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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Adjusting the weapons and bringing them into balance so that these accounts dont go to waste seems pretty fair to me. I doubt any of these players would rather their accounts be useless.
  2. The most important thing is to try when you play. So long as you do that, it doesn't matter if you end up qualifying for bronze or silver districts. Its only an issue if you purposefully lose matches and do poorly in order to deflate your threat so you can play in a district in which you do not belong.
  3. Just move closer to the server. GG EZ.
  4. If district chat is anything to go by, im super "speshul".
  5. I felt the same way tbh, but I think in the end it was more important to LO that they be transparent about who we are. GMs need the anonymity because they can and do take action against players, whereas all we do is test stuff.
  6. There will always be threat levels, as that is how matchmaking is done.
  7. The most recent exploit allowing for speedhacking has been patched out, yes. This is how cheats work, cheaters find one exploit, devs fix it, cheaters look for another and so on and so forth. But my point was you are claiming things exist currently, and yet cannot show any proof to back it up.
  8. I mean... Cool down timers are an issue as well as the Fang. So we aren't completely free of p2w aspects. And if he's an old player the Nano used to be p2w as well as the Troublemaker. ... Buncha booliez
  9. lol no, he was very public about it in /d his strategy was to forfeit any long missions like creme de la crime entirely, as well as any defend missions (I do not recommend this, it makes teammates very angry)
  10. Im kind of on the fence with this one. Part of the reason I have 11 characters is because I hate playing without being able to rank up (like when wf is dead on jericho). But then again, if we didnt HAVE to play waterfront to rank up its contacts, you might was well delete the district altogether. I guess like so many other problems, the only really good solution may be somehow increasing overall game population.
  11. For me at least, difference in trial times between prem and non prem make even less sense than the cooldown timer difference. Surely allowing the proper testing of weapons would only help sales?
  12. Im not sure if you were implying this (you very well may not have been) but just in case... you cannot fire any weapon faster than its actual RoF, even with a macro.
  13. Poor guy is getting some well deserved time off... those LO folks have been working like mad lately.
  14. Like others I do not think there has been any change to the ntec bloom curve, but it looks like we will have to wait for @LO_Beastie to have a chance to weigh in before we can be sure.
  15. Yeah I should have been more clear before, sorry about that. I also think its a bad idea not to be able to trial weapons before buying. I do not think the Joker Store is a viable substitute for trials in its current state. My previous statement only meant that as far as earning joker tickets goes, I believe you should have to put in some effort.
  16. Speed has access to all the current files. (I guess I should say "vault" instead of DB maybe... cuz yeah apbdb is terribly out of date)
  17. Yeah but at least we don't have any power over anyone or anything.
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