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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. This is true. We can however alert LO staff directly, so there is that.
  2. How many staff would you hire in this case? How would you train them? How much time and money would it take to train them? Do you just fire everyone once the load is handled?
  3. Tha'ts exactly why I explained that it doesn't mean they are new players. They could have had 10 r255 characters to go with their new one. Would you rather they fought actual noobs?
  4. Luckily LO gives SPCT perma gold. (this isn't true, so calm down nerds)
  5. No sir. I am confident I am the only one stuck with my poo poo ISP. Honestly I wish the occasional error 8 was the only issue I had.
  6. I wanna say if you make a new character on an existing account, it will say T but as with any character on that same account, threat is account wide. So those Ts could be the best players in the game, just on new characters.
  7. I've had this a few times recently. I just played something else for a little while and then came back and it worked. No idea what caused it or what fixed it.
  8. Normally the devs would know as soon as the players. The real issue is there isn't always something that can be done. But you can always post here. And GMs do have discord accounts, so you can poke them there, or even poke an SPCT if you are truly concert that LO has no idea.
  9. Sometimes I feel like "op" is not the best term as well. Since people tend to associate it with something being absolutely broken. ...we need better words
  10. btw OSCAR FBW-SD and OBIR are all meta weapons, one of which is already being nerfed and the other two are likely to be nerfed in the future due to their outperforming other weapons
  11. What can a GM do about external attacks? If that is even what is happening.
  12. Laughs in continuous cyber attacks on Jericho for years.
  13. I don't know, I'm familiar with the very best players in the game. The ones so good they get win streaks as long as their play session. Good, honest, friendly people. All use meta weapons. It's a competitive game, if you don't want to be competitive, play something else.
  14. Laughs in Pioneer which shrugs off all attacks that immediately detonate non heavy vehicles. Laughs in Pioneer / Espacio which simply rams light vehicles into walls to make them explode. Honestly my man... Playing with anything non heavy is just handicapping yourself.
  15. For real money, you can reset your name right now.
  16. That's not how it works though. If you were to exclude nonpaying members from the population, APB could not function. Kind of hard to make money without a game. It's called capitalism, you really should look it up. Could have been anything, really. Like the game being old, outdated as fuck, stale, poorly performing, and with an abysmal new player experience. It's not easy getting people to pay for a turd.
  17. I think you posted the wrong screenshot homie. All I see is 2 golds vs 2 golds.
  18. Weird that you pretend to have any idea at all what LO is doing. You know... Since you don't.
  19. I am often impressed how you can use some many words, and say nothing. Well played.
  20. I guess... if making the first free weapon players unlock worse, is somehow helpful.
  21. You dont understand, there is MORE to do now than there was before the joker store change. If they werent bored before, they wont be now.
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