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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I mean... you kinda are new. New account anyways, amirite?
  2. Bruh if you need mods n money n shizz... just hit me up, I got you fams. I would just gift you some premium, but yeah... thats not a thing anymore.
  3. I dont really care much about the other stuff, but the whole gifting thing has been handled poorly for sure.
  4. I only joined once they were in OC. Lets just say it was "interesting". Though I do think they had fun.
  5. Kemp doesnt feel joy. He is a humanoid robot that runs on a blend of ponytail and mustache.
  6. Those poor console bastards. I say give them whatever they want .
  7. Fun fact: Nuclear generating stations are just fancy steam engines!
  8. Yeah, I had that fantasy too. A little something something for us whales. Oh well... honestly Im just kinda bummed theres nothing besides premium that I still want / need to buy.
  9. Artstyle schmartstyle... I just want stable servers. (sorry, was a rough day full of warping)
  10. The "Hoplon Refugees" as some have called them, saved Jericho from death. I for one am glad to have them. Jericho really WOULD be Han 2.0 otherwise. And seeing as how most of Jericho's population speaks either Portuguese or Spanish, I hope they do get those translations.
  11. Matt said they were aware of this and had fixed it.
  12. Was short lived, but fun. Except for Lixil shooting me in the back of course.
  13. Can we maybe make people's in game threat and what district they play in visible on the forums?
  14. Ramraiding only exists as it does because the game has no population. That is, if you are ram raiding in an empty district, you are not ram raiding as was intended by the makers of APB. Also, speaking from experience, you can easily make $100,000 every 40 minutes or so ram raiding. Ive never made that much doing missions.
  15. Ok.. Baylan is going to make you really, really hate the HVR. Best bet is to grab an ntec, keep away from open spaces, and most of all... HAVE FUN!
  16. You forgot to add all the silver symbols above their heads.
  17. It happens when your cheat isnt configured right.
  18. Once, I asked Reverse to go easy on me. He then killed me with a blowtorch. Luckily no footage exists of this incident. ... I really need to stop telling this story.
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