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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Honestly, we have so few players lately... I dont understand why everything isnt on ARMAS. Literally how is LO paying their APB staff?
  2. What, you arent looking forward to the plethora of 2v5 matches coming your way with phasing? Cuz I know Im not.
  3. Man... if consoles are averaging less than 500 players as well... thats not a good sign.
  4. All console gets is shat on. Im honestly surprised anyone plays console APB, let alone spends money on it.
  5. Geez my man... there like 500 people on average playing this game, most of them freeloaders... and you want sales???
  6. Nothing shown in that video, at least from the standpoint of symbols was bannable. So whatever reason for his ban, that isnt it.
  7. At least PC apb is sometimes playable. Console players have been shat on since day one. PC nerds just dont realize how good they've got it.
  8. sUpPoRt iS dOiNg a gReAt jOb
  9. I "may" have gotten myself into trouble again. This "may" have resulted in me needing to be babysat by some poor forum mod, forced to read any and all of my posts in order for them to be approved. ... "allegedly".
  10. I really feel for the console players cuz yeah, they do have it worse.
  11. I thought this was already stated to be the case?
  12. It can be frustrating, the current state of the game. We only gained like 8 players on average with the new game mode. Missions are more broke than they've been in some time. And yeah, its a bit frustrating that little good has yet come of weapon balance.
  13. All rewards on 3 characters. But just the ghost skin and 2 of the new skins on the rest. I didnt want all the rewards. I also did not do the pumpkin search for the same reason.
  14. Yood the rewards were made public some time ago. Why did you play the event if you didn't want the rewards? And if you had fun playing the event, this completely new event, well isn't that reward enough?
  15. You are late my friend. Its all been sorted. (Not sure if the Bill & Ted's quote makes me love or hate this TGM.)
  16. Sorry that was shitty trolling on my part. Both of those people are me.
  17. Yeah one would think the RFPs all have the same base stats, with only the mods causing changes. I wonder how long its been like this, I dont think Ive even heard many complaints about the Talon in regards to range.
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