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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Thats a hard no from me. Games cost money, and that money has to come from somewhere. You either charge to play, charge for customization, or you charge for better equipment. Personally Id rather have limited customization and be able to play for free, while not being gimped in combat. But thats just me.
  2. Well said. Well said indeed. This actually made me feel better. Thanks!
  3. I dont understand what you are saying Katchwi.
  4. If the threat / matchmaking systems were flawless this would be true. But since they arent, it isnt.
  5. Awww... but Im nais gai! But I think I get what you mean, both threat determination and matchmaking leave much to be desired. I wish LO luck in improving them.
  6. I dont think I understand what you are trying to say.
  7. I feel you man, it sucks to not have fun while playing. Hopefully once BE is running full bore, you will see a lot less cheating. Kudos to you for deciding to stick to silver districts, I remember all too well how difficult the transition from bronze to silver can be. I wish I had more advice to give you, but at least until BE is ready, all you can really do is turn of chat, and focus on you. Best of luck my guy.
  8. There is nothing wrong with having fluctuating threat. There is something wrong with INTENTIONALLY lowering your threat. If you go back and forth bewteen silver and bronze districts naturally, thats totally fine. If you in any way purposefully do poorly in matches in order to lose threat you can and should be punished. Its really not that complicated.
  9. I think the GMs being chosen will largely fill this role. But I gotta say, I like the idea of the tutorial being able to tell new players which GMs are online, and how to contact them. Would be a nice way to kind of make up for what I believe is a seriously weak tutorial.
  10. Correct me if Im wrong, but it seems like this system would be even easier to exploit than the current one. At least now people have to put in SOME work in order to continually stomp noobs, but this system would basically allow them to do it permanently and without consequence.
  11. Oh Im the same, Ive been playing for like 4 years or so now... maybe have 3k joker tickets total lol.
  12. Yeah, I feel you there for sure... I shudder every time I think about how much Ive spent on APB. And while you can get the ISSRB Wisp (Dog Ear remesh) from the joker store It would be really nice to see even a no slot version available from contacts in the future... Its just such an amazing weapon.
  13. I always ALWAYS switch to my Dog Ear for these missions. Allows you to quickly and easily pick off car surfers (as well as blowtorch healers), deal hard damage, and retreat inside the vehicle when injured since it can be fired out of a window. I also equip blowtorch myself, and expect my team to do the same. Ideal setup is1 driver, 3 Dog Ears (Or Wisp from the Joker store), and 3 blowtorches. Makes for laughably easy pickings of carsurfing ALIG or OSMAW / Volcano users, and equally quick work of the armored truck.
  14. I think its pink eye. Send medicine please.
  15. People always acting like only their opp has nades or only their opp can spam them, or that there arent other things you can do vs nade spam. Adapt and overcome my friends, adapt and overcome.
  16. Geez calm down, you act like this guys is intentionally dethreating to stay in bronze district where he can farm noobs.
  17. Yes, the advanced launcher is allowed.
  18. I just feel like it would both slow down, and dumb down the gameplay. APB can be highly tactical, and I for one love this about the game. That being said, changes do need to be made for the game to thrive, so Im willing to give anything a shot.
  19. This gif sums up my feelings about this thread.
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