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Everything posted by ReaperTheButcher

  1. f28406912c6963cb69c759f31e3134c1.png



    Haven't played at all since 2018 + all the roles completed back in 2015...

  2. What do you mean !!! i did all my kills there its a pretty good map (242k)
  3. "I'm guessing weeks not months"-MattScott, we already heard that somewhere else, he really likes the ''weeks''.
  4. It became sh*t after the spawn system rework..
  5. Their potato-wagon of a server is overheating more often
  6. Remove you from the forums will be a nice start.
  7. Be surprised its very easy to bypass and it does not block macro software unfortunately, it might block AutoHotKey but thats about it.
  8. Lets give you an explanation, they cant simply detect a macro scripted through lets say Logitech G HUB or the Bloody mouse software, the only way to detect a macro user is to have a SGM to spectate the macro user and wait for him to empty his magazine, when his magazine will be empty the macro will obviously keep inputing M1 and you will distinctly hear the hammer of the gun go TRRRRRRRRRRR, thats how the insiders on the old G1 team did it eg. manual FairFight bans alot of them were legits just used macro.. Merged. Black bars eliminate the enlarged UI.
  9. They cant detect a hardware based software macro. Merged. We will always find a way to run the game on lower resolutions, it is not hard at all.
  10. Yup i can confirm it after a 7221 hours of playing fightclub like a 1024x768 black bars which is a 4:3 ratio will be great for the m1922 and .45 because vertical recoil feels better, while 16:9 ratio is better for SHAW because horizontal recoil feels better but worse for lets say the .45 and OSCAR because you have to manage the vertical recoil more.
  11. No different, they failed, they stay quiet from the embarrassment.
  12. Dont bother hoping for something that wont come, they are no different than G1.
  13. Great, thanks for the video i'll be sure to watch it.
  14. They crumble under their last failed Beta ''stress test'' with the unbelievable login problem.
  15. You can even play on a 200k$ supercomputer, if you manipulate the game by exploit/cheating and break the TOS your account will be eradicated.
  16. Not the brightest people here. (battle-eye is very easy to bypass, on a task manager level even)
  17. There is still HOPE dont give up !! (pro gamer)
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