range than the JG, so I'm not sure your representation is accurate.
  10. By 'types of people" do you mean the people who kept the game alive, who kept playing while you bailed on us?
  11. I promise, I'll stop. --------------------------------------- I don't know the answer to these questions. SPCT was more Matt's thing, and the GM program I think was Lixil. I guess that could be a reason too? Or what Kevkof said, maybe GMs need anonymity to work. And maybe SPCT needs to be publicly accountable. I've no idea.
  12. Just buy the Juggenaut pack then. Best thing we can do, is give feedback. I do think most players agree some of these weapons need to be looked at.
  13. Bold of you to assume SPCT agree on anything. #BringBackJumpscouting We just test and maybe make bad jokes with like 2 LO staff. It's not what you think it is, not at all.
  14. Hmmm... maybe I should have worded this differently. In no way is it impossible to kill with any weapon in the game, and of course better players beat worse players. But aside from cold hard statistical imbalance, perception is ultimately what matters. If it looks imbalanced, if it feels imbalanced that's what matters. Does anyone ever wonder why new players who quit are often those who call the game p2w? Imagine its day 1 for you on APB. You have one primary and one secondary, one type of grenade, and one vehicle. You are thrown into matches against players who have different and thus more situation specific weapons, as well as better version of not just the gun you have, but better guns within that class. They have character mods and consumables you do not, they have far superior vehicles in literally every aspect. You ask players, "what gun/car/mod is that? How do I get it?" There are two answers to this question: -tedious progression -real $ purchases So in this instance, it matters less the veracity of the sentiment, but rather the perception that matters. -On a side note, being SPCT gives me no more input or control over what changes are made to this game than you or anyone else that gives input. I can promise you this. So when I'm posting, it has zero to do with LO. It's just another player giving their opinion.- -all imbalance complaints come from statistical values and the scenario of combat between two players of equal skill-
  15. Please don't misunderstand. When I hit r255 on a character, I don't ever really play it again, I just start a new one. Obviously all of us here love the game, I know I do. I think I was trying to make a broader point about why I think the game hasn't had wider appeal.
  16. No no no, I didnt mean they'd perma ban you. In fact its super hard to get a perma ban on the forums. And I do get what you mean, a message would be nice but often the reason something gets deleted is obvious once the rules are read. Btw Im not defending the rules either... but we don't really have a say in what those are, so I've just learned to go with it.
  17. Hi can I request a round played with fragile, epi, blowtorch, and firework launcher only? Thanks. Its cuz Exo is so sexy no one would watch the gameplay if they could see his face.
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