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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Im just impressed a cat, even a tuxedo wearing one can type, let alone game. Good kitty!
  2. Fun fact: if everyone who could attain gold in bronze played in silver districts, you'd have fairer matches in both bronze AND silver But that would require decent human beings.
  3. All depends on what kind of game you want to make, and how frustrated you want to allow players to feel. Also as I understand it, the plan for 3.5 is that once in a mission you will pass right through any player driven vehicles not in the same mission. So there's that.
  4. Both the CSG and the NFAS have a damage drop-off of 10m. The DOW, 20M. Also if you are using any other shotgun, especially the NFAS at 17m... I don't even know what to say to you.
  5. Probably not the kind of people you want to play with anyways.
  6. I'm sorry, are you saying there was a point people didn't complain that matchmaking was broken?
  7. TIL it is impossible for weapons in a video game to be unbalanced.
  8. I think you mean from 3 to 4. And as I see it, the problem stems from the buff given by the per ray damage scale.
  9. Matchmaking can only do so much with 40 players to choose from, most of whom will already be in a match.
  10. I can't imagine an adjustment won't happen once LO is able to once again focus on weapon balance. I've cheesed the NFAS plenty myself. Not great in all situations, but cqc? It dominates more than it should.
  11. God I hope not... Things did not go well for me when old G1 was around.
  12. Honestly, you'd have to be a pretty big snowflake to not be able to take criticism online from a bunch of random goofballs. I cannot even imagine being that sensitive.
  13. Sure. Sitting Duck is the best scout. Has a tagger and you can equip CJ3. Firework launcher is just free wallhacks. DOW is the best shotgun. Nearly the same ttk as the NFAS, but you can control your RoF and it has twice the range of any other shotgun. (We don't talk about the shredder) The Thunder, while a secondary, is still a shotgun and plays like one. If you can corner camp, it's just as deadly as any other shotgun, and it's also somewhat forgiving in a cqc wasd 1v1. The New Glory, for me is just meh. It has no niche in which it shines. I have owned one since day one, but I cannot find any scenario in which I wouldn't be better off using another weapon. P.S. sorry for knocking the Shredder
  14. Sad but true. Many players have abandoned Jericho for Citadel. I would have myself, but inferior routing gives me 250ms+ on Citadel.
  15. Trash is a pretty strong word. But for me the only legendaries I use (and I've used them all) are the sitting duck the DOW the firework launcher and on occasion, the Thunder. But to give my opinions, Hazardous is just a downgraded 3 slot m1922. The EOL are just inferior grenade launchers. The UL-3 can be used well by some, but there's still little reason to use them over the meta secondaries or even the N-FA 9. The nano is fine, and a good weapon for new or less skilled players, but Id still prefer the FBW to it. (Not to mention the .45 AP or the various RFPs) The reaper, while not s terrible weapon, is just a downgraded scout. The Anubis, for me, simply has no niche in which it outperforms it's counterparts. The commander, much like the RSA is just not great, and for me would never be picked over say the Fang, even with the range difference. The piercing mod may be useful in rare occasions, but IMO that isn't enough to make it worth equipping. The True Ogre is too niche... Unless used on defense with corner to camp, it's just an NFAS with a .99 ttk. The bullshark is just an Obir with a goofy mod, one that for me at least makes it harder to use than the standard Obir. Cap 40 doesn't suck, but again for me is simply outclassed by both the OCA and the Manic, as well as the PMG. The Ursus while not at all a bad gun, is more or less inferior to the NTEC-5. It's worse in cqc, and beyond it's given range, become +1stk before the standard NTEC-5. It does have 1 less stk, but it still has the same ttk as the standard NTEC. The OCSP is just an FBW with +1 stk and a longer ttk. It does have better initial accuracy, but by the 3rd shot has worse accuracy than the FBW. The volcano has its uses, the airbust at max range for instance can be useful, but anywhere the volcano can airbust the OPGL can more efficiently bombard. And as far as just straight up maining the Volcano, you'd be better off just maining the OSMAW. The huntress is a decent weapon, can be modded in several ways, all of which are efficient. It's not really better than the classic carbine, but it's not really worse either. The main reason I don't use it is carpal tunnel syndrome from too much clicking lol. The condor is identical to the other raptors, except for it's unique mod making it invisible on radar for the first 3 shots when full auto, and doesn't appear at all past 50m. While the 3 shots part might be useful in lower level gameplay, it makes little to no difference vs good players, and being invisible past 50m is useless as the base accuracy of the weapon is too poor to hit at that range. For these reasons I see the Condor as only being equal to the other Raptor guns (which I have account bound). The Medusa, while not a terrible weapon, is simply inferior to the Euryale / Stheno which are deadly accurate immediately, whereas the medusa takes time to get there, plus Muzzle Brake works on the non legendaries, making them easier to handle. The Yukon, after the RoF fix is now no better than the other mounties while hipfiring, and is an inferior rfp in marksman mode.
  16. I don't disagree on this point. But we all have the ability to choose how we act going forward.
  17. If there's no visible threat, how will you know when to dethreat?
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