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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I swear to god, if this is a "every player should have access to everything at the start of the game" thread, Im going to bed.
  2. ... I knew I was going to regret this thread.
  3. ... I knew I was going to regret this thread.
  4. Come on bruh... really?
  5. Whisper CSG Fang Ok, the Fang does have 7m more range than the in game RFP .45 AP DMR- AV As far as the Yukon Nano UL3, there is the in game marketplace if for whatever reason you actually prefer these.
  6. As has been said, the Vas-R2 is an ntec reskin, and the C9 is an OCA reskin You can get 0 and 1 slot ATACs from the joker store (Yes, not the 3 slots of ARMAS) All legendaries can be bought in game (Ive owned them all, never bought a JMB) But for what its worth I dont even find those guns to be great (I own both and use neither) Ursus is same ttk, same range as Ntec, just 1 less stk but with a slower rate of fire, this also makes the Ursus slightly less forgiving in cqc (Ursus does have a slightly further min damage dropoff as well) The Yukon is the fastest ttk in APB at .45 seconds, but is only effective in that mode up to around 7m. In its marksman firing mode the Yukon is a slower RFP (.45 burst interval vs .35 for the RFP).
  7. I know Im going to regret asking this, but what weapons are you talking about?
  8. If you have recorded evidence of purposeful dethreating, upload it and send the link to LO support. This is the kind of thing temp bans are for.
  9. True. Very true. ... now Im a little worried.
  10. No bullshoot, can I use this as my sig?
  11. I laughed way harder at this than a grown man probably should.
  12. Honestly I think im just bitter Ive already bought so much.
  13. Bro, you should TOTALLY work for LO. Somebody put this guy in charge!
  14. The problem with matchmaking is people think it can be perfected. ... gottem
  15. oof... been holding that in for a while now eh? Do you need a hug?
  16. I do not. There is a hot steaming pile of garbage outside tho, does that count?
  17. No lifers with 5k hours or more. Wait, we are just saying mean things right?
  18. Fang is 47m, but yeah pretty strong.
  19. Just 1. But afaik Kemp hasnt defended me. So take that nerd.
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