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Everything posted by ReaperTheButcher

  1. My second entry for the challange: this is The Yes Men, a men of few words, this mysterious figure was last spotted in asylum back in 1976, since then he loomed the shadows of san-paro untill he re-emerged following the news of the Joker renovation programme, for once in his lifetime he found his fate as a Joker Associate doing what he does best, being mysteriously convincing.
  2. Seems like everything basic is wrong with the Engine upgrade right now, better release it fully functional and dont disappoint the community with something that is not 100% when we wait for it since q1 2014..
  3. This is Sir John Samuelsson, a member of the royal San-Paro Family which owns joker distribution as a family buissness since its founding in 2012, and is an overseeing commander overlooking the current Joker renovation programme.
  4. Only a reminder of what faction cheated more, naughty enforcers
  5. M1922 supposed to be challenging, well not so much for me.
  6. probably a new contact that will have access to the new stuff releasing untill the 24th hopefully MAKE SOMETHING MORE EXPENSIVE THEN 30K JT..
  7. You only completed one role to 16 you cant relate, what i am saying is that they should not change the kill count to complete the role, maybe lower the rewards to lower ranks of the role, the kill count shouldnt change at all, it is just a chrome skin at the end so those people who accomplished it should be respected, and it was fairly fine and no body complained about it all those years the game exist, dont fix whatever is not broken as they say. maybe make something beyond rank 16 like a total kill counter with the role weapons.
  8. In conclusion @Mattscott alot of people will like to see this game mechanic comeback in some way, and it will bring new/old dynamical feeling to the firefights, literally.
  9. I mean what can go wrong if we do a 1-2 weeks of trail of sprintshooting and make a survey or ask players in the remaining twitch community and in social what is their feedback, nothing can go wrong now literally alot people will appreciate this and it will bring new/old dynamic feeling to the games firefights once again, and if this will become a problem of some sort to people who will complain about the OSCAR, this weapon is actually too versatile at the moment the same reason why the NTEC was nerfed in the first place, removal of sprintshooting hurt more of none meta weapons (COBR-A, HVR 243 and alot more) then it is ''nerfing'' OSCAR and SR 15 half-assed because of their movement and accuracy, this shouldnt have been the reason of removing sprintshooting in the first place imo.
  10. if you really want an actual data to back this up, do a survey, i for sure know the core of APB's community would like this change, retaining old players while bringing new interesting changes for the new players is what will heal this game imo. (Beside this was a change that most twich streamers didnt like in the first place)
  11. We need to bring things like this to the attention of LO which most of the old community would like to bring back and i believe the new community will appreciate this change, as without this the game feels just weird and the movements out of place really, not to mention alot of other weapons had suffered from this change so it will bring them on par with other meta weapons lets say the scout will be able to stand its own against an HVR.
  12. Any old player here would know that in closed beta and untill 2011, there wasnt any sprintshooting same like in the present, sprintshooting was added later on at 2011 untill it was fixed again, i would personally like to see a comeback of some sort of sprintshooting, as i believe this added more dynamics to the movements and the only reason it was fixed i believe was because of the oscar crazy strafes so it was intended as a sort of mainly an oscar ''nerf'', what do you think ?
  13. The gun itself isnt as rare as it was before the event where you could open new accounts and grind joker box 9's and literally get the rare FFA multiple times, it was 25m at its peak, now its maybe 16m max. If you think this is outrageous, take a look at the OCSP 'joker' its crazy.
  14. The last time i heard the sound of ranking up a role was back in 2015, and i dont have other characters and i still remember its 10k
  15. from 0 to 15 its 10k kills, from 15 to 16 is 10k kills, so total 20k kills with the weapon to finish the role, he said 50k kills its 5 weapon roles 10k kills each for rank 15
  16. France actually looks like SPCT chrome skin which for me doesnt matter.. because i have both..
  17. It might be a good idea to suggest this system to LO and see how it goes, what can go wrong when everything is literally wrong right now, untill the EU and their way of fixing matchmaking this might help.
  18. Yes ranking up the contacts might feel extra grindy to people without premium subscription, to the dethreating problem, this was dealt with before when G1 decided that people who become gold in a silver/bronze district will have certain penalty like less money and standing from completing missions, and golds only could enter gold and ect.. it was good for the new commers untill it was cancled.
  19. The gun is fine and it can outgun an OCA/PMG (people don't appreciate the 1922 because of the recoil) just fine i did multiple blizzkrieg 4's with it in asylum going against other smgs head on, just look at how DogFish from bitfenix played with it and it will give you the idea of what i talk about, by no means its a meta weapon, It will be fun having the SWARM recoil system on it if anything.
  20. You guys are just casuals to be honest, the recoil is next to nothing atleast for me and other accomplished players if you do not believe me, meet me in game and i wll show you.
  21. This is simple, there is base accuracy while standing, base accuracy while moving and accuracy degradation while shooting a gun which is called bloom, an FBW or anything that is not a rifle of any sort shouldnt be pinpoint accurate since this is the unique nature of the game, there are no head shots of any sort in this game that require weapons to be pinpoint everything revolves around how much body shots you can land no matter where. This is a basic mechanic of the game mind you.
  22. This is what World of Warcraft did, but APB doesn't have enough players to make enough money from selling cosmetics and subscription of premium only.
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