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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Wise words. Ive owned every legendary several times over. All either came from gold boxes, or the in game marketplace. And Im a "relatively" newcomer to apb.
  2. Just what APB needs, Neo / Columbine / Blade cosplay.
  3. you work with APB vault? Speed IS apb vault
  4. Last I heard, APB hadn't made a profit for G1 in over 2 years prior to the acquisition. But again, that's just rumor, none of us actually have the inside info we'd need to really have good opinions on this.
  5. Part of me wants you to show your work. But assuming you are correct, while I am sympathetic to the player, Im also sympathetic to the company that needs to turn a profit. And without access to info that would tell me how much LO relies on JMB income, I cant really give an opinion on what LO "should" do.
  6. I'm sure no one would mind better drop rates. But afaik, APB's rates aren't really any worse than most games. Devils advocate: You dont have to buy them.
  7. Oh thanks swft... Might try it on one of my lesser used accounts tonight.
  8. I do hate encountering one of these, and having to rip my headphones off of my head. I recently sustained an injury to one of my ear drums, so it doesnt take much to cause me physical pain. Very tempted to just delete the corresponding files... but I know nothing about how BE works and if that might be a problem.
  9. btw thanks for this and the other thread Tobii
  10. I think its Engine Upgrade / Update. But yeah, shit gets confusing.
  11. Say what you will about LO, they are clearly not afraid of change. Testing this is gonna be fun, so lets all get on OTW to do our part. Remember, if you dont join in the testing, YOU DONT GET TO COMPLAIN! Anyhoo, if anyone sees me on, HMU. Im happy to volunteer for data gathering ie: letting you kill me.
  12. and what did it cost you? Got mine from a gold loyalty box, as well as an Ursus.
  13. The time changes. Even this week joker displays were as much as 6 hours different. Also, when I used to buy them a lot, had to set an alarm for the middle of the night to snatch em. This week was anywhere from 11am to 5pm.
  14. I was planning on rebutting your claims, but then you called the manic non competitive and now I just cant stop laughing.
  15. I dont understand why people still think changing threat names or colors, or even the number of threats would have any effect on the game. Its still going to be the same players with the same actual skill. So whether its the 40 threat levels we have, or 50, or 5, or 3. It will make no difference since it wont change anyones actual ELO rating ( or rather APBs version). So if your ELO is 800 (arbitrary number), it doesnt matter if that makes you Gold 6, Platinum, just "gold", or silver, or bronze, or some new name / color... you are still an ELO 800 player, and matchmaking will still match you against the same players it always has.
  16. it's in the game right? You can test the Thunder on OTW, but the JMB has yet to be added to ARMAS. Side note: the Thunder skin has glowing lightning bolts!
  17. Showstopper is available both in the Joker store, and on ARMAS. Its actually pretty cheap on ARMAS too.
  18. The only issue I have is shotguns now rule cqc class weapons. There is no longer any reason to use an smg, as shotguns are now so incredibly forgiving. Not the end of the world, Ive simly swapped my OCA and Whisper for my Country Gent and Tas20 Stock. Still, its hard to call this result "balance"... "change" might be a more accurate description.
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